Interesting...I was actually wondering if anyone had found a legit site to play at still. I've also read some articles that indicate there is some movement in terms of individual states loosening the restrictions, and that perhaps some established casinos were close to offering online tables to state residents. Living in Georgia, I'll never see that hit the light of day, so I'm hoping there are some interstate options that come up.
Whenever I think about it I can feel my BP rising...the whole thing was so damn stupid. I miss those days of sitting down at a table on Full Tilt or wherever I was playing that day, seeing people from countries all around the world, using my sit-and-go strategy to turn a simple $5 into $25 in about 20 minutes...eating some taco bell while Rounders or NFL Network is on in the background...good times!
Amazing that we're going on three years and that gold mine still just sits there...just regulate it and let us get back to playing!
If and when they do let us loose again, we gotta have another TBD tourney to celebrate...I'll be happy to coordinate it again...that was a blast!
Nice return! I'll never forget the day I won my first larger wasn't huge, maybe about 350 people, low stakes. I ended up with about six bills for the win...but what a great feeling.