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Everything posted by Justice

  1. How about this? I'm willing to bet that Jake Long will re-sign with Miami. St Louis is desperate for a tackle. Lets trade our 8th overall to them for their 16th and 22nd overall picks. Lane Johnson should still be there at eight making this trade a possibility. With the two picks we acquire from the Rams we can draft Alec Ogletree and EJ Manuel in that order. I'd prefer that to trading up.
  2. Ramses Barden and Dominik Hixon are still available. Brandon Myers at TE can still be had, as well.
  3. EJ is just the type of QB we need. Strong arm, accurate, and can run when things break down. He's a pass first guy.
  4. The Bills are doing the right thing. You don't go all in in free agency until you have a franchise quarterback in place. It's difficult to wait, but it is necessary.
  5. I haven't read all the posts in this thread so I'll probably be echoing what already has been said, but here is goes anyways. Without a good QB in today's NFL you will not be able to compete. A great QB changes everything. Until that happens this organization will continue to flounder. So yeah, things are bleak and hopeless for now.
  6. He plays the run better than Barnett. More physical and stronger. He is an upgrade.
  7. I don't agree with that move. Williams should've been the one to be converted to safety.
  8. Chance Warmack would be an upgrade over Levitre. I'd take him in a second. I can see it now, big boys Glenn and Warmack clearing the way for CJ! F Andy. Lets go BPA. We can get our QB in round two or three, either EJ or Bray.
  9. Old age for youth. The Dolphins know they're still a couple of seasons away from being a true threat so the move makes sense. It's a lateral movement as of now, but in two or three years they will have made out much better.
  10. Ellerbe didn't start the whole season.
  11. Dansby played the mike position with the Dolphins last year and ILB prior to that when the fish ran a 34. I'd love to sign him to a three year deal at around $14 mill. He would help our run D immensely.
  12. Conspiracy theories?? STFU, idiot. Go drink your Israel koolaid. Moron. I don't wish to continue this discussion anyways. It's pointless.
  13. Does the Iran-Contra scandal ring a bell? But you know who I'm talking about and you can't refute it.
  14. I don't have a hatred for Jews. I don't like their government much. Huge difference. The fact remains the same, people want to bash Rodman for being friends with the Koreans and yet our government is buddy-buddy with one of the biggest violators of human rights out there. Double standard.
  15. Rodman is an idiot, but we already knew that before his visit to Korea. What's our government's excuse for backing a nation that is also a perpetrator of war crimes, one of the biggest violators of human rights, an apartheid state, and are in possession of nukes. Try to figure out who I'm referring to.
  16. I'm all for free agent signings but I'd rather go after the second tier guys. I'll take two out of three WRs from Devery Henderson, Barden and Hixon. I'd sign Fred Davis AND Delanie Walker at TE. Release Chandler. And finally draft a QB in the first, either Geno, EJ or Matt will suffice. The rest of the draft I go all defense.
  17. This team has way too much uncertainty at some of the most vital positions. We have a good offensive line that's about to lose its most consistent linchpin in Andy Levitre. We don't have even one binafide baller at LB even though we'll be running some 3-4. We have no one opposite Stevie Johnson at receiver. Our only TE is injured. We have no QB. We still need another safety and cornerback. What else am I supposed to think?
  18. Two straight years of declining health and productivity. There's no guarantee he'll give us two good years. He only had 6 sacks last year on a tough Steelers defense. We need some youth on this roster. We're not ready to win right now.
  19. By and large Joey Porter's tenure in Miami was a major letdown. I live in Miami Lakes and watch every Dolphins game. He was horrible. Terrible at coverage and didn't tally many tackles. He was a one dimensional player and the Steelers didn't miss him one bit when he left. You might be able to squeak one or two good seasons from these former Steelers, but that's about it.
  20. 1. Accuracy. Great ball placement. The ability to hit his receivers in stride. 2. Courage. I want a guy with cojones. A short memory. 3. Leadership. Someone like Brady that isn't afraid to let his teammates have it when they screw up. 4. Arm strength. We play in Buffalo. Enough said! 5. High football IQ 6. Athleticism.
  21. Stay far away from linebackers that the Steelers release. They know exactly when to let their own go. Here's some examples over the years: Greg Lloyd, Jason Gilden, and Joey Porter.
  22. There's a huge difference between Ryan's 60.6% and paltry 6.7 YPA and EJ's 68% at a whopping 8.8 YPA.
  23. Bad in Bowl games? He's undefeated in Bowl games. 4 & 0. Yeah, that's horrible. Where did you get your info from? As a matter of fact, EJ is only the second quarterback who has won four straight bowl games in college football history.
  24. If like to see the Bills sign Barden, Hixon AND Devery Henderson. These are all second tier free agents that won't cost a lot of dough and can help out our offense tremendously.
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