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Everything posted by Justice

  1. If that were true than where is the terrorism in Saudi Arabia? Jordan? Aren't those predominantly Muslim countries, too? Sharia law is harsh and it should be. Stay away from sin and crime and you should be fine.
  2. I just showed you the link on divorce. The treatment of women was brought up quite frequently as well, before I ever mentioned divorce. My children enjoy their lives very much. They go to the movies, concerts, the mall etc etc, as long as one of their parents are with them.
  3. Islam permits marriage to someone with a different faith for men only, as long as she is a Jew or a Christian. Women must marry a Muslim man. Like the Jews, the children must share the same religion the mother has. I'd rather my child marry a Palestinian, for my own selfish reasons, such as I'd have a better chance of seeing them more frequently in the future if I ever decide to spend my retirement in Palestine. Plus, it's important to me they maintain our culture and traditions.
  4. http://divorcescience.org/2013/01/20/divorce-rates-in-the-middle-east/ Common sense should tell you these nations don't have as big a problem with drugs, alcohol and gambling as we do here. All of which are contributing factors in divorce. [drops the mic]
  5. I come on this board and get to hear some people say how my religion is evil, the world will be better off without Muslims, women are treated badly etc etc. and when I defend them I'm the bigot? I'm a father of three daughters and I have a wife, they all love me very much. I use my religion as a guide in my relationship with all four of them. Ignorant pricks come onto this site claiming to be experts and sit up on their high horse yapping about BS when no one in this country has the right to criticize. Clean up your own backyard, first. There's statistical facts that back up my claims. Go ahead a try to disprove it. You can't. So how can I be the one that's full of crap? Well for one it's mandatory for Muslims to give 2.5% of their income to the poor, annually.
  6. I'm not sure what world you live in, but the leading cause of divorce isn't physical abuse and if it is I'm sure alcohol abuse plays a big part in that. It's almost always infidelity or money. The Muslim world don't have those issues. No alcohol abuse. No drug abuse. No gambling. No cheating. Of course those things happen on occasion, but no where near the frequency that it happens here. Women don't have it nearly as bad you as would like to think. Leave them be. Your way isn't the only/best way. You don't like it when someone forces their way of life on you, don't do it to them.
  7. Not every country in the Middle East have those requirements for divorce. But let's assume they do. So you're trying to tell me that 48% more of marriages in that part of the world would end in divorce if those things were easier to prove? 50% of married women are getting their asses beat in the US?
  8. Don't act like there's no violence here. There are violent people everywhere. All those things aren't condoned in Islam. Do you know how hard it is to prove adultery in Islam? Four people have to witness the act. The rule is there to dissuade people from committing the act, but rarely is it implemented for those very same reasons.
  9. Glad you asked. We have a lot of social gatherings. When a guy notices a girl he might like he has to get permission from her father so they may get to know each other by phone or by chaperoned dates. If they like each other, they get married.
  10. Disownment? No, but if they don't live by my rules they can't live with me. Oh yeah, something like that never happened here.
  11. These are rules of man, not the Quran. Saudi Arabia helps your argument but you failed to mention EVERY OTHER country in the Middle East. They may not all be sluts, but they are wearing the uniform. The Middle East must be cold.
  12. The Quran already gives her the right to divorce. She doesn't take it 98% of the time because, believe it or not, they are treated very well by their husbands.
  13. I live in Florida and no my daughters don't have the right to go out alone. They're not allowed freedoms that other girls their age have. I'm old school. My daughters are well protected from peer pressure and I intend to keep it that way. Giving them freedom, specifically allowing them date, hurts their chances of having a sustainable marriage, because I believe once you've had variety in life, you're compelled to continue down that path. Driving a car, IMO, is okay once they're married. I can't/won't give them that freedom as long as they're single. Driving doesn't turn anyone into whores, but it is a helpful instrument. LOL.
  14. The Saudis definitely over do it. They're prop ably just fearful that their women will end up being whores. I don't condone it, but hey, facts are facts. Right around the time women starting getting some rights (1920s) in the US, the divorce rate rose significantly. Do you think there's any correlation?
  15. So true. The Virgin Mary also wore hijab. My daughters are of age for hijab now and they don't wear them. It's their choice when and if they want to.
  16. Yeah. That's it. That's why their divorce rate is so low. There are literally millions of killers over there. Those 2% just got lucky. I've never met an arranged couple. That rarely takes place these days, but the system works.
  17. The Quran doesn't permit any of that. The divorce rate shows men treat their women just fine. Don't worry about ours. Worry about yours. Ridiculous outfits? Please. At least they don't dress like whores. Or maybe I should say at least they're not whores. You see a girl walking by with hijab and you think poor girl? Ha ha ha. I see a slut walking by and think the same thing.
  18. FALSE. You can NOT force someone to convert to Islam. Allah says: “Let there be no compulsion in religion. Truth has been made clear from error. Whoever rejects false worship and believes in Allah has grasped the most trustworthy handhold that never breaks. And Allah hears and knows all things.” [sûrah al-Baqarah: 256]
  19. To those of you going on about the treatment of women in Islam: I find it highly laughable that a nation that has a 50% divorce rate can tell ANYONE how to treat their women. Especially a region that only averages 2%. Men lie, women lie, number don't.
  20. No need to. He's already been handled in this thread. Plus, his points are so idiotic and outlandish. They're not even worth responding to.
  21. Okay... That wasn't very nice. Maybe you should ask Rightina out on a date. It looks like you need it.
  22. Allow me to introduce myself. I am PPP's resident Muslim and you must be its village idiot. I just finished reading every post in this thread and yours is the worst--by far. You're trying to sell off your opinions as facts and you're just coming off sounding extremely ignorant. Your points aren't even response worthy.
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