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Everything posted by Justice
Israel just turned off the internet and all telecommunications in Gaza. They didn’t like having so much visual evidence against them. Actions of someone with something to hide. Only God knows what’s coming next.
Lots of mental gymnastics going on there. Saying a lot of nothing too. The point still remains… the USA attacks and slaughters millions globally.
Yesterday I knew the TV networks wouldn’t cover the case. I wasn’t surprised. I expected it. I rarely watch Fox News or cnn, but yesterday I made it a point to flip channels for hours. Nothing. Not a whisper. Ladies and gents that’s called controlling the narrative. At least they were equal with it. They didn’t cover it today either and that’s because they knew there’s no defense of what’s taking place in Gaza. Everyday its 10/7. For 98 days now. Sky News on the other hand didn’t cover it yesterday but had the audacity to cover the defense today. Unreal. You really want to go with this argument? Really? How many Jewish people did Hitler kill before anyone helped them?
I assure you if anyone ever shoved us all into Florida and controlled every aspect of our lives we would do the same. Thank you. He’s no better than any extremist and fundamentalist.
The US has been poking their nose in the Middle East and fighting wars over there for decades. You’re gonna make a lot of enemies like that. No sense in arguing about it. Facts are facts. None of these nations have ever invaded the US. You can’t say the same.
Listen I’m not gonna let that term stop me from speaking the truth. What? Don’t say ***** because someone might accuse you of antisemitism? I’m a Semite myself. It ain’t a trope. It’s very real. As for whores well anybody can see that. Religious beliefs have nothing to do with that. Only Fans whores invade every post on social media just about. You don’t have to go looking for it. It’s a pandemic of whores.
Bro facts are facts. I’m not gonna sugarcoat it. I own it. Sad part is none of you can dispute it. Touché lol
See what I mean? Idiots. I’m completely surrounded. This is about land. Nobody gives ***** about the religion anybody follows.
That post wasn't disputed by any of you. Besides y’all are taking it out of context. Go read the last paragraph. I’ll try to find it and repost it here. here it is: note to self: Hit “Submit Reply” or no? Hmm? Why not… I mean it’s all true. Maybe not for each individual on this board but as a society it’s undeniably true. Collective punishment is fine. They should’ve done something to stop it. They deserve it. Hit the button…. boom.
Gotta address that last sentence there. Lol. As if that isn’t proven lol. This is hilarious. Stop kidding yourself. You know it to be true. Their influence over the USA is undeniable at this point. Keep religion out of this. I will never disrespect anybody’s religion. Awesome. I’ve been tuning in to both stations all last night and nothing.
You guys don’t ask yourselves why they didn’t air this live? You guys can’t see why they wouldn’t? At the bare minimum they should have covered it. You don’t see a problem with it? At all??
Nothing will work on you. I’m not looking to win anybody over or convince anyone. I’m here to point out the hypocrisy. Fox News last night would rather talk about the Will Smith slap than show the case that was made by South Africa against Israel. If you can’t see a problem with that you’re helpless. It’s easy for you to criticize. You aren’t being controlled by land, air and sea. You don’t know what it’s like. You don’t even try. When there’s nothing to live for you will find reasons to die.
Lies. It’s not being covered on TV. Specifically cnn and Fox News. That’s where most people get their news. If you can’t see why then I can’t help you. Go ***** yourself
No talk of the ICJ huh? Lol. You sheep are funny. You’re programmed so hard you don’t even realize it. They didn’t shove it down your throats in the media yesterday or today because they knew they couldn’t allow you to hear the case because it’s damaging to their reputation. Sky news didn’t air any of it yesterday but today they did because today was Israel’s defense. You can’t make this up. CNN and Fox News don’t find this news worthy???
Hamas is responsible for that. They use the funds for arms. They don’t give a dang about the civilians. They won’t stop until they have a state.
Yeah I gotta reply to myself. They all know what a infidel is though hmm
No *****. Picked a perfect day to do it is my point. Not an ounce of cnn or Fox News coverage on the genocide trial. They manipulate you people. Point you in the direction they want you to go.
yeah this is about Hamas smh
Textbook distraction tactics under way today with the US and UK hitting Yemen. No need to cover that pesky little genocide trial now huh? Foh.
What’s a amalek?
Let’s see how this kid comes out if he survives this thing. He will not be normal. That’s for sure.
Last night the Israelis went into my cousin’s village. The IDF destroyed a part of their sign that says “We ❤️ KafurMalik”. This place is located in the West Bank. Keep telling yourselves this is about Hamas. Sorry I should clarify. The village is called KafurMalik.
Last sentence lol Sorry. Maybe it was for terror attacks. Idk. I can’t refute it. Maybe it was for something more sinister. Mattresses and baby chairs are a little odd.
I asked him if it was antisemitism to talk about it. I wrongfully assumed you knew what I was talking about and it appears as though you had once you starting speaking about that very same tunnel? Lol like WTF
Ha ha! Your dumbasses thought I was talking about subway tunnels lol morons!!!! Lol