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Everything posted by Justice

  1. I think we finally have that. It's been a long time since we can say that, because Trent and Fitz were both limited as far as arm strength goes. Our playbook is completely open now. No longer are we restricted in what we do. 20 yard outs? No problem. 60 yard bombs? No problem. Deep crossing patterns? No problem. It really is an exciting time to be a Bills fan. We have the raw talent. It's now up to the coaches to get the most out of them. EJ will put in the work. I believed him when he said he will put in 13 hour days for whomever team that drafts him.
  2. I guess you missed that. In no way did I suggest Stevie lose his spot, but he will need a rest from time to time.
  3. I'd really love to see the Bills employ the four-wide/1RB set with this personnel Buddy and co have provided, on a regular basis. Just thinking about the great mix of size, speed, and athleticism this line up possesses has me feeling giddy. Rogers, Johnson, Woods, Goodwin and CJ will give defenses a migraine. If you remove SJ for TJ on some downs there won't be a secondary in the league that can run with them. Send TJ and Goodwin deep and let Woods, Spiller and SJ/Rogers tear them apart underneath. Teams will have to remain in their dime or nickel packages, too. Which means we can run running plays out of this formation. CJ won't see as many 8 or 9 men in the box. It can be a mismatch nightmare. On top of all that EJ can run. Defenders will have to keep an eye on the backfield allowing receivers to get wide open. I love the potential of this offense!
  4. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2013/05/10/mccain-wants-to-scuttle-blackout-rule/ I'm an out of towner so the blackout rule doesn't affect me, but I still hate the rule. Good point made by John McCain.
  5. A lot of Losman bashing in this thread. Not saying I don't agree because he more than deserves it, but you gotta admit JP was the best QB for a one dimensional receiver like Evans. Losman threw a very nice long ball.
  6. It most certainly does matter. A larger field with moving targets is a lot harder to scan than 3 immobile targets in a smaller area.
  7. Who ever thinks Stevie is better than Moulds is insane. Moulds is one of the top 5 Bills receivers ever. Johnson isn't.
  8. Yeah, I caught that. A football field is 53 yards wide. How wide is the sports science facility?
  9. Moulds was far more versatile than Evans. He can go deep. It can go across the middle. He can hurt you with the slant. He was extremely strong. Good all around receiver. Evans had one thing going for him. Speed.
  10. EJ Manuel's book smarts were never in question. His biggest critics, however, do question EJ's ability to process information on the football field. They believe he's not mentally fast enough to make a quick decision on any given play if the first two options are not open.
  11. Is this even a real question? Come on, man, it's E. Moulds all day long. Not even close.
  12. White CJ Spiller Blue Stevie J Jerseys I've owned in the past: Kelly Thomas Owens Dareus Merriman Fitzpatrick Edwards Losman Antowain Smith Moulds Bledsoe Flutie R. Johnson [edited] McGahee, too. Damn. That's way too many. I'm not proud of a lot of them. Lol
  13. I agree with your take on this matter, Magox. I'll take it even further. Forget the money. Forget the dollar amount and where it ranked as opposed to other starting QBs. Anyone that thinks it was a good idea to give Fitzpatrick a six year deal is completely clueless. You really believed Fitz was going to be your guy for six years? As if he suddenly will become more accurate and stronger armed as time passes. Please! Fitzy is a back up QB and at best a stop-gap type of guy. Two or three year deals are the most you give these guys and you never, I mean ever, sign them mid-season as if there was going to be some bidding war for his services at years' end.
  14. Yeah. I noticed that too. Why the sudden change of heart, Kurt?
  15. You obviously didn't read the posts in this thread. It's 15 pages of Bills' fans loving the pick, mainly.
  16. He's a good player coming off a major injury. I think he makes roughly $4M a year which is too much for a guy with this much uncertainty. I'd pass.
  17. Have you ever seen a prospect in your entire life that had such a high range of differing opinions as EJ Manuel. The strange part about it is there's no middle ground when it comes to the "experts" opinions. He's either going to be great or a bust, according to them. No one saying he can be a descent or serviceable starter. I wonder why that is. Is it because they feel his weaknesses can never be corrected? Is it because Buffalo has been inept for over a decade and is not a stable environment for a prospect to flourish? I, for one, believe in time EJ can be one of the better QBs in the league and no worse than a productive starter in this league. I definitely see playoffs in EJ's future at the bare minimum. I say "in time" only because I think it can be damaging to Manuel's development if he is hurried into the starting line-up. Having EJ learn the speed of the game at the NFL level with three rookie receivers and one second year receiver isn't the best way to get him started. Too many guys learning at the same time. Younger QBs should only play right away if they are surrounded by veterans and a system that already has been in place for at least a season or two. In summation I hope the Bills don't rush EJ into the starting line-up until next year. Patience is a virtue.
  18. Even though Hughes had Freeney and Mathis around him in Indy I still believe he's in a better situation here in Buffalo. We've got loads of talent on defense that should benefit Hughes greatly. Especially if we land Karlos. I was wondering where the Bills was going to find another pass rusher to compliment Mario. Here's to hoping Hughes is the one!
  19. We probably have to thank Woods for the Rogers signing then. He most likely chose us because of his relationship with Robert.
  20. Zooooo!!! That's what I want to hear from the crowd at the Ralph when Kiko makes a big play!
  21. Just to be clear, I'm referring to Goodwin, not Rogers. I love the Rogers signing.
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