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Everything posted by Justice
You're horribly misquoting me. I never once said that. You'll have to produce some evidence I said that. Please don't put words in my mouth. According to you Muslim men would be raping women on a second to second basis in America or just about everywhere else for that matter. I don't mind you responding to my question. I'd like to hear DC respond, though I agree with you on peaceful methods of protest.
You really are an !@#$. You get my vote for !@#$ of the year, already, even though we're only half way through. Are you also suggesting Hamas is justified in their attack using that rationale? Your heads just might explode when/if you see this:
She's smoking hot! Love her!
Damn! That's some deadly, evil **** right there!
The only people succeeding in wiping out someone else is the Israelis to the Palestinians and that's a fact. One of my goals is to nail Eva Mendes. That isn't gonna happen. Go back to the '67 borders, dismantle all the ILLEGAL settlements and as part of the deal make sure Palestine will never have a military. That's the only way.
I don't think anyone on this planet believes Hamas has the capabilities to destroy anyone, much less Israel. Over exaggerate much?
Does this sound like a man who wants peace? http://www.addictinginfo.org/2014/07/12/israeli-pm-admits-military-occupation-over-palestinians-to-last-forever/ Contingency plans? Those are some great "contingency plans". I'm pretty sure those plans were very specific. I'm sure they knew all along they were going to attack these nations to take their land in six !@#$ing days. You're just too damn ignorant to see that. Be done with me.
Lol. Believe me if you want but even back then I knew Iraq didn't have any WMDs, but how can I prove that? Bush had the MOTIVE to attack Iraq. That was enough for me. The Egyptians amassed in the Sinai. Why do you need me to answer that? Listen, any logical person should know that Israel must have planned the 6 day war well in advance. They were obviously well prepared. They vanquished three countries in less than a week. Maybe, just maybe, the Egyptians caught wind of their preparations and assembled to defend themselves. https://dk-media.s3.amazonaws.com/AA/AT/gambillingonjustice-com/downloads/275071/Did_President_Bush_Mislead_the_Country_in_His_Arguments_for_War_with_Iraq.pdf http://anthonysummersandrobbynswan.wordpress.com/2013/03/23/iraq-al-qaeda-911-the-connection-that-wasnt/
Oh spare me with that BS. You attack someone because you "believe" they're going to attack you? Yeah...right... And I'm supposed to just take them at their word, huh? Attack them. Fine. Go right ahead. But take their land? See, that's the believable part. Motive.
Here you go. A quick copy and paste. In early October 2002, President Bush was trying to convince Congress to pass a resolution to give him unilateral authority to go to war with Iraq. In a major address to the nation on October 7, he said “We know that Iraq and al Qaeda have had high-level contacts that go back a decade. . . . We’ve learned that Iraq has trained al Qaeda members in bomb-making and poisons and deadly gasses.” He also said that a “very senior al Qaeda leader” received medical treatment in Baghdad. In the same speech, the president closely connected the need to attack Iraq with the 9/11 attacks: “Some citizens wonder, ‘after 11 years of living with this [saddam Hussein] problem, why do we need to confront it now?’ And there’s a reason. We have experienced the horror of September the 11th.” Thus, the terrorist attacks of 9/11 were a major reason for attacking Iraq. Vice President Cheney said on “Meet the Press” in late 2001 that a meeting between Mohamed Atta and an Iraqi official in Prague in 2001 was “pretty well con- firmed.”3 On September 27, 2002, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld argued that the link between Saddam and al Qaeda was “bulletproof.”
Huh? Wait? What? Are you that !@#$ing stupid? Hamas said what? This all started how? The kidnappings and murders, right? They caught the guys, right? No due process-nothing. Let's just bomb these guys for the hell of it because they're Arabs and no one will care. Kill em first, ask questions later. Let's not get into '67. Their motive for their preemptive strike was a land grab. Nothing more. Nothing less. They knew exactly what they were doing. It took less than a week to win that war "they had no choice in fighting". It defies all logic to think otherwise. As far as Iraq goes, GW strongly implied several times there was a connection between Al-Qaeda and Saddam.
Let's not forget the Israelis actually apprehended the two suspects of that heinous crime. That's not enough? Even if they're a part of Hamas, how do we know they didn't act alone?
Only if you believe them. Is there any real evidence those guys were a part of Hamas? I mean just look at 9/11. We were hit by mainly Saudis and who do we attack? Iraq.
Not true. Three Israelis were kidnapped and killed in the West Bank yet Israel responds by bombing Gaza. Gaza retaliates with rocket attacks. Israel hits back 1000 times harder. Why hit Gaza in the first place? People from Gaza can't even visit the West Bank, much less pick up three hitchhikers and kill them. What's their motive? I don't know, but I won't be surprised if the Israelis blame Iran for supplying Gaza with more effective rockets real soon. Or maybe there's some other motive? I guess we'll find out soon.
It's 6am here and I haven't slept yet. Good night to all, except TYTT. He's an evil bastard. Gotta answer this one before I go. Ummmm.....NO! Of course not, but !@#$ what they want. Those dumb !@#$s allow Israel to get away with all kinds of ****. I don't give two craps what they want.
@firechan Here it is. Post #48 I want what most want here. Either a genuine two state solution going back to pre '67 borders with no settlements or one Israeli state with equal rights to all. Oh yeah, btw, let that second part sink in a bit. Many people I spoke to don't mind a one state solution with equal rights to all even if that one state is called Israel. Amazing, huh? You don't hear that on TV! I was actually surprised to hear those words myself.
Oh boy. Yes we lost, but we didn't start that war. How would you like it if I stole your home away from you and told everyone you were gonna steal mine first so I had to attack yours and take it for myself, first? I was stronger than you, surely I deserve to keep your home.
You still got the context wrong. Here it is: Him: "The Jews did not steal anything from you. They were given the land by it's former owner, who had been allowing you to squat on it, until they decided to use it for another purpose. The land wasn't yours." Here's my reply: b]That's fine with me as long as we go back to the '47 borders the "former owners" gave to BOTH the Israelis and Palestinians.[/b] I've constantly said go back to the pre '67 borders. Give me a minute. I'll find it. Kinda hard on an iPhone.
The Arabs in '48. The Jews in '67. That's why I always say we should go back to the pre '67 borders and not the pre '48 borders. Still didn't catch it, huh? Poor guy. What a lame rebuttal, too. You're telling me you know more about what I said than I do of myself? Lol. How small was your short bus anyways? Here, I'll make it even easier for you: I find it hard to believe these guys are that stupid to launch rockets into Israel, knowing what's coming next. It wreaks of false flag operation. Ever since I found out Hamas was started and funded by the Israelis I've been skeptical to believe what I hear about Hamas' hatred towards Israel. Everything they do benefits Israel. Why is that? "I find it hard to believe"- didn't say I don't believe it. "It wreaks of false flag"- I didn't say it WAS false flag. I also said I was "skeptical to believe what I hear..."- once again that doesn't mean I don't believe it. Got it? If you're truly reading my posts in this thread then you should easily see that I said Hamas has launched rockets towards Israel.
I'll make it easy on you. Here's what I said: I find it hard to believe these guys are that stupid to launch rockets into Israel, knowing what's coming next. It wreaks of false flag operation. Ever since I found out Hamas was started and funded by the Israelis I've been skeptical to believe what I hear about Hamas' hatred towards Israel. Everything they do benefits Israel. Why is that?
Go back and read what I said again and maybe, just maybe, you'll see what I'm talking about.
Your reading comprehension skills sucks ass.
Wrong again. The Israelis attacked Gaza first. The rockets came later.
Pardon me if I don't feel much like laughing.
Hence the word "almost". You can't be that stupid. Or could you?