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Everything posted by ajzepp

  1. +1
  2. I could pass on Tara, but Drea DeMateo just does it for me...I've had a thing for her since the first episode I saw her on The Sopranos.
  3. Think of them as "on demand" radio shows. I would bet you'd be able to find some that you'd be very interested in...and you can listen whenever you want. Yeah, when I first saw that Adam and Dr Drew had a show again, I was pretty psyched...I think they should take more calls, too.
  4. I can't remember either and I'm too lazy, as well haha...but yeah, I know during the lecture my instructor proposed there were as many as 100 different forms of intelligence...at least in terms of what had been proposed/theorized. I definitely agree with the strengths/weaknesses thing. One of my weaknesses is reading music. I used to be engaged to a classically trained opera singer who was a music teacher. She would often sit down with me and try to explain the different aspects of reading and writing music and it made zero sense to me for some reason. Even though I absolutely love music - nearly all kinds - I couldn't tell you 3/4 time from my JB's butthole.
  5. lol...okay, I suppose that's as good of an example as anything else
  6. It's interesting to hear you say that, cause getting back to the idea of different forms of intelligence, I've argued that wit and humor have always seemed to me to be a form of intelligence.
  7. HBD, Dante!!!
  8. This isn't a criticism cause I'm a fan of the guy, too...but honestly, how can one person have THAT much to talk about? lol He does multiple podcasts in addition to his other work, and the dude just always has something interesting to say...it's pretty remarkable.
  9. lol, yeah this was quite a while ago...I wish I could read these papers better, but they are so faded...the dude wrote an entire page about my performance, or else it's just some wordy explanation of the testing process. I see what looks like "Lender-Gestalt", "Rotter Incomplete Sentences", and "House-Tree-Person" something test. There's also something that looks like "wide-range achievement test". Apparently the tested the bejeezus out of me...I must have been doing more than just not completing assignments back then for my parents to do all this lol
  10. Very interesting...okay, I have the paper in front of me from when I was 7, and it says it's the "Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children"....and there is something called the "WISC-R", but I can't read what it says about that. It's interesting because this test is from October 1979 in the 2nd grade, and it rated my reading and spelling level to be in the 95th percentile (it says "4.5" after each...don't know if this is the grade level it projected me at or if it has another value) but my "arithmetic" score was only in the 58th percentile. As I got older, math actually became my strength and I scored nearly 700 on my SAT for math. I wonder if my parents targeted that back in the 2nd grade so that I'd get up to speed....the first paragraph of this report says that the test was requested by my parents since I wasn't finishing my assignments at school and my teacher didn't know why LOL
  11. Wow...score! lol One question I would have is whether IQ tends to increase as we get older? It was interesting to me seeing that my IQ at 7 years old measured 118 and then at 132 about eight years later. And also, is the Standford-Binet still in use today? And if so, what is its reputation for accuracy? I wonder if you've had one but just don't remember? I would have never known it was an IQ test if they hadn't called me into the office to beat me up with it. I thought that most schools/states administered these in some standardized manner?
  12. LOL, wow, that really is incredibly similar...I didn't start really getting focused until my girl bailed on me, too...small world!
  13. I'm labeling this as a LAMP post, even though I'm opening the discussion more to hear about others experiences than to talk about mine. I have a prior degree in Psychology, and intelligence is a topic that I remember being very interested in. Although there are some standard IQ tests that are commonly used, I remember having a lecture on the different types of intelligence and how no one test can really encompass each of them. Anyway, in my case, I recall back in 9th grade being called to the guidance counselor's office without warning. I walked in the door and found my parents sitting there staring at me. I was asked to sit down and to explain why I was only earning C's in school. I don't even remember what my reasons were, but they had called me down there because the results of my Standford-Binet test indicated I was in the "very superior" range, which was one step below genius. I don't remember if the number was 132 or 138, but somewhere around there. It was very surreal having both my parents and the counselor seemingly pleased that I had scored so well, but at the same time almost using it against me to say that there was no excuse for my grades being so average-to-poor. So as some of you know from my "Dead Job Walking" thread, I begin a new position on Monday. Yesterday I began going through some old papers that my mom left for me prior to her passing, because I needed my birth certificate and I had no idea where it was. As I'm going through everything, I come across a few very faded papers that I hadn't seen before. As I read through it, I saw where it was actually a copy of my IQ test report, but the number listed on there said "118". My first thought was, "wow, they all lied to me!!! I'm not nearly as smart as they said I was!"...but as I looked more at the sheet, I saw that this was actually a test from when I was 7 years old during the 2nd grade. I took a few years off after high school, but when I eventually went to college I ended up getting significantly higher marks than I did at any time before. I often wonder if it would have been different had I never taken this test that indicated I had more of a ceiling than I gave myself credit for? I grew up moving from state to state and always being the new kid...so school was always very stressful for me up until I finally gained some confidence around my junior year. If I didn't have someone else to tell me I could do better, how would my life be different? What would I be doing? It's a topic I find very interesting because I know that there used to be a school of thought that someone shouldn't be told what their IQ is...I don't know if that still holds true, or if it there ever was a scientific basis for not telling someone, but I'm interested to know about your guys' experiences with this sort of thing.
  14. This should be the season that Jay Pharaoh finally gets to take center stage. He's been a favorite of mine for a while, but the time is finally right for him to become a star.
  15. You guys having connectivity issues must have Playstations...I've had no problems at all with the xbox. (And no, this is not me firing the first shot of a console war...)
  16. Why the hell did we have to cut Tarvaris?? We had a solid situation going into camp...our top pick, a FA project, and two veterans. The Kolb thing was impossible to see, but cutting Tarvaris was just dumb.
  17. He's a disgrace...If they let him come to the finale, I hope they keep him in the audience...he doesn't deserve to sit among the actual survivors.
  18. We gotta roll with Thaddeus!
  19. You lookin' at me bum, cheeky boy?
  20. I'm surprised they brought him back at all knowing that he was faking the illness last time...I hadn't heard that until Jeff said it...pretty lame. Even more lame was his pathetic excuse for crying...there wasn't a single tear in all of that drama...it was obviously nothing more than an act by someone who should never have been there to begin with. I have to assume that the producers had factored in a Colton-quit before the show since they knew he faked it last time. I'm glad he's gone...now we can focus on people who really want and deserve to be there.
  21. Dude, if people were outing YOUR late night underwear trips to walmart, you'd try to divert it back on track, too! I still don't how that pic leaked...
  22. @thread...thought we were talking about netflix!
  23. LOL, bastarge!! Oh man, I didn't even think about that...that's a bummer!
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