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Everything posted by ajzepp

  1. Is that cause you'd be too busy jumping off the bridge?
  2. Don't give Joe too much credit...that point has been being made for over 20 years about teams who run no-huddle.
  3. That sounds right...it was pretty shocking to find out how close to home it hit. I want to say that they were hitting strip clubs while they were here, as well...for some reason that's sounding familiar (?)
  4. Wow, that must have been on heck of a car ride back! Were you a bit uneasy being on the road knowing that we were being attacked by terrorists? And fux sake, obviously the Sears tower would be on any short list of high profile targets...that is really messed up. One of the things that was very unnerving when I was working nights at the hospital in the days after 911, the top of the BoA building that I posted a pic of above used to always become sort of smoky whenever there was an overcast sky and the clouds were low. If you look at the top of the building, it's like an open "lattice" type of construction...the clouds at night would settle in there and become illuminated by the lights at the top of the building. I remember walking in with several people later that Fall and the first time we looked up and saw that we all sort of freaked. I wish I could find a pic of it, but google is not very helpful this time. But yeah, things here were pretty much on lockdown and full alert...I lived right near one of the satellite locations for the CDC and they were really loaded up with security. IIRC, one of the locations that two of the terrorists rec'd training at were also not far from where I lived. Pretty amazing thinking about those days...
  5. wow, great job! Makes me want to move back home! Can we at least borrow the dog once in a while?
  6. That's pretty similar to my situation...I live in ATL and apparently there was some talk that the Bank of America building here, which is the tallest in the city, was a target... If you look at the bottom right of the image, you'll see where I was working that day. I was in training and during one of our morning breaks, someone said that a plane had hit the WTC. Like you, I had heard that it was a little prop plane or something...there wasn't any video going or anything, we had just sort of heard it via the telephone game. Then they decided to put the news on the big projector in the room since there was all this talk about what was going on, and that's when we saw that both towers had been hit. When the first tower collapsed, I completely freaked out on the inside and immediately got the hell out of there. But clearly if there had been any truth to the rumor that the BoA bldg was one of the targets (I think it did get hit with ricin at a later date, IIRC), I would have been in rough shape that day.
  7. lol...it's in my nature to evaluate whatever evidence is presented, but that doesn't mean I believe it was a false flag operation or whatever. I've just found that most of the people here in PPP have very strong opinions, and I really enjoy reading all the various opinions regardless of which side of the coin they fall on. Just like with JFK, if you held a gun to my head and made me tell you what I think, I'd say it was the patsy. But my position on the matter is open ended...I'm not sure how I would KNOW the truth one way or the other, so I enjoy seeing what each side has to say about it, you know? It's sort of like kicking myself in the nuts, cause I'll stumble across something that really freaks me out and then it stays with me a while...ever since I came across that Northwoods document about how some dbag in the CIA or whatever thought it might be cool to conduct a false flag operation to justify blowing up Cuba (or whatever...), I have been pretty interested in seeing what everyone has to say about this stuff. But most of these political events I really never get to the point where I can say I have 100% certainty that it was this way or that way...I just enjoy the search and the dialogue, you know? I like youtube since it's so easy to get through a lot of info quickly, but also because you can usually find both/all sides represented there. For every 911 conspiracy video, there is one debunking it that's just as easy to find. That's sort of what keeps it interesting for me.
  8. When you say live, do you mean you were there in NYC and saw it with your own eyes, or do you mean you were watching live on tv when it happened? If the former, holy sh*t man...
  9. I've mentioned in a few different threads how much time I've been spending on youtube lately, and obviously one of the most popular topics is 911 and all the conspiracy theories. It got me to thinking about the ways my opinion on that awful day has changed over the years. Just like the JFK assassination, this is a topic I will be interested in the rest of my life. Anyway, I was wondering about everyone else's opinions on 911 and if you believe differently now than you did before? Has any of the evidence been compelling enough to create doubt as to who was behind it? Or are you steadfast in your view that it was exactly what we've been told it was - a terrorist attack - and all of the conspiracy theories are nothing more than bunk? It's pretty remarkable to me to think that I'm 41 now, but was only 29 when the attack happened. It was such a surreal and frightening day that it has left an indelible mark on me at the deepest core of who I am as an American...I can't even fathom what it was like for those who were more directly impacted by it.
  10. You just think he's cute, CGF
  11. For runs over 35', take FIC's advice and use Blue Jeans Cables...they have one specifically designed for long runs. I've also used the Amazon Basics brand with good results. I have a 20' run to my projector and the Amazon one works great.
  12. Nice, thanks guys...sounds like it's a go then...looking forward to watching a couple more tonight. The first Terminator film scared the HELL out of me...I saw it in the late 80s for the first time when I was round 15 or so...I had nightmares about the carcass crawling after her in the warehouse for months.
  13. Heath Ledger was a far better actor, though. My choice for the next Batman would have been an unknown, or if they went with someone in the Ben Affleck mold I think Josh Brolin would have been a much better choice. I just don't see myself taking Benny seriously in this role. LOL! Poor Val...
  14. Just when I had made peace with my dislike for this guy as long as he stays behind the camera...
  15. Okay, this one truly startled me... One thing I'm amazed by, and again, I'm fully open to the idea that this is a complete hoax, but if you notice that in so many of these videos, as they try and "rescue" these lost souls, they all react to the presence of someone "beautiful" who shows up...the investigators then ask if John is present, and in the same voice in each video he says, "I...AM". It's totally wild...
  16. There are a lot of Steve Harvey ones that had me rolling...I watch his version of the show at least once or twice a week...the guy is hilarious!
  17. I know it's not a very novel thing to say that I've been having fun watching clips on youtube, but I had no idea how much fun it could be to look through game show clips. I was laughing pretty good for about 20 mins when I came across this gem from the great Richard Dawson...I haven't laughed this hard in a long fuggin time!
  18. My only hope is that he doesn't give us the shaft in the end. I know some of you would probably enjoy that, but not all of us are the doom and gloom type.
  19. Would you say that since you're a fan of the genre that you hold sci-fi programs to a higher standard, though? Or are you the type of fan who will watch anything under that heading even if it's a steaming pile?
  20. maybe one of us should volunteer to go poke Whaley and remind him that if he doesn't put out, Wood's gonna get it from someone else.
  21. There was a Ghost Adventures from this current season where they were in New Orleans...that was one of the most intense ones I've ever seen. This is another good one from the same group as above:
  22. You're not understanding my point. Of course you evaluate a draft after the picks have had the opportunity to play. But to make it sound like things were just so plainly obvious at the time of the draft that Buddy or anyone else had their head up their arse, it's asinine.
  23. Of course, I totally agree...but that's different than acting as if the players we see today were known to be this good (or bad) at the time of the draft.
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