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Everything posted by Justice

  1. Come on, dude, really? I don't get my news from TMZ. I came across this and asked an honest question. Don't answer it, instead of getting pissy.
  2. What you guys think about this? http://m.tmz.com/#Article/2014/07/14/dwight-howard-ripped-by-jewish-org-free-palestine
  3. I sure missed a lot. First I'd like to address DCTom. Here you go: http://wakeupfromyourslumber.com/news/fox-news-misrepresents-destroyed-palestinian-home-destruction-israel-palestinian-rockets ABC went on to apologize for their error, but I'm not sure if they've done it on air yet. The second issue I'd like to address is Hollywood. I'm not offended by Hollywood's portrayal if Arabs because as some of you already said we're not the only ones. Russians, Koreans and other nationalities have been portrayed negatively as well. We've been portrayed positively, too. Here are some examples: Body of Lies showed both the good and the bad from the Arab world. Kingdom of Heaven and The Kingdom did the same. People even cried for the hero in The Kingdom at the movie theatre in Miami. There are some Muslim comedians out there too. Ahmed Ahmed comes to mind. There are others too. Overall I don't feel Hollywood has a huge impact on how the world views us. Terrorists have done enough damage on their own, but people shouldn't allow the very worst of us to represent us.
  4. AIPAC and other powerful lobbyists of that kind plays a huge part, as well. It's funny you say that since both Fox and ABC both wrongly portrayed Israel as Gaza.
  5. I suppose I do come off that way in this thread. The reason for that is I incorrectly assumed you guys know my stance on violence from past debates. I should've made that point more clearly.
  6. You should be sorry on both counts. I'm not justifying Hamas' actions. I condemn them for it.
  7. It's too late for many of you. You're brain dead when it comes to THIS situation. Plain and simple. You actually think Israel tries their best to avoid collateral damage and the only reason why there are deaths is because Hamas uses them as human shields? If that was so, they never would have used white phosphorous a while back. At least Hamas is up front about their evil actions.
  8. That's exactly what I'm talking about. Hamas launches rockets into Israel indiscriminately. Israel absolutely destroys one of the most densely populated cities in the world and that's okay because they said Hamas uses civilians as human shields. It's okay since they said/claim that. Eat it up, doggy! The three were killed before the "war".
  9. Ah...yes....I do. Anybody that knows me knows I'm against violence. As of now we have over 160 Palestinian deaths to zero. Look at my original post, I just hate how the Israelis fool everybody with BS rhetoric. They say they value life and are merciful. They say they're defending themselves when it's clearly offensive. That bothers me. People just eat that **** up.
  10. You answered it like a fool running for office. You accused me of applying a double standard. That wasn't an answer. No I haven't. Just give up already. You're starting to look foolish. You painted yourself in a corner and can't get yourself out. I've stated multiple times it's idiotic for Hamas to launch rockets into Israel, I prefer peaceful resistance. It's illegal to occupy a land and attack the people of that land. When you attack somebody and treat them as a separate nation and call it a war it's total BS when you still control those people, their borders, the supplies that come on and out, their airspace etc etc. There is no justification. It's illegal.
  11. They love to twist your words and put words in your mouth, too, and when challenged to produce the actual proof--bam, they got nothing. Apparently I'm not even in Palestine right now!
  12. Ok, politician. I'll let it go. The funny thing is, there is no double standard on my part. Israel wasn't justified in their attack in '67 and I repeatedly stated all Palestinians, including those in Gaza, should practice a peaceful resistance. Where is the double standard? Of course you won't answer that question either. You're just like a politician, but it's obvious, by your own statements, that you believe blockading somebody is an act of war therefore you DO justify their aggression.
  13. DC Tom, on 13 July 2014 - 01:55 PM, said: Egypt did kick UNEF out of the Sinai and blockade the Straits of Tiran. That wasn't a "belief." I said: Damn! That's some deadly, evil **** right there! DC Tom Today, 02:53 PM It is an act of war. And the same sort of action (blockade of Gaza) that Hamas uses to justify attacking Israel. Quote If Israel's attack was justified then surely Hamas' rocket launches are justified, too (according to YOUR'S and Israel's logic). So is it? Is Hamas' rockets attacks justified? Forget the last question. Answer this one. 1. Israel attacked first and won the war in 6 days. 2. I simply stated that was the belief around these parts and gave you the reasons why they think that way. 3. To each his own, I guess.
  14. Here's another difference http://www.theguardi...9642052&index=0 It's one of the most densely populated places on earth, NetanYAHU.
  15. I guess you never heard of the crusades? The Al-Aqsa mosque, located in Jerusalem is islam's third holiest site. I'm sorry, and I'm sure everyone here will agree, but you're an idiot. BTW. That question regarding hijab colors is one of the dumbest questions I've ever heard in my life. The color is based on what they're wearing. It's a fashion thing. Good grief! You edited your last statement without seeing my reply. You're even stupider than I thought. Hijab is for women. I claim to be in the occupied territories? Claim? You don't believe me? Lol. Want proof?
  16. I have no clue what you're talking about.
  17. You're one of those idiots I was talking about. You're definition of Zionism is incorrect and apparently done deliberately to strengthen your argument. Zionism is a movement that promotes Israel as a Jewish only state. Israel is home of all three faiths. Judaism, Christianity and Islam. I should love these guys for oppressing my people? Murdering my people? Stealing our land? Taking our homes whenever they feel like, even in times of peace? For destroying our olive trees? For collective punishment? For all their checkpoints? For not allowing my parents to live in the country they were born in? For keeping me for hours on end in a waiting room whenever I or my family and friends fly here for no good reason? For taking away my rights as a US citizen to travel wherever I please? Etc etc etc? Get real! That's unfortunate.
  18. I asked if you thought Gaza was justified in their rocket attacks on Israel using your own rationale. That's what I asked. Please answer.
  19. I'm spreading hate? The Israelis are doing a wonderful job of that on their own. The fact that you can't see that is astonishing. I did mention the rockets several times and if you're reading my posts you'll see I agreed with TYTT that a peaceful resistance would be best. And yeah, I !@#$ing hate Zionists. Not Israelis. Not Jews. Zionists. I hate them with a passion. Thanks for dancing around the question.
  20. You're horribly misquoting me. I never once said that. You'll have to produce some evidence I said that. Please don't put words in my mouth. According to you Muslim men would be raping women on a second to second basis in America or just about everywhere else for that matter. I don't mind you responding to my question. I'd like to hear DC respond, though I agree with you on peaceful methods of protest.
  21. You really are an !@#$. You get my vote for !@#$ of the year, already, even though we're only half way through. Are you also suggesting Hamas is justified in their attack using that rationale? Your heads just might explode when/if you see this:
  22. Damn! That's some deadly, evil **** right there!
  23. The only people succeeding in wiping out someone else is the Israelis to the Palestinians and that's a fact. One of my goals is to nail Eva Mendes. That isn't gonna happen. Go back to the '67 borders, dismantle all the ILLEGAL settlements and as part of the deal make sure Palestine will never have a military. That's the only way.
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