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Everything posted by Justice

  1. Ask anyone around here. My opinions are usually not shared by many, but I always stick by my beliefs, be it popular or not. I'm probably the most hated person here because of them (my opinions). I respect you for speaking from the heart.
  2. “You keep using that word (whiner), I do not think it means what you think it means”
  3. That'll be me. I said the devil preys on the weak and uses them for these types of evil acts. I'm not as quick as others to blame the guys' craziness for what he did today. JMO.
  4. I'm of the belief, in this country in particular, that if the schools reintroduce religion responsibly (unlike middle eastern countries), that these events will happen a lot less than they do now. Once again, not saying I'm right and you're wrong, just my opinion. I think it will help.
  5. You're a douche-bag. I never said a "human or guns" were not involved. Don't put words in my mouth.
  6. I don't question God's decisions. Yes, he controls all, but we, as people, are given free will. I don't question these things. That's why it's called faith. I didn't mean to hijack this thread. What happened today is both tragic and sad. My prayers go out to all affected.
  7. I'm entitled to my own opinion. What we saw today was evil, if you feel better calling him crazy than go right ahead, call him crazy. But first, are you a psychiatrist? Did you evaluate this guy before he went "insane"? No, so my theory is just as valid as yours.
  8. To those of you calling the guy crazy, I wouldn't write him off as crazy just so fast. I'm a firm believer in God and if there's a God, there's a devil. What we saw today was sheer evil. Too much of that is going on in the world today, if you asked me. The devil is finding it easier and easier to control the weak, whether it be Muslim, Christian, Jew or athiest.
  9. Why? Because he's a QB that actually forces the defense to defend the whole field as opposed to the first ten yards? Lol
  10. Just started paying attention to Glennon. Good looking prospect. Strong arm, accurate, and throws one helluva deep ball. Moving up the boards, possibly a 1st rounder. Maybe even the first quarterback selected. I'm intrigued.
  11. Thanks for posting. I gotta good laugh out of that.
  12. "Same song" by Digital Underground. & "That's Life" by Frank Sinatra.
  13. I'd take Saban in a second. I live in Miami, he and his wife both hated it here. Big city life isn't for them. So Buffalo wouldn't be out of the question. As a recruitment tool we would have to offer him full control of football operations. Another way of enticing Nick to come here would be to feed his ego. Tell him that winning here would be better than winning anywhere else. It's the ultimate challenge. Who knows? He might be up for it. Lastly, we have great talent here in Buffalo. We're not that far off. Glenn, Levitre, Wood, Urbik, Spiller, Jackson, Stevie J, Chandler, Mario, Dareus, K. Williams, Byrd and Gilmore are a nice nucleus to a potentially great team. We're a QB, a WR, a linebacker or two, and a great coaching staff away from competing for a Super Bowl. It could be done. $10 million a year wouldn't hurt, either. Money talks. If not Saban, I'd like to see: 1. Greg Roman 2. Bruce Arians 3. Ken Whisenhunt
  14. http://m.espn.go.com/nba/story?storyId=8711940 I can see it now. Scarface's voice over the sound system in the arena starting the "Go Pelicans" chant. What a stupid sports team name.
  15. Yes, I believe our record doesn't reflect our talent level. Poor quarterback play and coaching cost us the game against the Titans, Colts, and the Pats. QB is the only position that can single-handedly lift a whole organization on his back. See Denver, Washington and Indy. If there were a sure fire, can't miss quarterback prospect available to us this year then I'm all for losing out, but there isn't. Even with the first overall pick (which would be impossible for us to obtain) in this coming draft, I don't see immediate upgrades to our roster outside of Manti Te'o. After the first round, who do you see as definite upgrades to: Glenn, Levitre, Wood, Urbik, Hairston/Pears, Spiller, Freddie, Stevie J, Chandler, Mario, Marcell, Kyle Williams, Kyle Moore, Barnett, Gilmore, Byrd, Wilson/Searcy, McKelvin, and Brooks? We've got some good talent here. Learning how to win is the most important thing, right now.
  16. In years passed, I would've said lose out. Not this year. Our talent level is much better than our record dictates. I believe we're only a few pieces (WR, 2 LBers, QB) away from being a great team. On top of all that there aren't any real slam dunk prospects coming out this year's draft so losing out wouldn't be worth it. At this point, we need to learn how to win more than anything else.
  17. On the positive side, all of his injuries should make him cheaper to keep.
  18. I tracked Ron Brooks while watching shortcuts today. The Jaguars went after him a whopping 18 times. He gave up 7 catches and had one PI penalty and an illegal use of hands penalty. Two passes defensed. Talk about your on the job training! Holy cow! 18 targets! Counting the penalties, he was beat 50% of the time. Not good, but not horrible either. The kid looks like he belongs out there.
  19. Lot's of great ideas. Here are some of my favs: Here are some of my own: 1. If any part of the ball touches the ground, IT ISN'T A CATCH! 2. Bring back the force out rule or keep it as is and change it to one foot being in-bounds for a catch to be ruled a catch. 3. Bring back team celebrations for touchdowns. It's a team game, why can't they celebrate as a team? As long as no props are used and they finish their celebrations before the extra point, who cares? Bring back the fun. 4. No more illegal formations. As long as you're behind the line of scrimmage, what does it matter how many men are on the LOS? 5. Ban the two point conversion or make them mandatory (no more kicking for extra points). You had to get your 8 point lead the hard way, why should teams be able to come back from that deficit in one possession? 6. For every challenge you win, you get back another one. The refs messed up in the first place, why should I lose out on correcting more of your F'ups, later?
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