1980s Macho Man was the greatest wrestler ever, IMO.
First time I saw the Road Warriors was on TBS back in the early 80s. They had the black leather, the face paint, and the classic hair cuts...they hit the ring hard, beat the ever lovin BEJEEZUS out of two jobbers, and then cut a promo with Gordon Solie that was intense as hell. I've never seen a tag team anywhere near as dominant as those guys were. Fake or not, there's no fuggin way I would have ever gotten in the ring with those guys.
Quick story about Flair: Back in the late 80s, my cousin saw Flair at the airport. He knew I was a huge fan, so he went up to him and asked for his autograph. Flair was happy to oblige, but then realized that neither of them had anything he could sign. He told my cousin to hang tight and proceeded to run into the airport magazine shop. He picked up the latest wrestling mag and a pen, signed his picture, and gave it to my cousin. I still have it here somewhere. Flair is a cool guy.