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Everything posted by ajzepp

  1. DAMMIT, man...wtf? How can they just end the show like that?? It's creative and all, but that sucks! It's been bothering me all morning since I read that, but at least one article seems to contradict it.
  2. I've heard some people say that the show has sucked the last couple years, but honestly I totally agree with what you said here...I don't recall ever seeing an episode that I didn't enjoy, or where I thought "wow, this show has lost it". I've laughed consistently throughout each season, and I still look forward to the show each week now as much as I ever did before.
  3. I pissed myself when I heard that line the first time
  4. I'll geek out to Star Wars on a moment's notice....
  5. Even Rick Astley is shaking his head in disgust...
  7. You're probably right, unfortunately...but wow, if there was a playoff system in college ball, my interest level as a fan would skyrocket.
  8. They never get anything done anyway, so i don't understand the one congressman's objection that "they have more important things to focus on". As far as I'm concerned, getting a playoff system implemented would be one of the most impressive things they've ever done!
  9. That's why I love his character....he's a tragic figure socially, but he's a sales genius!
  10. I'm a Dwight Shrute/Kelly Kapur person, myself....I've seen every episode of this show and still find it hilarious. It's the most consistently humorous show on TV, IMO. It's a perfect blend of witty and immature humor, which is exactly my style. I have to go, now....my nipples are chafing
  11. It was almost 84,104 but I've been out of work a couple months and couldn't afford it Glad to see the US fans heading to the matches, though! That's awesome! I think WC 2006 created a LOT of new fans in this country, cause ESPN and ABC did a fantastic job with the coverage. Even women at work who weren't sports fans knew what was going on...pretty cool!
  12. That guy is actually in the "Bigger, Stronger, Faster" documentary, but he comes off as less of an idiot in that. The guy is sticking himself with dirty needles? What a dumbass.
  13. Unless you displayed it, evade it.
  14. Wow, bachelorette numero tres!!!
  15. I'm still kinda lukewarm on Pike, but seeing him bring his team back from a big deficit and beat Pitt in the last minute of the game was pretty impressive. Still don't like the lack of rotation on his passes, cause he'll end up throwing ducks in the NFL, but seems like he's a pretty accurate passer.
  16. It's gonna be awesome
  17. Oh, well if they were back to back, that does change things a little, I agree.
  18. Awesome post, man!
  19. That's interesting, cause Im the exact opposite. I purposely won't buy a particular soda if there's no caffeine lol
  20. Speaking of steroids, I've been on a documentary kick lately and highly recommend "Bigger, Faster, Stronger". Very interesting flick!
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