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Everything posted by Justice

  1. How else do you occupy someone's land then? By asking for it nicely? That's fine. Trust me. I accept it. I just don't like the present-day narrative of how it all unfolded.
  2. You can still own land while you're being occupied.
  3. Occupation of land is illegal.
  4. They were occupied. The land wasn't owned and if it weren't for outside intervention Palestine would still be 100% Palestine.
  5. Here we go again with that BS. Please try to utilize a little common sense here. If country "A" claims they had no choice but to launch a preemptive strike on MULTIPLE countries because of an impending doom and take all of 6 days to win that war then it really wasn't a threat after all. Country "A" then takes more land in the process, which anybody with an IQ over 10 can see, was their real agenda all along.
  6. There are so many historical inaccuracies in the post it's not even funny. You have no credibility. Over 90% of land was owned by Arabs in 1946. The Jewish population was under 8%. I guess you might have missed all the photos of the boatloads of Jews coming to Palestine, too. Since you have zero credibility I won't bother to answer all your other garbage, too.
  7. You people are really something else. Dumb *****. I almost wish some country would occupy the US just to see the way you treat them in return.
  8. Don't bet on it, B word.
  9. I don't support the PA, Hamas or Abbas the puppet.
  10. Therefore you're brainwashed. PS I don't watch the news anymore. Just like in any crime I look at who benefits from it the most. There lies the smoking gun.
  11. Re-read your last statement. What media you watching? Don't get mad, bro. Or maybe you should. Things ain't what they seem.
  12. There's a lot there so pardon me if I don't cover everything. First of all, just because you see it on TV doesn't necessarily make it true. I've been here since March and visited many cities and villages and I've spoken to a lot of people. People just want to live their lives in peace. They realize the end of Israel isn't coming any time soon. Would they like to see it? Of course they do! Do you blame them? If someone took over the US would you recognize their right to exist? Believe it or not, and I don't have any exact numbers, but outside of the US many people all over the world support the Palestinians over the Israelis. I'm tired of people saying we lost our land in war. Israel started the war in '67 and TOOK our land. They claim they had no choice, but that's bull. Why do you think the war lasted 6 days? Because there was a real threat? Please. I find it hard to believe these guys are that stupid to launch rockets into Israel, knowing what's coming next. It wreaks of false flag operation. Ever since I found out Hamas was started and funded by the Israelis I've been skeptical to believe what I hear about Hamas' hatred towards Israel. Everything they do benefits Israel. Why is that?
  13. American plight? Not from where I'm sitting.
  14. Meant to say Kerry.
  15. Their response to Mr. Peled would be interesting. I'm sure they know more than he does.
  16. I wish they would stop launching rockets into Israel. It's idiotic. It only leads to more Palestinian deaths and less land. If all Palestinians are non-violent do you really think they would get anything significant in return? Case in point, there hasn't been a suicide attack in years, and there has been relative peace for a while now. Edwards came to the region and pleaded for peace talks to resume and nothing came about. Then the instigation began with the two killings on Nakba Day. Then the retaliation from the Palestinians with the triple murder. Then the mass arrests, and bombings in Gaza began. Now we have Gaza trying to strike back. It's a never ending cycle that begins and ends with Israel. They're the ones with the power to end all of this, but do you believe the Israelis really want to dismantle settlements and exit the West Bank? I don't. It's in their best interest for the violence to continue because they stand to gain far more.
  17. Lmao! You guys are following the script perfectly!
  18. How do we get there?
  19. This is PPP so I'm glad to say !@#$ you !@#$.
  20. Why don't you try looking at a map before you make yourself sound stupid. The Dead Sea is also located in the PA "controlled area" of Jericho. Dead Sea relaxing? Yeah, if you love extreme heat and really warm water. Too bad I can't go to a real beach.
  21. It's not a war. It's genocide. People said the same thing about Fatah and Yaser Arafat.
  22. I'm not so sure about this, but even if it were true you need to know more about one's home in this part of the world. The average income around these parts is about $150 a week. A home costs around $400K to build. It takes a whole family to come together to build their homes and many years to do it. There are no monthly payments here. If these people are running to the rooftops hoping to prevent it from getting bombed than that should tell you what their homes mean to them. It's everything they have in this world. Maybe so, I still feel for the innocents that have lost their lives or homes or both.
  23. That's fine with me as long as we go back to the '47 borders the "former owners" gave to BOTH the Israelis and Palestinians. In the meantime is just be happy with the '67 border lines. What did they do to deserve such a harsh reaction? The Israelis over-do it. Plain and simple. When did you change your handle to DC?
  24. Who do you think instigated this round of violence, DC? Darn it! I almost missed out on a great opportunity. It's never too late though. Fire bomb them. Demolish their homes and build new settlements on their land. That's how you should respond to the drive-by shootings. Then you'll be just like your terrorist friends-the Israelis. Chop down some trees while you're at it and set up checkpoints everywhere. Almost forgot about those, too.
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