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Everything posted by ajzepp

  1. You got that right...sounds like the perfect time to revist this! (possible NSFW!) http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/151381-caption-the-photo-possible-nsfw/
  2. Some would argue that was Buddy Ryan's first superbowl win
  3. Stevie is going to have a monster year...
  4. I just saw what is easily my favorite film of 2013... I loved every minute of it...much different film than I was expecting. I give it a 9.5/10
  5. The Zooperstars set the bar so high that most acts pale in comparison.
  6. (oops, sorry...didn't mean to laugh in here...forgot which board I was on for a minute...won't happen again)
  7. If the Republicans have any shot at winning in 2016, what they need is for a sex tape between Cruz and Hillary to surface. The Dems would have no shot, cause the Republicans would get a huge boost from the sympathy vote.
  8. Yes, I'd say we upgraded tremendously from Sharon...lol That makes (at least) three of us, brother
  9. I liked the first three eps of Ray Donovan...still need to watch the most recent. Jury still out on this one for me, but I love the subject material. I've seen the first episode of Orange/Black and will prob watch at least the next few to see where it goes. Let me know what you think of it after you give it a go.
  10. I would really hate that. I think that would be a total cop out, personally. There is an opportunity here to really do something special, and it's hard for me to imagine a quick and dirty ending being special. But based on early results, I'm geting nervous. What I'd like to see is the show starting to go into the same direction as always, with Dex trying to track down and get close to some murderer, and then just out of the blue have the FBI show up and throw the whole thing into a tailspin. No telegraphing his capture by introducing some FBI guys and how they're closing in on Dex....just skip the build-up, no foreshadowing, just BOOM, they show up, break down the doors, and Dex is being hauled away in cuffs. Then starts the trial, the blow up of all the interpersonal drama, and ultimately a particular fate for Dex. That's how I'd do it, anyway.
  11. Seems like a lot of you guys are liking the Downton Abbey show...I may need to check that out.
  12. I just haven't ever seen her talk about winning the game. To me it seems as if it's more of a baby w/out it's pacifier. When Helen thinks that the house is strategizing against her, she's cries and whines. When she has everyone conforming to her kumbaya master plan, she sits there and sucks on that thing til her heart's content. I dunno, it's clear she's intelligent, I just don't think she has any real desire for the actual game of BB.
  13. lol, pretty sure it was invented out your way, eh?
  14. It was annoying back in the 80s for cripes sake lol
  15. Like, I'm not really sure if, like, I can, like, watch this big brother after dark show anymore...like, all these girls do is, like, talk about dumb stuff and, like, constantly use words, like....well...LIKE, for example. It just, like, gets really...like...annoying.
  16. Exactly...the question turns into a statement.
  17. Yeah, I never could get into that show either...
  18. It absolutely is, but when it's the SAME person you're asking over and over, that question begins to turn into a statement...that's when Coach appears to have become irritated and I think it's completely understandable. Exactly how many times do these idiot media people think they need to ask the same question of the same person before they'll crack and the REAL truth will come out? Marrone's job is to coach the players who are available to him. He's been very consistent since day one, whether it was refusing to discuss Kolb before the contract was signed, or Byrd, or whoever else...if the player is not on the field ready to be coached, then he's not the guy to be coming to for answers. From time to time in the medical field, someone presents with an issue that is not able to be diagnosed immediately. I have no idea if that's the case here or not, but it would be a far more reasonable assumption to make than to assume that Coach has some magic threshold where if you ask him a question enough times, THEN the truth comes out. Maybe Sal Moronara and these other folks need to interview this guy...
  19. Exactly...this whole thing is absurd.
  20. lol...I totally get it, man...I used to swear by the fact that I was movies and sports only, and that I really had no time for scripted tv. Somehow that all has changed over the last year, and part of that has been the enjoyment of binge watching. I still don't have much tolerance for episodic tv when I have to wait a week in between shows, but if you give me access to an entire season and it's something I get hooked on, it's all over.
  21. I'm probably in the minority on this one, but I really wish they would ban singing from this show. There are singing competitions coming out of Simon Cowell's arse out there, and probably another half dozen that aren't. I love the variety aspect of this show and I really get bored when someone like this country guy stinking up the joint. I dunno....it's not something they'd ever do, I just feel like I'd rather spend more time with the variety acts than to listen to more singing.
  22. I was really hoping P.Rim would have some legs and give everyone more time to see it, but that's not proving to be the case...if you do get a chance, let us know what you think!
  23. That's exactly it, I totally agree...and if Helen were using her political/whiner abilities in order to actually strategize a win on Big Brother, I'd appreciate her more than I do. But she uses those abilities simply to guilt trip and demonize those who are attempting to do wtf they are there to do...so now she's got her group of sympathizers who want to have the nail parties, sleep all hours of the day, do endless yoga all throughout the house, etc, etc, etc joining her in this indifference to Big Brother...it's absolutely maddening to me as someone who has watched and enjoyed every single episode of this show over the years to have these people attempting to sterilize things. Something has got to stir up this pot before it's too late.
  24. I watched the first episode and then hung it up after that....then I kept hearing people say they started watching and now they consider it the best show on television. So I gave in, started over again, and now I consider it the best show on television Honestly, this show has some "payoff moments" that are just incredibly satisfying...
  25. I'm really trying not to get too frustrated, but with each episode that passes by that becomes harder to do. I just fear that Dexter's eventual downfall/fate/etc is going to be something we want to savor and enjoy, but the longer it takes to actually start down that path the less satisfying it's actually going to be. I want the sh*t to hit the fan while it's still fresh...
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