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Everything posted by Justice

  1. A. Me being repulsed leads you to believe I think about it a lot? Not true. B. I don't care who does it, anal sex is filthy and disgusting.
  2. I don't need religion to tell me gay sex is wrong. Common sense does. Sexual organs don't include fists, fingers, tongues, or butts. Men dressing like women, women dressing like men. I find it repulsive, but to each his own. I don't care what people do privately. Sexual preference shouldn't stop anyone from having equal rights, but there should be limits when it comes to pro sports. For example, what will the league do if someone wants to get breast implants or remove their penis? Things can get out of hand real quick.
  3. Makes no sense, huh? Okay then, I've gotta question for you guys, do you believe God punishes us for our thoughts or our actions?
  4. Very funny, juvenile, but still funny. Well played!
  5. I believe homosexuality is both by choice and from birth. Let me explain. You're not actually gay until you have sex with somebody from the same sex. For example, a person with homicidal thoughts isn't a murderer until he kills someone. Make sense?
  6. I respect MS for coming out now for many reasons, but above all else for his timing. He's giving teams a choice. I believe NFL locker-rooms will be very accepting of him and he will be treated as an equal. Everyone learned a lesson from the whole Martin/Incognito fiasco, too, so that helps. The fans, on the other hand, will be tough on him. Brady isn't even gay and ppl around here call him Marsha.
  7. He shouldn't be permitted to shower with his teammates or even change in the same lockeroom. Do you think male coaches shower with WNBA athletes? If I were in an all female shower I would be taking peeks every chance I got. I'd try to conceal it as best I can, but I'd still do it. He should also accept the fact that slurs will be said from time to time and he shouldn't take it personal. His teammates should try to minimize that as much as possible, but you can't expect the vast majority to change for the minority. He should also avoid patting teammates on the rear end. I'm sure you guys don't go around patting women on their butts at the work place, right? Other than that he should be treated equally. Lol In all seriousness this is one brave individual and I wouldn't mind him being a Bill.
  8. https://www.facebook...152174529015659 This is a Facebook link. Let me know if it's viewable to non-facebook members, please.
  9. Yeah. Sure. Still not doing that in front of cops. Next thing I know is I'll mysteriously have a busted taillight.
  10. Congrats, Andre. You've always been a HOFer, finally it's official.
  11. Henderson will be the guy. No doubt in my mind whatsoever. Wade just makes too much sense for this organization.
  12. So Adam, per se, didn't exist. How was man initially created according to Christianity or Judaism? Were they created in bunches all at once or did God only make one man and one woman at first?
  13. While we're on this subject I need to ask a question. Why is Jesus (pbuh) considered God's son and not Adam?
  14. I guess you never heard about Bilal ibn Raban al-Habashi.
  15. Pettine getting a second interview with Browns.
  16. Nooooooo!!!! He's our best coach.
  17. Hmm. Interesting move considering Hughes and Lawson both improved from last year. Kiko played excellent as a rookie, too.
  18. It's a win-win for those that want Hard Knocks. We'll get it sooner or later if we keep missing the playoffs. If we make the playoffs than we won't be on Hard Knocks.
  19. I was just about to say Teddy. In the wise words of Mike Tyson, "Our defense will be impregnable!"
  20. You know those cute little short films they show to let everyone know they have to silence their phones and stop texting just before the movie begins? Maybe they'll just show the news footage from now and on of the killing. That'll get people to stop. So sad that all these lives are destroyed just because a guy couldn't tolerate a little bit of light.
  21. Go get Brandon Spikes. According to Rotoworld they could be fed up with his antics in New England.
  22. Technology got the best of them. They weren't half bad when they fought with swords on horses. Lol.
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