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Everything posted by Justice

  1. I'm aware, but that doesn't change my opinion on Rivers. His offensive line is, and has been, one of the worst in the league. He also goes downfield a lot, way more than Fitzy and yet he only has 3 more turnovers.
  2. I'm not too sure of that. They might accept the deal. You said it yourself, Spiller is just that good. Rivers was drafted in '04, and SD needs to rebuild. Not a bad way to start with two 1st rounders (one from us) and CJ. Running backs are easy to find. QBs aren't.
  3. I'm about to get burnt at the stakes for this one, but here it goes. I agree with everything you just said. All that can happen if we pick the wrong QB. How about we offer up our 1st, Fitzpatrick and Spiller for Philip Rivers? Flame away.
  4. Buddy Nix almost has to fire Gailey. If not, then he's basically telling everyone that the talent, or lack thereof, here in Buffalo is the main reason why we aren't winning yet. He would be throwing himself under the bus, instead of Chan. But it does look like these two are joint at the hip. Either both of them go or none of them go. You can already see the writing on the wall, they plan to make Fitzpatrick the fall guy. I guarantee it. If Chan & Buddy are around next season it will be with a new QB or two.
  5. I appreciate the responses, but I want to hear from the guy that called me a liar. I mean, if it was such a bad lie like he says it is, I just want to know what was the overwhelming amount of evidence this guy had that justifies the insult.
  6. It was my first time at a gun range. I know nothing about guns or how to obtain a permit. I only know what the instructor told me. You read my story, didn't you? Did I pretend to be a know it all when it comes to guns or the laws pertaining to them? Gullible or liar is your only options here, what about ignorant to the laws? Ever think of that? I implore you to give me the exact reason why you think in lying. Do you not need all of those items I stated previously, in order to get a permit? Oh I get it now, you strike me as ieatcrayonz. Is this your new handle/identity?
  7. Lol! The dude is amazing. He can't figure out motive, but he can immediately tell if someone is lying or telling the truth.
  8. You can't know my motive, but you're a walking-talking lie detector test? SMH Listen up, buddy, I don't like bring called a liar. The instructor offered me a certificate, told me I had to get my fingerprints, passport photo, and criminal background check and take all of the above downtown. Why does this sound like a lie to you?
  9. Lie? WTF? Why in the world would I lie about that? One good reason. Please. I'd like to hear it.
  10. So I'm angry now? Lol. You said I don't get to complain if I don't do something about it. I wasn't complaining in the first place. Adam asked a question about training in proper usage of arms. The guy I dealt with didn't care if I could hit the broadside of a barn. Relax, dude. Not everyone is against you. I will say this though, you seem to be a pretty paranoid person. Paranoia and guns don't mix.
  11. That's funny. I don't recall telling you I was against guns. I'm simply complaining about one guy. As a matter of fact, I'm on record in past threads saying that I'd like to see a minimum of three days waiting period to purchase ammo.
  12. I'm a parent of three. If this were to happen to my child, God forbid, I wouldn't want my kid's face on TV.
  13. Very funny, guys. Lol. I'm no snitch. I was horrible handling a gun. Even up close. Never hit the spot I intended and this guy wants to give me a concealed weapons permit? Wow.
  14. It's funny you should ask that. I went to the gun range a couple of months ago for the very first time. Shot off a few rounds, I'm horribly inaccurate btw, and was approached by the manager asking me if I wanted a concealed weapons permit. When I asked him what I had to do to get one he replied with, "I've seen you handle a gun, that's enough for me. All you have to do now is get a passport photo made, get a copy of your criminal background and get your fingerprints ". When I asked him about the training I'm supposed to go through he said to forget about that just give me an extra $20. No wonder Florida has one million weapons permits handed out.
  15. Chan's done at the end of the year. No way he's coming back.
  16. I couldn't disagree more. Christianity had nothing to do with the violence you speak of. Religion is flawed because of man, not religion.
  17. There is no easy answer to this dilemma. In order to cure this illness, rights will have to be taken away and most people refuse to give up those rights. Or you can take it upon yourself to self censor. For example, television is far too violent. There's also way too much sex on TV. Our music, especially rap, glorifies violence. Our kids' video games are even worse. How many of you are in favor of censorship? Other remedies to this problem barely get mentioned, such as, religion in schools. A healthy fear in God is a good thing. Yet we don't even consider it. Now, don't get me wrong. I'm against censorship of any sort. If you don't like what's on TV, video games and in the music-don't buy any of these devices. If you do allow your family to partake in these types of things then at least educate your kids about them afterwards. Take 15 minutes to discuss it with them. America is having problems for many various reasons. We mustn't ignore the signs. If you're married, stay married. Divorce is a huge issue in this country. Two parents are needed to raise children properly. Whatever happened to the stay at home mom, the backbone of every family? This issue is far bigger than the 2nd amendment. Everything starts at home. No more excuses, parents, time to tighten up your game.
  18. Too late. Unfortunately, the names Harris, Klebold and Holmes are already engrained in my head.
  19. Horrible, horrible tragedy. Sad day in history. I weep for the victims.
  20. For real! This guy makes even atheists want to believe in the devil just so he can burn in hell!
  21. That's funny. I would've figured I was high up on your list, in particular. Lol!
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