There's a lot there so pardon me if I don't cover everything.
First of all, just because you see it on TV doesn't necessarily make it true. I've been here since March and visited many cities and villages and I've spoken to a lot of people. People just want to live their lives in peace. They realize the end of Israel isn't coming any time soon. Would they like to see it? Of course they do! Do you blame them? If someone took over the US would you recognize their right to exist?
Believe it or not, and I don't have any exact numbers, but outside of the US many people all over the world support the Palestinians over the Israelis.
I'm tired of people saying we lost our land in war. Israel started the war in '67 and TOOK our land. They claim they had no choice, but that's bull. Why do you think the war lasted 6 days? Because there was a real threat? Please.
I find it hard to believe these guys are that stupid to launch rockets into Israel, knowing what's coming next. It wreaks of false flag operation. Ever since I found out Hamas was started and funded by the Israelis I've been skeptical to believe what I hear about Hamas' hatred towards Israel. Everything they do benefits Israel. Why is that?