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Everything posted by ajzepp

  1. Can't sleep, so figured I'd watch tonights episode of BBAUS so I'm all caught up. I've been wondering why they haven't been competing in any way, and tonight I found out why. Apparently on Saturday nights this large additional room attached to the house opens up and they basically have a gym class/Fear Factor type competition. Some are group comps and apparently some individual (Im only about 20 min into it). In the end there are a few prizes/advantages that houseguests can win, which may allow them greater leverage. Apparently on Tuesday there is something to do with nominations, so it'll be interesting to see how that works. Very weird, but in a good way.
  2. It does make sense, cause the grass is very thick and healthy and it would easily go unnoticed. And I know I've seen all sorts of little critters around here...rabbits, lizards, etc.
  3. section122, Amazon has the Dark City bluray for ten bucks and the bonus features look to be fantastic. I believe I saw there is also a DTS-ES soundtrack if you're into that at all (I love DTS)
  4. You know, not to make a generalization based on a television show, but after getting to know the BBAUS cast a bit, it's almost like they're adults compared to the BB US cast who are more like children. These people are incredibly diverse, and they handle the various personalities in a far more mature manner. There is one guy, Tim, whose more of a US type player, but the contrast between this cast and the US cast is pretty incredible. Also, I wasn't sure I enjoyed the format at first, but now I'm seeing that it really allows you to get to know the people much better than you can on the American show. It's sort of like someone recorded the live feeds all day, and then just put like the most interesting segments of the day into the evening tv show for the audience. I can see why in England the BB stars become hugely popular... Also very interesting is the couple they've put together (they didn't know each other prior to the show) to pretend as if they're married. The guy is absolutely smitten with the girl, and he's also under the impression that she likes him, but she's not into him much at all. Yet they're both doing a great job portraying themselves as a legit married couple. It's very interesting! And wow, I still can't get over the immensity of the BB house in Aussie land...the thing is just massive with all sorts of interesting rooms and features.
  5. Wow, the plot thickens! Great find, Exiled!
  6. Just when I thought the first part of your post was making me ill, then I read the second...thanks man lol That's what's werid...unless my roomie is withholding information to protect the innocent, the area he was going to the bathroom is a really thick, soft patch of grass...it's probably like 40' x 40' at least. People pick up after their pets really well and there wasn't anything visible in the grass (allegedly). I don't know if some sort of animal shot it's business or market its territory or what, but it's almost like someone took vermont sharp cheddar, put it between some hobo's toes, and then went back in a few months to smell it. I'm at a loss.
  7. omg this show is so damn funny...it's so rare that anything can get me to giggle-fart at all, let alone three times in a half hour. I can't believe how funny these guys are!
  8. Noted!
  9. haha, you'd be proud...sorta Okay cool, I'll definitely take that advice...I just don't understand what this could possibly be.
  10. So you guys really think it was a skunk? This smells more like a rotten cheese type of smell...just really disgusting!!!
  11. I sort of lost interest after getting about half way through season one, but I'm glad it's getting renewed. This is one of the most beautifully shot shows I've ever seen...in high def it's really a sight to behold, especially on a large projector screen. I may revisit it one day, but for some reason it just didn't keep me coming back.
  12. So my roommate took out our dog to do his business, and when he came back in the house she was half way through saying, "Can you smell him and see if he..." when I noticed a stench like I've never smelled before. The area we take him is a large patch of green grass surrounded on one side by the road (live in a gated apartment complex) and on the other by the tree line. He has always loved the grass out there, and as he sometimes does he apparently flopped over on his back and rolled around, kicking his legs up and making weird noises. But apparently this time he was rolling in something NASTY!! Even after we threw him in the bathtub and scrubbed him down we can still smell it a little. Has anyone ever had this happen before? The smell is incredibly pungent and stubborn as hell. Sometimes there are small animals that get in through the fence, so I don't know if one of them has some new disgusting way to mark their territory or what, but this is really bad man...
  13. I'm gonna read it, I promise lol. I just have a tendency to not read something that someone put a lot of effort into until I'm in the right frame of mind to not rush through it. I can't speak for anyone else, but I promise I'll offer some feedback on it no later than tomorrow night.
  14. Rain check it is.
  15. You wanna do some noodling brother?
  16. It would be great if she went off-script on her bigoted arse...then have someone dressed in an Aunt jemima costume come out and smack her with a huge pancake.
  17. I was wondering why Scott hasn't ribbed me about being home on a Saturday night in a while...he had tastier meat in his sights I demand that you both get it all out in the open and then watch this clip together...
  18. Good point...hopefully America will put her up this week to at least have a chance...I want to see Julie really get hold of her.
  19. Apparently Aryan had another racial comment aimed at Candace in the last day or two...something about how she's an Aunt Jemima and should make pancakes. I knew it seemed like it had been too long...usually folks like this can't last more than a week at best without having a relapse. I really hope when she's evicted that Julie drops the bomb on her.
  20. I remember reading Sal Maiorana's stuff when I was growing up in Rochester...he's become a shell of his former self in terms of the quality he puts out. This blog post, to me, is a perfect example of why non-stories such as Mario's foot issue are forced into controversy by desperate, arrogant columnists who have nothing better to write. Mario had some soreness, he reported it to the team, and they gave him permission to get evaluated. Coach says he hadn't heard anything new yet from the MDs or anyone else when being interviewed a day or two later. Certainly this must be cause for alarm! It couldn't possibly be that the MDs are still evaluating the source of the soreness and have yet to make a diagnosis, could it? Noooo...as Sal states, that just wasn't believable! After all, it's obvious that a simple phone call to the MD by Coach Marrone would magically increase the speed at which the MDs brains function and THEN we'd know what was wrong with Mario much sooner. Coach likely knew he would be notified as soon as there was news to report, but good ol' Sal knows BETTER. Even if there wasn't anything knew to report, and coach knew he'd be informed the minute there was, Sal says if only Coach had disregarded the truth and "just come armed with the proper information", this entire thing could have been avoided. But Sal, what if Coach really WAS being forthright and there really WASN'T anything new to report other than the docs were still evaluating him? Well apparently that didn't matter, cause according to Mr Maiorana, even if coach was being 100% truthful, they weren't going to believe him anyway lol. (And yes, he actually says this...click the article below.) http://blogs.democratandchronicle.com/bills/?p=1179
  21. Even though the only one I'll end up seeing at the theater is Elysium, there are a few on that list that I'm actually looking forward to. I think casting Kuchar in the role of Steve Jobs was a mistake, though. There are always different degrees of how well an actor can really transform into a known figure in a biopic-type film. Daniel Day Lewis as Lincoln would be at one end of the spectrum...Jim Carrey as Andy Kaufman might be said to be sort of in the middle...and then you have, seemingly, Kuchar as Jobs. I'm only basing this off the trailer, so I'll reserve judgement until I see the actual film, but Ashton came off as Ashton trying to imitate Jobs...not as a professional actor delving into a historical figure and attempting to bring him to life on screen. I dunno, I just don't think I'm going to be able to buy it...hard for me to believe there weren't literally 50 other actors who could have done a better job there.
  22. I think they're missing someone...*glances toward roof of car*
  23. Hell, I forgot about GM's reaction...that makes zero sense to me. Nick wanted NOTHING to do with her lol. The whole house knew that, and they started trying to figure out what her major malfunction was, but then GM just started giving them all guilt trips for being insensitive...wtf? And yeah, the Aryan thing was very odd, as well. I've never seen a season with this much crying and bitching, and for so many different reasons. Even Amanda was starting to cry on the show tonight until Pizza Boy basically told her to knock it off. Just a weird, weird show this year... Oh, and you can get the episodes for BBCan and BBAUS on youtube...There are a few people posting all the shows with the commercials taken out...not bad quality, too. I'd start with BBCan...the format was similar to the American show, and after a bit of a slow start the season ended up being very entertaining, IMO.
  24. Pizza Boy has been mailing it in since week 1. All he does is sleep, grab ass, and eat. It's about time his vacation come to an end and he start playing the game. Spencer definitely gives me hope that there will be someone for me to root for...hopefully it'll be Candace who gets the boot tonight and we can have one less whiny, crying drama queen in the house. And also cause it means Howard will stay. Howard's speech was stupid last night...he should have said exactly what he said in the diary room when he said how joining an alliance is what you're SUPPOSED to do when you play big brother, calling Helen out for the way she acted like it was such an evil thing for him to do. If these people would just get back to PLAYING instead of tickling each others tootsies all night, I'd be very happy about that. As for BB Australia, wow, this show is all over the place! They have really focused on the social experiment aspect of the game and have one half of the housemates not only living in poor conditions, but completely dependent on the other half for food and drink. Then they decided to bring in two more housemates and give them the challenge of portraying a newly married couple for a week. If they are caught in the lie, then they immediately go up for eviction. Big Brother had the temerity to take away Tahan's (the hot, hot, hot sexy girl) hair dryer for 24 hrs...if I were there, I'd whoop some big brother ass and defend her honor!
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