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Everything posted by Justice

  1. First we hear Whaley say we will pursue all of our options when it comes to Jairus Byrd. Then we hear talks are going "pleasantly". And now we hear the Bills won't tag Byrd and he has rejected an excellent offer. It's funny how we all believe the third report the most. We know this team. This is their M.O. This is why we suck.
  2. Yes. A compensatory pick. In a draft that will be thin due to all of the underclassmen coming out this year. Unbelievable.
  3. This is the first time I've ever heard this. Players hate the franchise tag. If they get seriously injured them all that guaranteed money goes to waste. The players like the security of a long term deal.
  4. Be prepared for the famous line again. "We only want players that want to be here". We're treading on dangerous ground. When someone like Dareus' contract is up he might say to hell with Buffalo. All I have to do is say I don't want to be here and I'll get my way. If we tag Byrd again, that very same free agent might say I better take what I can get before I risk bring injured playing on two one year deals.
  5. Sorry bro. That's where you're wrong. He might have gotten away with that BS last year, but if he tried that same crap again he would only hurt himself. Teams might become skeptical to sign him if he says he's hurt, yet again, for two reasons. 1. They don't want to pay for a chronic gimp 2. They believe he's faking it and they don't want a guy that will do that kind of thing.
  6. I don't want to go that route. I want to do what was promised to us. Build through the draft and re-sign our own. Free agency doesn't win games.
  7. All but Mario and Anderson were good/cheap deals. All of them.
  8. Keep telling yourself that. If that's true, they're even more inept than I imagined and that's saying a lot. They ARE cheap. Mario Williams is the exception, not the rule. How long can we milk that signing?
  9. Well then he stays for one more year. Period. Therein lies the problem. Levitre walks and they sign Legursky as a replacement. It's a joke. A crying joke.
  10. I agree, but don't replace him by shopping at the Salvation Army.
  11. Do you call letting Levitre walk and replacing him with Doug freaking Legursky "being smart about it and maximizing what they can get from his departure"?
  12. What and where has all that extra cap space gotten us exactly?? What will happen if EJ becomes an elite quarterback and he wants to leave? If we can't/won't re-sign our own then what is the point of following this team? Buddy Nix told us a while back that we're going to build this team through the draft and re-sign our own. I'm not buying that bologna anymore. TPTB are only in this for the money. I see that now.
  13. Mine too, especially since we already used picks on Searcy, D. Williams and Meeks. Good grief this team is frustrating. We still have to replace Levitre. Let's CREATE holes, instead of filling them. :wallbash:
  14. When the Bills finally won the East back in '88 the Bills' fans tore down the goal posts and partied like no other. Countless Bills players called us the best fans in the early '90s and not even during interviews--they did it during the game! After losing for 14 straight years, we're still here and we're still hardcore fans. If that's the case why not let everyone leave then? They may not have been afraid to face us, but I'm sure teams schemed to stay away from Byrd. How do we even know this is fact? And even if it is, we can franchise him. We have the power, not Byrd. So yeah, that's "letting him leave". How you can see it any other way is beyond me.
  15. The way I see it is we're on the cusp of becoming a winning team. Franchise Byrd again and win 10 games. I bet you anything he'll stay if that were to happen. There's no better town to win in than Buffalo. Losing sucks and he had enough of it. I don't blame Byrd.
  16. Let's face it, fellas, we're a farm club for just about everyone else in the league. We develop 'em and let them leave. In the process we lose countless draft picks on them and then their replacements. We're spinning our wheels and going nowhere. That's how you reach 14 years of futility.
  17. If they like him that much that they're willing to give him $10 mill a year then yes. They would easily part with a 3rd or a 4th.
  18. Blame Byrd all you want, but this is 100% on the Bills. I don't believe for one second you can't at least pull a 3rd or at the worst a 4th rounder for the guy. Something's better than nothing, plus you control where he ends up. Franchise his ass and get something. We have the power, not Byrd.
  19. What's even worse than losing a great player in Jairus Byrd is the message sent to present and future free agents of the Buffaol Bills and that message is you can have your way. That's not a good message to send.
  20. Looks like you may be right, according to Jeremy White. The Bills are idiots if they don't franchise Byrd and at the bare minimum get a third round pick in return.
  21. Mike Evans is exactly what this team needs. He can go across the middle, compete for jump balls, has elite hands, has the ability to comeback to the ball when plays break-down, and is a true outside receiver on a team that truly lacks one. If Robinson, Watkins, Mack, and Matthews are all gone I'd take Evans over Ebron. Ebron's hands are too suspect.
  22. I posted this in another thread, but it fits in just fine here too. 1. Re-sign Byrd. Make him the highest paid safety in the game. Front load his deal so it's not cap restrictive going forward. We have plenty of cap space so we can afford it. 2. As much as this pains me to say, but I'd use the 1st rounder on a RT only if Robinson (not likely) or Matthews is available at our spot. Lewan isn't a RT in my opinion and I wouldn't move Glenn unless he is 100% happy with the move. I'd much rather have Watkins or Evans, but we can find a nice receiver in the 2nd. If we draft a wide receiver here than try to sign Streif from N.O. 3. Draft the best available wideout in round two. Jordan Matthews or Kelvin Benjamin could be there. If not then grab the TE out of Notredame, Troy Niklas, or ASJ. 4. Draft a guard in round three. If we go WR and OL with our first two picks then grab our TE here and wait for round five for the lineman. 5. Sign a MLB in free agency. Jackson, Dansby, or Riley would suffice. 6. Scrap the no-huddle. Give our defense some rest. 7. Re-sign Chandler. He would be a great #2 tight end. Which leads me to #8. 8. Utilize two tight end sets more frequently. This is a running team. That's our strength. Make life easier on EJ while he makes his transition. Get rid of TJ. That's about it. That's what I'd like to see. These moves can get us to the playoffs.
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