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Everything posted by Justice

  1. How many holes does a straw have? Lol I have no clue if there are offshoots to that tunnel. I didn’t mean there’s plural. Like I said. This is starting to hurt.
  2. Did I say that? Man this is starting to hurt lol Oh so now the UN is dependable? Got it. Thanks.
  3. I think it needs to be further investigated I hate when threads are merged. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8V9my3R/
  4. And it isn’t even close. It’s a blowout.
  5. Trolling again. No. You’re just stupid. What the hell happened to this place. There used to be some signs of intelligence around here. I guess they’re all gone. I’m surrounded by morons.
  6. Israel would still be standing if Palestine had those weapons. They’re surrounded by enemies with those weapons and Israel still remains. The tunnel under the synagogue in NYC
  7. Lots of questions. I live in Florida. If I were to do something like that the city would force me to fill it with concrete on my own dime. If I refuse they will fine me. If I don’t pay they will put a lien on my property. Is NY state different? Are they gonna investigate those tunnels? And if not, why? Why are there mattresses underneath there? Why isn’t this being covered on CNN and Fox?
  8. I did answer it but you lack comprehension skills
  9. Y’all want to talk about them tunnels in NY or is that antisemitism too?
  10. I’m not gonna pretend to know what arsenal the entire Middle East possesses but Israel is still standing regardless.
  11. And you call me disingenuous? Lol you’re a real hoot
  12. I’m asking you. Not Israel.
  13. The debt has been paid and then some. When will you say enough is enough? 25,000 dead isn’t enough?
  14. Nah I’m being trolled. That last sentence about tolerance said it all. Sure there are tons of tolerant people just not the ones in power. I ain’t no liar. You can ask my daughter by phone. I’ll send you my number. And I haven’t lied about a damn thing
  15. I see. I’m being trolled. Got it.
  16. Bro I swear on the Bills next game vs the Steelers this happened today!!!!
  17. I have 3 daughters. 23, 22 and 12. The 23 year old wears hijab and the 22 year old doesn’t. The 12 year old decided to start wearing hijab over Christmas vacation. I warned her about what will happen at school upon her return and asked her to be sure she wanted to go through with that. She said she wanted to. Of course she went to school today and got bullied and laughed at relentlessly. Words like bomber, terrorist and 9/11 were mentioned amongst other awful things. She came home in tears. This is the kind of ***** I get real angry at. Hate and all forms of it. Y’all gotta stop teaching your kids to hate. They don’t get this way on their own. Then I come here and get called antisemitic. That was the final straw. I chose violence.
  18. You know I get accused of a lot of nasty ***** around here. Gotta constantly defend myself. Why? Why do I do this? I mean it’s not your fault. Your moms and your dads were hateful people towards Muslims. Their parents before them were the same. Your TV sets showed you brown man is bad and evil. You always had brown enemies too. Y’all just murdered them everywhere you can find them whether it’s here or abroad. Your movies always portrayed Muslims as terrorists. Your news shoved it down your hateful throats and like most overweight people in American you can’t stop eating it up. Hell you hate so much you even hate yourselves. Suicide is up! Blue hates red. Red hates blue! Your kids are lost. They don’t know what a boy or a girl is anymore. Your schools and churches aren’t safe. You love your guns like they’re part of the family. You can’t stay married. Your women are whores. You all cheat on each other. Of course you’re hateful. I don’t blame you. Now call me a bigot and antisemitic. At least I would have earned it. note to self: Hit “Submit Reply” or no? Hmm? Why not… I mean it’s all true. Maybe not for each individual on this board but as a society it’s undeniably true. Collective punishment is fine. They should’ve done something to stop it. They deserve it. Hit the button…. boom.
  19. It says a lot to why Muslim nations don’t want nothing to do with Palestine. Who wants to be the next target of this vicious, sadistic, barbaric, bloodthirsty nation’s hit list?
  20. Damn you’re stupid. Matter of fact change your name. You ain’t a doc of anything.
  21. We sending billions in aide and weapons there too? They control the land now. They don’t need to say it any more. See how that works?
  22. The right of the Jewish people to the land of Israel is eternal and indisputable… therefore, Judea and Samaria will not be handed to any foreign administration; between the Sea and the Jordan there will only be Israeli sovereignty. —Likud Party Platform, 1977
  23. Except for when Israelis say it right? No. I think I’ll stay Al
  24. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8VYrgBp/ I don’t like sharing these types of videos because I know there are people on both sides that feel like this. Obviously you people don’t. So here you go. I should start flooding this place with photos of dead babies too.
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