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Everything posted by ajzepp

  1. I think the whole "obsolete" thing is way, way overplayed. I could very happily keep my iPhone4 for another couple years, which would make it 5 years old. What are you people doing with your phones that they become obsolete in a year or whatever? I don't get it.
  2. This should really be like the marijuana thing...just nowhere near as bad as people think and might even be GOOD for you. (Disclaimer: obviously the same would not hold true if the genders were reversed)
  3. The browser ad-on is to watch the Aussie version, actually...the Canadian ones should all be there. I'll check in my history and find the channel. Looks like the BBCan youtube channels aren't there anymore... YOu can see all the eps here...just have to click off a lot of annoying pop-ups: http://www.free-tv-video-online.me/internet/big_brother_canada/season_1.html
  4. Thanks man...I keep thinking someone is going to tell me I'm being punked...somehow a job that is pretty much everything I could have asked for fell right into my lap...this sort of thing never happens to me lol
  5. Gotta figure Todd will take better advantage of his leverage next time...Lydia isn't too hard on the eyes.
  6. Dang, I wish Netflix would have gotten the deal done...would have been awesome to be able to binge on Saul!
  7. I found this article about the new iPhone...it was written by some doofus http://www.neowin.net/news/editorial-iphones-64-bit-architecture-is-pure-marketing-fluff
  8. Perfect, thanks...I guess the only other issue would be the new cable. I have a couple docks and other cables that wouldn't be compatible anymore, but no biggie.
  9. Okay, cool, thanks. My biggest fear is that I'm not certain of what all is synced with iTunes and will carry over to the new phone once I upgrade. I'll have to make sure I research that before I get rid of this one. That's part of the reason why I haven't upgraded by now. Have you had any issues transferring data to the new phone? I assume you backed it up on iTunes and then just synced with the new phone? My two biggest concerns would be my contact list and my "notes". It will take me a while to write all that stuff down so I have a hard copy lol.
  10. Thanks Bill
  11. The iPhone4 was my first smart phone...bought it in the summer of 2010 and have loved it ever since. Probably for me it would be a nice upgrade?
  12. I know Mexico was in disarray, but this is just such a satisfying win. Very happy for Klinsi, especially.
  13. It's not your head that they blur, JB.
  14. LOL! I actually will need to be careful, cause most of the hours will be working from home once I get through training...I'll have to keep Stone Cold on the back burner during working hours
  15. No doubt...the board on Sunday was far more annoying and aggravating than the loss!
  16. Start date is 10/14, so I'm gonna enjoy some football and relax a bit before hitting the ground running. Hopefully the Bills won't put me into a state of depression before starting the new gig! Thanks Yeah, technically I'm still employed, I just have treated it as if I was already out of a job since the carpet could get pulled at any time. I was even considering going ahead and staying until the end of the year cause they were offering a retention bonus to those who agreed to do so. So I used that leverage to negotiate a sign-on bonus with the new company since I had such a strong interview. The whole thing was just very odd and in all honesty I've been clueless as to how I should approach the situation. I basically decided I'd rather take as much control over it as I could and not remain at the mercy of my employer...thankfully I landed on my feet. Thanks man!
  17. Thanks guys
  18. Well, I'm employed once again...I'm glad this is over with!
  19. Yeppers...I'm partially permanently disabled due to a back injury I sustained in the hospital, so right now I'm limited to jobs that keep me away from actual patient care. The one I'm interviewing for currently would be telephonic and I'd be takign inbound calls from members who had time sensitive needs/concerns or who were in crisis. In my last/current job, I worked mainly with those who had chronic issues such as Diabetes, COPD, CHF, CAD, etc and most of it was outbound. A lot of it was working to engage people to give a crap about their health, and that's the part of the job that became very inefficient, uncreative and just not much of a challenge. The new job would - theoretically - be much more satisfying and interesting. I also won't be tied to one particular account, so that will enhance my job stability and reduce the chances that I'll be in the position I'm in now. I agree with you that it's very cool to see the ways that technology is being interfaced with healthcare. I have to give a lot of credit to the company I'm leaving, cause they are very innovative and will be a leader in developing new ways to interact with members/patients.
  20. Good call on Blast from the Past...I'm not a Brendan Fraser fan at all, but I really enjoyed that movie. And yeah, those abandoned missle silo conversions are badass. Check this one out...I'd never leave the room!!
  21. Might as well be! I've felt since early on that taking front line medical people and putting them into a "corporate cubicle" is unnatural. I've felt them gradually trying to turn me into an information-harvesting robot, so in that sense I'm glad to be getting out. I've actually gotten some really good news in the last few days. Two weeks ago I was contacted by a recruiter for a competitor and I've just finished up the (very drawn out) interview process. I was notified Friday that they're going to have an offer to me early this week, so I'm really excited. I'll actually get to use much more of my skill set and it's a company that I could potentially have a long tenure with.
  22. I think the fly in the ointment for Hank and Gomez is that they are doing all of this off the books, IIRC. Nobody knows anything about Walt...nobody knows where they are...nobody knows anything. And I agree, I will literally mourn the loss of this show...and to think that I almost didn't continue watching after the first episode. By the way, has anyone compared Walt Jr now to how he looked in season 1? Given that the story timeline is only supposed to be a year or so, I was almost waiting for Saul to ask the kid if he came down with a case of Marfans last night.
  23. I am definitely looking forward to "weaponizing" EJ a bit more as his game matures. I think the more conservative approach was the right way to get his feet wet, especially against one of the best teams in the NFL. But yeah, watching Kaepernick play this weekend was just sick...that's closer to the way I see EJ looking after some more experience, but hopefully even better.
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