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Everything posted by ajzepp

  1. Is that a pretty good flick? I've had it in my Netflix queue forever.
  2. I heart LaFawnda
  3. I didn't realize how many good films this guy has been in until this thread lol
  4. Hey man....I'm a Braves fan too (you stupid bastard )
  5. It might be cause I don't like a lot of makeup as much as other guys do, and on the show it seemed like she was less made up than she is in her pics? I dunnno...I just was pretty smitten with her while she was hangin with the Donald.
  6. I tell you who is by far the hottest on that list, and that's Natalie Gulbis. She looks good in her pics, but for some reason nowhere NEAR as good as she looks on tv. When she was on The Apprentice, she was hot as HELL!
  7. I'd say JaMarcus Russell received GREAT advice, actually.
  8. Nice to hear some new and different holiday music
  9. Wow, great job! District 9 comes out next Tuesday....can't wait to see it.
  10. I recently saw the Shawn Michaels DVD, and I don't know what I think about the "screwjob", to be honest. Michaels admits on the DVD that he knew about the plan to screw over Bret and says that McMahon ordered him to deny any involvement no matter what. HHH was told the same thing. Bret was going to WCW, and when a champ leaves it's customary to drop the belt before doing so....and Vince wanted it dropped to Michaels in Canada. I pretty much blamed Bret for his refusal, but he does make some pretty good points in the "Shadows" film to defend his side of things. I just don't blame Vince entirely, because he told Bret what he wanted done, and Bret wouldn't play along. Vince has to do what's best for the WWE, and he couldn't take any chances that WCW Nitro would have Bret on tv with the WWE belt. I think the entire ordeal could have been resolved much more professionally, so I sort of see the whole thing as a draw.
  11. I've mentioned this artist many times throughout my posts on TBD, and I wanted to share this MP3 download with you guys in case you wanted to hear his holiday track. This guy is a fantastic artist, and he puts on a great live show. He spent last year touring with guys like Bob Dylan and Elvis Costello, among others. Anyway, hope you enjoy! http://blogs.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseact...logId=522608856
  12. If anyone hasn't seen the film "Wrestling With Shadows", here's a link I just found off Bret Hart's official site where you can see it for free. It's pretty interesting. http://www.nfb.ca/film/hitman_hart_wrestling_with_shadows/
  13. Hard to believe the dude is in his early 70s! My favorite Hoffman films: Meet the Fockers Rain Man All the Presidents Men kramer v. kramer
  14. I never even really knew what a libertarian was until about five years ago....but if I had to give myself a political label, that would probably be the one I'd lean toward.
  15. I tell you which one of those categories should be a landslide, and that's Cristoph Waltz for best supporting role in Inglorious Basterds. That was one of the absolute best performances I've seen on the big screen EVER. Absolutely fantastic job.
  16. "Police say they were trolling the Internet and found Finkelstein’s ad on Craig's List which described her as a tall buxom blonde in desperate need of two World Series tickets, price negotiable, and I’m the creative type." OMG, police have wayyy too much time on their hands. Who cares if the chick wants to shine someone's knob for some tickets?? Who is the victim there, exactly? Oh, and yes...I'd hit it.
  17. No doubt....that was a postmortem dude.
  18. 1980s Macho Man was the greatest wrestler ever, IMO. First time I saw the Road Warriors was on TBS back in the early 80s. They had the black leather, the face paint, and the classic hair cuts...they hit the ring hard, beat the ever lovin BEJEEZUS out of two jobbers, and then cut a promo with Gordon Solie that was intense as hell. I've never seen a tag team anywhere near as dominant as those guys were. Fake or not, there's no fuggin way I would have ever gotten in the ring with those guys. Quick story about Flair: Back in the late 80s, my cousin saw Flair at the airport. He knew I was a huge fan, so he went up to him and asked for his autograph. Flair was happy to oblige, but then realized that neither of them had anything he could sign. He told my cousin to hang tight and proceeded to run into the airport magazine shop. He picked up the latest wrestling mag and a pen, signed his picture, and gave it to my cousin. I still have it here somewhere. Flair is a cool guy.
  19. Wow, Natasha looks beautiful in that pic...never realized she was that pretty
  20. lol, pretty clever
  21. Wow, those are some fugged up lookin folks
  22. Amos Lee - "Last Days at the Lodge"
  23. BTW, great quote from Idiocracy in your sig line! The first ten minutes of that movie had me rolling!
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