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Everything posted by Justice

  1. Are you people high? I never said I supported Hamas. On the contrary, I denounce them.
  2. Palestine. Gaza is overcrowded as it is, why would the Israelis want any part of it? Go back to the pre '67 borders, then we'll see peace, because Hamas' cause will be given a death-blow.
  3. You're far too short sighted to see why the Palestinians would do any of those things. Try losing your country and then talk to me. Or at least try to put yourself in their shoes. Someone else overtook your country. Destroyed your homes. Took away your civil rights. Collective punishment. Oppression. Etc etc etc then we'll see how the people of the US will behave. Until then, you have no right to condemn their actions. Two state solution. A true two state solution. Don't give me any of that Gaza being freed crap, either. They're far from free. Hamas is a horrible organization. The things they do are evil. I'm man enough to admit it, but you ain't man enough to admit that occupying someone else's land is illegal. Every single thing the Israelis tell you, you eat it up, without a single shred of evidence. They tell you 80% of the Palestinians that died are militants, you buy that. They tell you Iran is supplying Hamas with weapons, you buy that. They tell you they didn't use white phosphorus on Gaza during the last siege, you buy that, even though you seen it for yourself on television. They bulldoze homes and say those homes belong to militants, you buy that. You do more shopping than Black Friday shoppers. In the end, the Palestinians are the ones dying by the boatload and you still only see Israeli casualties. You talk about killing people indiscriminately, they do the same, only difference is they have a cute term for it, "collateral damage". As if they deaths meant less. Give me a break!
  4. Murder is murder. It doesn't matter to me who's doing the killing, or how. In the end, it's still a sin. I don't condone any shape or form of Violence. The reality is FAR more Palestinians are dying than the other way around. Can't argue with the facts. If you don't want to speak to me anymore, I understand. We strongly disagree with each other and that won't change, because I stand by my beliefs.
  5. No one milks the sympathy card like the Jews. And I mean no one. You would have seen the damage if there was any, but there wasn't. I'm going to get biblical on you, now, because you may be able to argue with me, but it's a lot tougher to argue with the words of God. Does, "an eye for an eye" ring a bell with any of you? Well, 100+ deaths vs 5 is far from that. So go ahead, side with Israel's "self defense" excuse, but ask yourself this, does God agree? I think not. Go ahead and forsake your religion for the Israelis, because it makes you sleep better at night. Most of you on this forum think real life is like the movies. It always has to be good vs bad. Evil vs the righteous. Heroes vs Villains. In reality it doesn't always work that way. In this situation (Hamas vs Israel), IMO, it's villain vs villain. The only real victims are the civilians, on both sides.
  6. Gailey's got to be the worst coach in the NFL. How in the world do you punt the ball away with 3+ minutes left in the game on the opposition's side of the field? Our defense gave up third down after third down and yet he's still confident in his defense to get the stop. On top of all that, Fitzy throws an INT that Stevie J saves and we follow that with three passes in a row? Who do you think you have back there? Tom Brady? Gailey, you're a F'in joke. Can't wait till you're dismissed. Now for Fitzy, why don't you do us all a favor and ask to be released. You're not a NFL quarterback. You miss wide open receivers, can't hit the deep ball consistently enough and you can't even throw a freakin' screen pass. You SUCK!!! I hate you more than words can say. This team might actually be a great team when we get a QB that is at least serviceable.
  7. Just because they tell you these are Fajr 5's or Qassam's doesn't necessarily make it true. I believe my eyes, not the headlines. The damage done to Israel was minuscule after over 1000 rockets was launched towards them. That's all the proof I need. I'm going to steal a line from Dave Chapelle, "you can call me Pessimist Prime".
  8. That's what I'm talking about. Young men threw stones at Israelis, Israelis in turn fire back with assault rifles. Now I'm not saying the Israelis should pick up stones and throw them back, but still, the crime doesn't fit the punishment. Can you imagine the uproar if the same thing happened here?
  9. That's because his is a lot more slammable. Who has more of motive to lie?
  10. Consider the source. Here's another tidbit: The White House focus on Israel this week comes as Romney prepares to visit Jerusalem. The presumptive Republican nominee is a critic of Obama's policy toward Israel and has promised to ramp up U.S. aid to the Jewish state, although Obama officials say the administration already provides record levels of funding.
  11. Wrong on all counts. As a matter of fact Peres just said today that Obama has given more financial aide to Israel than any other president. Hamas was funded by the Israelis, look it up.
  12. What can I say, I was cursed at birth. Born-n-raised in Buffalo, NY with parents from Palestine. One thing we share in common is we both know how to take a hit, wipe ourselves off and get hit again and again and again...lol
  13. You're right. They don't use WMDs on Palestinians. I shouldn't have said that. I take it back. But they do have WMDs.
  14. I gotta go. The fam is watching X-Factor. Have a happy Thanksgiving. Peace and prosperity to the world. There's a lot to be thankful for today. Cease fire was a good way to start off tomorrow's festivities. Good night to all.
  15. Yeah, it's psycho schit. There aren't any Jewish/Israeli lobbyists in DC. And the Israelis don't use WMDs on Palestine. We develop them, give them to Israel and the Palestinians are the lab rats. BTW. Re-read the bolded part. Maybe something might sink into brain.
  16. They would've showed us the damage on CNN. No one plays the sympathy card like the Israelis. FACT. Granted, the Palestinians are a close second! LOL!
  17. Yes I am. I love this country and would never leave. I love the people, too. There isn't a better place on earth as far as I'm concerned. That doesn't mean I have to agree with our foreign policy. Having said that, my parents are Palestinians and I also love it there and would love to see a Palestinian state in my lifetime.
  18. I love it how you guys ignored post #229 and went back to Hamas' artillery. Also ignored in this thread was: 1. Israel's illegal occupation. 2. Israel's lack of courage to face Iran, whom they blame for supplying Hamas with weaponry in the first place. 3. Israel funded and helped start Hamas. 4. Why we're so buddy-buddy with Israel. So I'll address each one myself 1. Two state solution is only solution. Israel holds all the cards, here. 2. They like to play tough guy with the people of Gaza but refuse to face Iran. They're cowards. 3. Hamas was originally started to provide Palestinian people with "charitable and educational activities", but it was more likely started to oppose Fatah and start a civil war amongst the Palestinians. 4. Lobbyists lining the pockets of politicians and to help one another develop WMD's.
  19. Show me the ocular proof. Show me the death toll. Until then, ssssshhhhhhh!
  20. For real. They can't be that stupid to actually believe it's even possible. Freaking recognize Israel's right to exist. Stop targeting innocent civilians. Drop the tough guy act, because you ain't. And play nice neighbor. Israel, give us some scraps to make our own country in. Dismantle all the settlements. Allow us to run our country on our own. Simple, but the reality is they both hate each other too much for that. Real peace died with Rabin's assassination.
  21. Listen, I hate violence, but even I know Israel has to strike back in it's own defense. Even from "bottle rockets". I'm just of the belief they should handle it like they handled the car that held Hamas members. Systematic, targeted assassinations over a couple of months. Make Hamas feel safe by backing off a couple of days, wait for them to come out in public and then BOOM! See ya later terrorist. It's as simple as that. I keep going on about Rhetoric vs reality and maybe you should open your eyes to that too. The Palestinians need and deserve their own country. The Palestinians' body count over the years isn't nowhere near the amount of Israel's, we're talking decimal points here. The Palestinians suffer from human and civil rights violations. The Occupied Territories are ILLEGAL. The settlements are ILLEGAL. Israel holds all the cards when it comes to real peace. They just don't want any part of it. Two state solution is the only solution. Get that through your thick freakin' skulls. Until then don't be surprised over what happens.
  22. Wrong anaology. In this instance it's more like stab you with a pocket knife come at me with a RPG. I've been watching CNN for two days. I've seen some homes get hit. Trust me when I tell you those rockets are a joke.
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