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Everything posted by ajzepp

  1. I guess we just have to agree to disagree, man...I'm just more comfortable with someone accustomed to colder weather, but like I said, if he's got balls and can get the job done, I'm cool with wherever he's from.
  2. That's a really good choice, actually. I had read the book about two years prior to the movie, and I think if I really compared the film to the amazing story I read about, it may be my biggest disappointment, too. I actually enjoyed the film enough to see it apart from the book, though....but I agree, the true story was amazing!
  3. I totally agree, man. I think I just got sick of hearing about how this player was afraid of snow...or that player needed to wear a glove when it was cold to throw the ball, or whatever....how many of us who grew up in the Buffalo area were outside for hours at a time as kids, most likely underdressed, playing tackle football in the snow? I want someone who is at LEAST that tough, preferably tougher. I get the sense that if we could go back in time and Trent Edwards came to join my buddies for one of our pick-up games, he'd be the first one wanting to go back in cause he was cold.
  4. Yeah, cause we haven't fuggin played past December for a damn DECADE, bro lol Maybe you're too young to remember, but the road to the SB used to go through Buffalo, and the weather most definitely played a factor.
  5. Well now, yeah....but back in the day it was usually the biggest games of the year that were in freezing cold weather, and that's when Jimbo and the boys kicked some arse and used the climate to its fullest advantage.
  6. SAme here, everyone....thanks for another great year of TBD discussion, and I wish nothing but the best for everyone in 2010.
  7. I know, Kiper is a genius! Sorry to disagree, man, but I don't see how anyone can say it's not a factor. You may weight it differently than I do, but players have been pretty vocal about the climate they play in, and I think QBs are the most affected by it. This team has been SOFT for YEARS. Playing in a cold weather city should make for an advantage for the home team, and it hasn't been that way since Kelly retired. If a QB is from Cali or wherever, that's fine, but we need someone who has the balls to go out there on a Sunday where it's 15 degrees and snowing, and lead this team into the endzone. If they can do that, ultimately I don't care if he's from timbuktu....but all things being equal, if one QB is from an area where they know what winter is and the other has never even seen snow, I'll take the former.
  8. Of course there are examples of successful QBs who come from warmer climates....but generally speaking, I think there are those of us who definitely cite it as a factor, especially given the recent crop of crap QBs we've trotted through the Ralph over the last decade. The two most successful QBs were both from colder climates, too - Bledsoe and Flutie. At this point, I'd settle for a QB who is not concerned about how his hair looks when he takes off his helmet on the sideline.
  9. Jim Kelly went to Miami, but he's from PA. Bernie Kosar is from Ohio. Cade McNown is from Oregon. I don't care so much where they went to school as I do where they're from.
  10. cool, thx...I'm gonna check it out
  11. Okay, here's my list of favorites from various categories... Horror Film: Let the Right One In Foreign Film: The Lives of Others Action: District B13 Comedy: Borat Rom/Com: 50 First Dates Independent: The Station Agent Buddy Flick: Sideways Biggest Disappointment: Matrix II/III Worst Film: The Wicker Man Film I Thought I'd Hate, but Loved: Elizabethtown Sports Film: Miracle Chick Flick: The Notebook Best Ending: The Shape of Things Guilty Pleasure: Goal Most Disturbing: Flight 93 Other Favorite Films: Assassination of Jessie James, Frost/Nixon, Crash, No Country for Old Men, House of Sand and Fog, Jackass I/II, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, Love Liza, Man on Wire, Napoleon Dynamite, Once, Passion of the Christ, Serenity, Stuck on You, Walk Hard, Bubba Ho-Tep, Before Sunset, District 9, Star Trek, Letters from Iwo Jima, Gran Torino, Inglourious Basterds
  12. Finally someone who agrees with me on this! lol I take a lot of crap for saying Friday Night Lights was a better film than Titans...Denzel was great, but I just didn't care for that film nearly as much as everyone else did. Friday Night Lights was all-around badass, though!
  13. It may be the most disappointed I've ever been with any film...seriously. I remember seeing the Matrix with my brother and a couple friends, and afterwards we were shocked how good it was. Thankfully it works great just as a stand alone film, cause it really does make me sick to my stomach to think about what they did with 2 and 3
  14. I'm with ya....Rude was awesome. He and Manny Fernadez were one of the most underrated tag teams ever, even though they won some gold. I saw Rude live at the War Memorial for two television tapings, and he was hilarious both times.
  15. Aw, man, I was so disappointed with those Matrix sequels...after Reloaded, I was like "mmmmkay...guess we'll see where this goes", only to see the third one and end up absolutely hating it. The original Matrix was near-perfect sci-fi...loved it. The sequels don't exist to me.
  16. lol, you make a good point
  17. I'm not trying to speak to your situation specifically...but in general. There are movies I love that others hate, and vice versa. That's why I love talking about movies cause everyone sees things differently and it makes for interesting conversation. I just think that 1) there's absolutely no way that the prequels could have met the expectations most of us had, 2) the back story of Vader and the Empire just wasn't as interesting as the good v. bad, david v. goliath story you have with the OT, and 3) most people can't have an intelligent conversation with me about certain elements of the film....namely, the ones I mentioned above in the thread. I'm not trying to convince you to like it if you didn't, bro....a lot of people I know didn't like it. I just have found that in general, a lot of people have jumped on the anti-prequel bandwagon without thinking through the plot/characters/elements that Lucas DID provide us. I'll be the first to say that SW II is a film I haven't re-watched but once since it's theatrical release. For me to say that about a star wars film is huge, cause I'm a total Lucas geek and always will be. But I absolutely LOVED most of III, and with the exception of JarJar, I really enjoyed TPM. In fact, I think the second half of III is up there with the best of the SW saga. I loved Darth Maul and I loved the way Palpatine manipulated various pieces of the puzzle to lay the foundation for what would become "the first Galactic Empire". All of those moves started in TPM, and I thought that part of the story was really well done.
  18. lol, I fully realize that man....but I stand by what I said. If people can't explain the basic elements of the film, then they were too focused on bashing it and not giving it enough of a chance.
  19. Yep, especially given the running time. I have a hard time sitting in theater seats much more than two hours.
  20. I couldn't disagree more. The choice of Naboo for the invasion....the role of the Trade Federation...the establishment of Anakin as a tragic figure...it all makes perfect sense.
  21. I got the plot the first time I saw it and liked it, lol. Did I LOVE it? Nah...but I loved elements of it, and it definitely was one I wanted to see again. I wasn't meaning to say the plot was difficult to follow, but that people spend so much time hacking on the film that they miss the greater story arc.
  22. It's funny, cause when I ask people what they feel Phantom Menace was about, most of them can't tell me. People complain about the script or the plot or whatever, but unless they actually UNDERSTOOD it to begin with, it's hard for me to take their criticisms seriously. I'm not saying the prequels were great films, but they certainly weren't aimless and without a plot, and they weren't as bad as people make them out to be.
  23. That's how I see it too, man.
  24. That's not exactly true. Bret said in the Wrestling with Shadows film that the contract was based on a certain number of appearances per year, and he had already exceeded that number, thus fulfilling the contract. He did say he had some creative control clause(s) in the contract, but Vince is the boss....what he says should be the final word, IMO. Also, as far as lying to Bret's wife, McMahon ordered him to deny everything. Who is he going to be loyal to in that situation? The guy who pays his salary or someone who is about to leave the company and go to the biggest competitor? Shawn (and HHH) did what Vince told him to do.
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