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Everything posted by ajzepp

  1. Quads are world class electrostats, man....absolutely amazing speakers. I have only heard them once, and it was years ago. They are quite pricey, but you'll get a very nice presentation with them. Similar to the Quads are MartinLogan. I have to say, this is one of the biggest disappointments for me in this hobby. I was so excited about hearing MLs for the first time, because I loved their look and had heard lots of great things about them. I finally found a dealer nearby several years ago and went for a demo. They were detailed as hell, but overly bright and very harsh to the ears. I was really disappointed, cause I thought those woudl be the speakers for me. I think that's why I was hesitant to try Maggies the first time, but the mail-order MMG program was too much to pass up, and now I'm completely in love with them. But yeah, the Quads are top class speakers for sure!
  2. Thankfully, there are lots of great choices. In general, you want to find an amp that puts out a minimum of 100wpc into 8ohms, and is stable into 4 ohms. In fact, if it's rated into 2ohms, that's ideal. You can always find great deals on Audiogon and Ebay, and even some of the classified sections of sites like audiocircle.com, audioasylum.com, and avsforum.com Some brands to keep an eye out for are Emotiva (great budget choice), B&K (buffalo based company), Rotel, Odyssey, Parasound, Outlaw, and Anthem. Maggies like power, so the more juice you can have on tap for them the better. Try to stay away from using receivers with Maggies. Some people have found matches that are passable, but you're really not doing them justice using the power section of a receiver. Using a receiver is fine, just get one with pre-outs (most of them have these) and let a dedicated power amp handle the main channels.
  3. ah, ummm...yeah
  4. True, good point. I know he's a local hero and all....even though he was nothing more than an average college QB who was the beneficiary of probably the greatest college player in history...lol I wish they'd just dedicate part of the show to Bulldog talk and let him do that, and then leave the rest of the show for Kincade to talk about everything else. Move Leo Mazzone to work with Kincade, maybe...just enough of this Bellou idiot!
  5. I haven't read through this entire thread, but I wanted to say that, as Bills fans, there are two things that are a certainty: 1) It's often necessary to vent about our frustration in order to keep our sanity. 2) No matter how much or how often we vent, and no matter how appealing the thought can be about rooting for another team instead, we're Bills fans and we'll ALWAYS be Bills fans. So Mike, don't fret. Get it all out, man, cause we understand. Soon the Bills will be again making moves that give us hope going into the season, and sooner or later those moves will result in a playoff-bound team.
  6. I haven't read through this entire thread, but I wanted to say that, as Bills fans, there are two things that are a certainty: 1) It's often necessary to vent about our frustration in order to keep our sanity. 2) No matter how much or how often we vent, and no matter how appealing the thought can be about rooting for another team instead, we're Bills fans and we'll ALWAYS be Bills fans. So Mike, don't fret. Get it all out, man, cause we understand. Bu
  7. He's not been terrible at all....not sure what games you were watching, bro
  8. You have excellent taste in speakers, my friend I tell you what, as much as I love Maggies for music, my main love is their use with home theater. Combined with a capable subwoofer, they give up very little in terms of dynamics to the traditional box speakers, and you get a clarity and realism that box speakers just can't match. The first time it really hit me was when I was watching that film with Woody Harrelson and Pierce Brosnan where they're in the caribbean stealing stuff or whatever. There was a scene where they were on a boat drinking beers, and the ocean water was lapping up against the side of the boat. You could hear every detail so clearly, and it was so realistic, that it actually gave me the physical sensation that I was on the boat too. I was floored! That sort of thing happens all the time....it just brings the soundtrack to life and immerses you into it in a way that most speakers can't. Maggies rock!
  9. Oh wow, that's awesome! I'm always reading and taking part in the Magnepan forum at www.audioasylum.com and there are a lot of folks who either still own tympanis or who used to own them and remain very fond of them. Most Maggie people I know say that the Tympanis were the most amazing model in terms of low end reproduction, and I've also read a lot of posts where people have had their pair refurbished by Magnepan. I was hoping I'd come across someone on here who knew about Maggie Magic
  10. I totally agree with what Fez said. You can spend tens of thousands of dollars (and even more) on the highest of the high end speakers, and be paying a huge premium for subtle degrees of improved performance. But, in my opinion, and I've heard a LOT of speakers, when you're at the $5k price point and below, there is a ton of variation in quality. The reason I love Maggies, and the reason I wanted to share this information with you guys, is because Magnepans are traditionally considered among the best bang for buck speakers you can buy. They offer performance on par with speakers costing much more, and the reproduce sound in a manner that is very different than that of a traditional box/dynamic speaker. I also love the fact that this is a company based in Minnesota, USA, so I feel great about being a customer. The price range of spekers for Magnepan is as low as $299 and as high as $13k, which is very reasonable compared to many other high end companies. For small to medium sized rooms, the entry level Magnepan MMG is a fantastic speaker, and will give someone a nice representation of the Magnepan house sound for not a lot of money. The only catch with Maggies is that they require quality amplification in order to sound their best. They also need a little breathing room since they are dipoles and radiate sound from both the front and rear of the panels. But yeah, back to your original point, I have friends who go to most of the big audio/consumer electronics shows. Many of them will tell you that the most expensive rooms often are not the ones that sound the best, and/or those rooms are no better than systems that cost far less. Everyone can find a home in this hobby, though, no matter what price point they're at.
  11. If I have to listen to that slow-witted retard, Buck Bellou, make one more disparaging comment about the Bills or Buffalo, I'm going to drive over to the station and beat his asss. This guy drives me nuts, and the days when he's doing the show solo I just find something else to listen to. I can't stand the "good ol' boy" thing, and he reeks of it. Kincade is cool...I wish he'd just do the show by himself like he does on Sundays.
  12. Typical mid-Atlantic climate....you get a nice dose of each of the four seasons...I love the weather there!
  13. Yep, c'mon!
  14. If you're not already a fan of Yuengling, you're about to be That's all I drank when I was there....yummy
  15. This thread really has me taking a trip down memory lane....I seriously wish I could move back there with Pooj lol. Where did you go to school, HopsGuy? Drexel? St. Joes? Villanova? UPenn? Temple?
  16. I used to work night shift so I never used SEPTA to go to work, but I can assure you that if it doesn't go right to KoP, it goes close enough to where you can just drive a short distance to the nearest station....Philly has one of the best public rail systems in the country. You can get a monthly pass for like $30 and go anywhere you want. I used to have my apartment in Warrington, and instead of driving all the way into the city for school or whatever, I'd drive like 1.5 mi to the Warrington/Warminster septa station, hop on the train, and go anywhere I wanted. It sounds weird, but I LOVED the rail system! I never used the buses, but the railways were awesome. They take you all over city, including all the market stations and terminals where they have all sorts of great food, shops, etc. I hardly used my car at all when I was there, and I had a lot of great conversations on the train. The coolest thing was going to the sports complex, cause the train would literally take you almost right up to the front door. After the game, u dont even have to worry about traffic.... Seriously, if I could, I would join you on the move to Philly! I absolutely loved it there. I wasn't really a fan of any of the sports teams before I moved there, but it gets to the point where you start following all of them. It's totally different than when I came here to Atlanta....there is almost no sports culture here whatsoever, and most of the time I couldn't care less about what's going on. The only exception is the Braves, cause I've been a die hard Braves fan since I was a kid. But in Philly you'll find that the sports teams are such an important part of the framework that you begin to appreciate them and at least take interest in what's going on. I don't know who's on the air now, but when I was there WIP had awesome sports hosts 24-hr a day. I'd listen to that station every chance I got. I'd really be surprised if you didn't love it there!
  17. DAMMIT I love movies!! Good thread, guys! I cannot believe that Avatar is already the 2nd highest grossing film in history...unreal! I have yet to see it, but will probably hit the IMAX next week. I'm a little discouraged hearing all the, "special effects were great, but the story was severely lacking" comments out there. It's hard enough for me to sit still for almost three hours in the theater, let alone doing it for a movie that isn't engaging. Cameron apparently just said there will definitely be another Avatar film, and he envisions it to be a trilogy.
  18. That's awesome! Congrats, Pooj! I used to live in Warrington, PA and worked in KoP while I was going to Temple U. I can't even tell you how jealous I am that you're moving there! Dude, any male who doesn't absolutely fall in love with the sports culture of Philly should have their man card revoked on site. I lived there from '95-'99 and loved every minute! Set your radio to AM 610 WIP and you'll never have to change the station. Take the SEPTA train down to the sports complex every once in a while....grab a steak at Pat's...check out Center City....buy a book on the architecture of Philadelphia (I'm dead serious....it's amazing!)....and enjoy life! Philly is the greatest city in the world, to me...I hope to move back there at some point.
  19. I know there are several TBD'ers who are into home audio/home theater. I wanted to take a minute to promote a new product from one of the great American companies...not just in audio, but in any field - Magnepan. Anyone in this hobby is already familiar with this great company and their amazing speakers. While they aren't for everyone, many an audiophile has fallen in love with that "Maggie Magic" over the past several decades. I first discovered them in 2004 when I ordered a pair of their entry level MMGs ($550). I've since upgraded to one of their top models, the 3.6, and they've brought me much enjoyment over the past year. Anyway, there are a lot of people who consider the Magnepan 1.6 one of the absolute best audio bargains in hi-fi. This speaker has stood the test of time, having been in production for the last twelve years. Today I just found out that Magnepan has introduced its successor, the 1.7. I thought this might be a great time to talk about Magnepan to my fellow TBD brothers and sisters, so here ya go! CNet Reviews Magnepan 1.7 If by chance any of you have questions or just want to talk further about the Maggie products, please let me know!
  20. I hope it's a good game, man...I love that rivarly!
  21. They were talking about this on the sports radio station here in ATL this morning. One of the hosts is a Philly guy and he was saying that the Eagles are so high on Kevin Kolb that if the Eagles go one-and-done in the playoffs this season (which is very likely given last week's disaster), there's a very good chance Donovan will be playing somewhere else next year.
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