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Everything posted by ajzepp

  1. I thought she was really good, too. I didn't care for her at first, but she grew on me. I really enjoyed her character development, particularly her struggle between "by the book" and "the way of Jack"....that was interesting and well played out.
  2. I can relate to that, man...I love my little Samsung LCD....definitely not quite the same watching online, but the quality of streaming seems to be improving all the time. I'm still shocked at how good some of these Netflix movies look streamed over my xbox!
  3. Man, I'm jealous! I've posted this before, but back a few years ago I asked on TBD if I should start watching 24 or Lost since I'd never seen an episode of either at the time. 24 won by a small margin, and since it was the show I was most interested in, I gave it a shot. I rented disc 1 from season 1 from Netflix and watched all four episodes straight through that night. I got so hooked so fast that I actually broke down and set foot in a Hollywood Video and rented whatever discs I could while waiting for Netflix to ship others. I zipped through the first four seasons in no time and made it to where season 5 was premiering....that's when I picked up the show on Fox from that point forward. I LOVED being able to watch an entire season in a matter of days...it was a great way to get my mind off work and I loved every minute. Rico and I used to talk about how cool it would be to watch a season in real time, 24 hrs straight....good times Enjoy!!
  4. Ah, okay, I see your dilemma. Good call, though, on the website. I think it's awesome how many shows you can watch in full on the network's websites now. My DVR let me down a few times during the Amazing Race and Survivor last season, and I really enjoyed watching both online a few times. They have a viewing room where you can watch alone or with others, and having the ability to chat with others during the show was a lot of fun. I'm almost positive that '24' is one of the shows that Fox has available on the website in its entirety, too.
  5. Of course you're gonna say she's not that hot....you have a mega hot woman already! ...or was that Puhonix who had the hot one? lmao
  6. I love how they do the two night, 4-hr premier....one hour just isn't enough after waiting so many months for the season to start....four hours is a nice, satisfying chunk of show to hold me over until the next week
  7. We're not some consolation prize. We're a class-of-the-NFL fan base and organization and we deserve someone who wants to be here. I'm sick and tired of the Bills being looked at as the Siberia of the NFL....that's crap. Upstate/Western NY is an absolutely BEAUTIFUL place to live. I spent twelve years of my life there and I pretty much consider it my home. The people there are down to earth, hard working, family-oriented, and loyal. We don't need some prima donna who is "settling" on the Buffalo job....Nix needs to bring someone in here who is passionate about the region, our players, and our fans. I want someone who WANTS to be here and to become the leader of our Bills community.
  8. Well, in a way, I've been spending your money....sitting around the house....and playing my xbox LMAO
  9. I used to have that same problem cause I work mostly nights....but honestly, I'm at the point now where 90% of my television viewing is off the DVR. It almost doesn't even matter to me when shows air, as long as I remembered to tell my machine that I want a particular series recorded. The only thing that bugs me is missing live sporting events....it's just not the same watching recorded sports. Looks like part of this season of 24 involves Jack trying to track down an assassin....I've always enjoyed that scenario
  10. Anyone who watched Amazing Race this past season got a close-up look at Dubai and this tower....truly amazing!!
  11. Thought we could get this started with the most recent promo....I can't wait! linky
  12. She reminds me of my ex-girlfriend from back in the day....she was Viet-American and smokin'
  13. I like that tv he's got.
  14. Vince kicked Bret in the balls.
  15. Only if I ask really, really nicely
  16. Dude, if they hire some guy named Cowler, I'm gonna be PISSED!
  17. How bout 50? lol Hall: 51 Nash: 50 Hogan: 56 Flair: 60 Sting: 50
  18. I'm a Bret Hart fan, but honestly the Raw show was boring. I just FF'd through most of it. Not really interested in TNA, however...what could they possibly do with those old farts that would be interesting? How many times is Jeff Hardy going to go back and forth? When will Ric Flair finally break down and purchase a brassiere? Nash is tired....Hall is a drunkard...Xpac is...well, who cares about xpac....can we move on from the 80s and get some new stars? It's 2010 for fux sake!
  19. I don't know if it was Chum I was thinking about, but I remember someone saying a while ago, "the best GM candidate for the Bills is already in the organization - Buddy Nix" So whoever said that, kudos
  20. Oh I totally agree. I'm referring more to the general idea that Buffalo home games should be an advantage. Certainly the team in its current state totally wastes those opportunities because of how its built, so hopefully Mr. Nix will finally bring the right players in here from this point forward.
  21. Perriloux? He's going to be the second coming of Lawrence Phillips, man! lol
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