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Everything posted by Justice

  1. To those of you going on about the treatment of women in Islam: I find it highly laughable that a nation that has a 50% divorce rate can tell ANYONE how to treat their women. Especially a region that only averages 2%. Men lie, women lie, number don't.
  2. No need to. He's already been handled in this thread. Plus, his points are so idiotic and outlandish. They're not even worth responding to.
  3. Okay... That wasn't very nice. Maybe you should ask Rightina out on a date. It looks like you need it.
  4. Allow me to introduce myself. I am PPP's resident Muslim and you must be its village idiot. I just finished reading every post in this thread and yours is the worst--by far. You're trying to sell off your opinions as facts and you're just coming off sounding extremely ignorant. Your points aren't even response worthy.
  5. Thanks for sharing, OP!
  6. Sorry to burst your bubble, but a three and a half year ban will straighten up your attitude real quick! I won't be having any more meltdowns any time soon. That and not posting often will see to that. Lol.
  7. Sorry, I didn't see this thread when I made mine. There's no realignment, but it is a major change that will make things fair and KEEP the Bills in Buffalo. Here it is: The NFL has their heart set on a team or two in LA, and one each in Toronto and London. No city, not even Jacksonville, should have to lose their football team. The possibility of an 11 & 5 team like Arizona missing out on the playoffs shouldn't happen either. I have the perfect solution that will make everyone happy. Here's my plan that will help avoid these types of situations. Expand the league by four teams, two in each conference. That brings the total of teams in each conference to 18. Next thing you do is scrap the divisions. Each team plays every team within their own conference one time each for 17 games, alternating home games annually. The NFL will be pleased with this because they get an additional regular season game. The players won't mind it either considering the NFL wanted to move to an 18 game schedule, this way they meet in the middle. The top 6 teams in each conference make the playoffs. I love this idea because the best of the best in each conference will make the playoffs every year and it's the fairest way. I also love the idea of avoiding a "Tom Brady type QB" tormenting you two times a year for 10 years. The only downside is you don't see an NFC team until the Super Bowl. I can live with that. The rivalries you develop in your own conference will negate that.
  8. You're right about that. I'd love to see those cities get their own teams without stealing ours. I'm not going to lie, I worry about losing the Bills. Mr Wilson's time is almost up. Our lease buys us seven years, after that there's no guarantee. I'd take a watered down product over no product at all.
  9. I agree, you will notice an immediate drop off in talent in the beginning, but over time it will no longer be noticeable. What you gain (not losing the Bills) far outweighs the negatives.
  10. Jax and Carolina didn't thin out the talent level around the league, IMO. Not sure. Personally I'm against a team in London. Goodell seems to think it can work. Not sure. Personally I'm against a team in London. Goodell seems to think it can work. No matter how many teams are in the league you're always gonna have some subpar starters on every team.
  11. I disagree. I can name four back up QBs that can start on NFL teams. McCown, Vick, Cousins, Fitzpatrick, Moore, Hoyer, and maybe even our very own Thad Lewis. That's not even counting the three or four prospects coming out of college football every year. Money for stadiums isn't an issue either. There are quite a few billionaires looking to own NFL franchises. Will the talent level be thinned out a bit? Sure, but everything is relative. There are plenty of talented players that don't get an ample opportunity to showcase their talents, too. Maybe now they will.
  12. No. Only in the Super Bowl. AFC vs NFC games are meaningless anyways. There's no rivalry there. IMO that's a small price to pay to ensure that the NFL can expand to the places they covet without cities losing their teams and the NFL can move to an 18 week schedule, including the bye. I can live without facing NFC teams for that.
  13. The NFL has their heart set on a team or two in LA, and one each in Toronto and London. No city, not even Jacksonville, should have to lose their football team. The possibility of an 11 & 5 team like Arizona missing out on the playoffs shouldn't happen either. I have the perfect solution that will make everyone happy. Here's my plan that will help avoid these types of situations. Expand the league by four teams, two in each conference. That brings the total of teams in each conference to 18. Next thing you do is scrap the divisions. Each team plays every team within their own conference one time each for 17 games, alternating home games annually. The NFL will be pleased with this because they get an additional regular season game. The players won't mind it either considering the NFL wanted to move to an 18 game schedule, this way they meet in the middle. The top 6 teams in each conference make the playoffs. I love this idea because the best of the best in each conference will make the playoffs every year and it's the fairest way. I also love the idea of avoiding a "Tom Brady type QB" tormenting you two times a year for 10 years. The only downside is you don't see an NFC team until the Super Bowl. I can live with that. The rivalries you develop in your own conference will negate that. What do you think?
  14. Get me a tight end an offensive lineman with the first two picks then you can address the QB position. Mettenberg, Murray and possibly McCarron can be had in the third round.
  15. I agree completely. The culture in Buffalo has to change. In order for that to happen we need to continue to build this defense. As of now we're only one or two additions away from having an elite unit. On offense I'd like to see us line up under center a lot more. We need to spend this off-season and our resources to solidify the offensive line and acquire, not one, but two tight ends. We need to become a team that grounds and pounds our way to victory. You limit the turnovers that way and keep the defense fresh. Scrap the no-huddle, too. If we do this the wins will come and the culture will change.
  16. If we're still in the hunt by week 16 or 17 then that means we're probably good enough to win anywhere.
  17. This is the reason why every Toronto game should be the last "home" game every year.
  18. Robey made a little bit of contact but nothing flag worthy.
  19. Woke up feeling sad today. It finally sunk in completely that we're going to miss out on the playoffs yet again. I guess I miss the game day jitters. I still want to win, though. Learning how to win is more important than any potential draft pick at this point.
  20. Painful? Yeah, maybe a little, but we were very entertaining this year. We're more entertaining to watch than painful. I used to cringe when our defense took the field. Now I enjoy seeing them out there. Our offense is maddening at times, but they are improving. To those of you that want to replace EJ, I implore you to practice some patience. Sure, he's had some struggles, but overall he doesn't look like a rookie to me. He has poise, he has command of the offense and he has shown he can put us in a position to win at the end of games. He just needs to stay healthy and he also needs more reps. I have faith in Manuel.
  21. I would love to see the Bills get an elite TE. The majority of playoff teams over the last few years all had at least one, but an elite O-Line is even more important. It's time to go against the grain. Yeah sure, the league has become a pass happy league, but if you can go in another direction by putting all your eggs in the offensive line basket then you can dictate the game to your opponents in a way that they can't handle. Now that the NFL has changed over to a passing league that also means GMs are putting more resources into WRs, DBs and pass rushers. So what happens when you go the other way? Those same teams will struggle defending you because they're ill-equipped to. Winning consistently in the NFL has always been about the trend setters. Those that try to emulate and follow a path that already has been taken usually find themselves a day late and a dollar short.
  22. In years past I always wanted the Bills to lose for better draft positioning. Not this year. It's all about learning how to win now. Our talent level is finally at the point where we can actually draft best player available. It doesn't matter where you draft when you draft that way, because there's great talent all throughout the draft.
  23. Just hoping our turn to benefit from the shadiness will come one day. True. I agree, the refs didn't cost us the game, but you gotta admit the NFL has it out for us. Far too many examples points towards that. I looked over the play on All 22. There shouldn't have been a call on anyone on that play.
  24. The second I read your post I knew this was you, brother. I agree wholeheartedly. The Bills' most important needs are OL, TE and WR. In that order. The only change I'd make is keep Mack at center and move Wood to guard. Unfortunately this isn't going to happen. Cleveland has a ton of cap space. Mack won't be going anywhere. I'd draft a TE in round one. ASJ would be a great pick. Move down in the draft to get him and acquire another pick. Select a guard in round two. We can sign a free agent at receiver.
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