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Everything posted by Justice

  1. Just read it. I read the Wells report, too. After doing so I have to side with Incognito on this. Here's the facts. A. Bullies don't hang out with their victims. Victims don't hang out with their bullies, and they hung out a lot. B. Most of the Miami Dolphins took RI's side on this matter. C. Martin has a mental condition. He also said he's been bullied all throughout High School. Maybe his idea of being bullied isn't the same as everyone-else's. D. Wells doesn't know these guys personally like their teammates do. He isn't even a former player so he has no idea what it's like to be in a NFL locker-room.
  2. A lot of the success the NFL is having today is directly related to fantasy football. Goodell is reaping those benefits.
  3. Most players are from the inner city. It's not hard to tell. Just listen to the interviews.
  4. Just guessing here, based on my time I spent in inner-cities, I'd assume NFL lockerooms would rather have RI than Martin. Snitches aren't respected in the hood. Personally, I don't want either one.
  5. Foot meet mouth. Check out the last sentence from MS's father. “My son did the right thing, and I am not against him at all,” Sam Sr. said. “He has made a great statement in coming out, and that he should be able to play in the NFL. I love him unconditionally. … Once he gets on the field and hits [someone] once, they won’t think he’s gay.”
  6. He concluded that a NFL lockeroom is a NFL lockeroom. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2014/02/14/ted-wells-concludes-incognito-and-others-harassed-martin-and-others/
  7. I somewhat agree with the gentleman that Murphy interviewed on his show a couple of days ago on this subject. I'm sorry, I don't remember his name, but the gist of it was the media attention and team distraction will fade away after game one. After that the questions will simply become redundant. The reason why I said "somewhat" is because I think the attention will officially be over after two games, one at home and the second after the first away game.
  8. You got that right. One of my favorite sitcoms of all time (Three's Company) would never be on the air today.
  9. I gotta kick out of the guy telling EJ that downtown is 20 minutes away from the Ralph. Everything's 20 minutes away in Buffalo.
  10. I just wish television, media and any of the sort would stop force feeding us this stuff. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying they should completely remove it from pop culture, I just don't want to be blindsided by it while the family and I watch television together. I don't know, maybe add a new category to the rating system. You already have R, PG, and G, add a GY or something for gay content so I can have a heads up. I would also like to see the politicians give them equal rights once and for all so we can move on to more serious topics every election period.
  11. What? One guy standing behind another? Don't be juvenile.
  12. Liking Breaking Bad makes me gay? LOLSMH.
  13. I guess the human anatomy doesn't mean a damn thing to you. Men and women have working parts that go hand in hand. God made us like this. It's the only way we can reproduce. I've already stated that anal sex is disgusting and it makes no difference who is doing it, you do know what comes out of there, right? It's irrational to be disgusted by that? Please.
  14. You don't need me to answer that question. They want to be treated like everyone else and that's fine, but I'm not going to any gay pride parades any time soon.
  15. As I've said many times before I don't care if people are gay. I've come across gay people at the workplace a lot over the years and yes I do treat them with respect. Will I champion their cause? No, but I won't go out of my way to harm it either. Live and let live. Michael Sam is one brave individual. I commend him for that. If the Bills draft him I'd treat him like every other Bill that came and went. Makes no difference to me.
  16. Therein lies the problem. You people believe it's normal. I don't. Maybe it's because I never dealt with the problem first hand. I don't have any gay friends or family members and I come from a very big family. My views may be outdated, but that's just me. I'm old school and I believe old school morals are better than today's, except for the racism. Homosexuality, to me, is a sickness that can't be cured. People are born with various conditions and that's just one of them. That's how I look at it. It still ain't "the norm". PS. Speaking for team hetero, I'd like to thank all the straight people in my past for my very existence. I'm glad you were who you were and made me what I am today.
  17. Let me ask you this one question. If you had a first born child on the way would you want him to be gay?
  18. I don't take offense to it. I'm repulsed by it. There's a difference. I don't care what year it is. I find it disgusting and confusing when someone portrays themselves as something that they're not. I mean what kind of homosexuals are they trying to attract by looking like a man? I thought lesbians didn't find men attractive, why would they dress/look like one? Common sense? Yeah well parts that work together like penis and vagina make a ton of sense to me. Penis on penis not so much. I said to each his own because I don't care if people are gay. I'm not going to any protests condemning them. I won't vote against gay marriage. I won't do anything to hurt their "cause". I could care less.
  19. I find it rather ironic that I'm being insulted in a thread by the very same people that are preaching tolerance of others. I've been accused of being a virgin, of not being able to please a women, and thinking about gay sex a lot (insinuating that I'm gay). Great job.
  20. I'm sure most women just love the money shot! Lol
  21. A. Me being repulsed leads you to believe I think about it a lot? Not true. B. I don't care who does it, anal sex is filthy and disgusting.
  22. I don't need religion to tell me gay sex is wrong. Common sense does. Sexual organs don't include fists, fingers, tongues, or butts. Men dressing like women, women dressing like men. I find it repulsive, but to each his own. I don't care what people do privately. Sexual preference shouldn't stop anyone from having equal rights, but there should be limits when it comes to pro sports. For example, what will the league do if someone wants to get breast implants or remove their penis? Things can get out of hand real quick.
  23. Makes no sense, huh? Okay then, I've gotta question for you guys, do you believe God punishes us for our thoughts or our actions?
  24. Very funny, juvenile, but still funny. Well played!
  25. I believe homosexuality is both by choice and from birth. Let me explain. You're not actually gay until you have sex with somebody from the same sex. For example, a person with homicidal thoughts isn't a murderer until he kills someone. Make sense?
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