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Everything posted by Justice

  1. Before I go I gotta respond to this. You make it sound so easy. I don't see us Americans doing anything about our rights being stripped from us for over 10 years now, do you? The people of Gaza support Hamas because they take care of them on a day to day basis with medical, eduction, food and other services. It's just unfortunate the bad comes with the territory. This could've ended two days ago? Maybe so, but what about all the other human rights violations and the degradation? Keep poking a caged animal and eventually he'll try to bite you. Do you even hear yourself? No more Palestinians? If that ain't Hitleresque I don't know what is. (Edited) They owe themselves, if not us. They will benefit from a real peace. They will live better lives. How would you like to be a 17 year old knowing when you're forced to join the military in a year, it'll be in the middle of a war? Wouldn't it be better if you joined during times of peace? Wouldn't you like to live a normal life? Give Palestinians the proper motivation and there will be no Hamas.
  2. Off to sleep I go. It's 6am over here. I sleep as late as I can because I'm not trying to fast for 16 hours straight! Lol! You guys can continue to "hand my ass over to me" tomorrow.
  3. Life can't continue going this way for both sides. Israel has to give to get and vice-versa. There's only one or two solutions here. Either go back to the '67 borders, dismantle all settlements and give the Palestinians control of themselves like any free country would have. As part of the deal make sure the Palestinians can never assemble a military. The other option is to keep Israel as a whole, but give everyone equal human rights. That's it. Nothing else will work. Until then the cycle of violence will continue. Israel's attacks only lead to making new members of Hamas and vice versa. I'd turn his ass in for that ****, too. I would understand your point if Israel didn't start this **** this time around, but they did.
  4. Yeah, I see your point. Life is better in the WB, but we got plenty of problems too. Abbas knows better than to fight back against Israel for the injustices that take place here, so that's why. Gaza should do the same.
  5. Listen, if my kid got hit with a pebble by another kid and my kid responded by taking a bat to his head until he died I'd be the first person to bring his ass in.
  6. Bingo! http://electronicintifada.net/blogs/ali-abunimah/zero-justice-not-one-charge-over-100-cases-against-israeli-soldiers-attacking
  7. Lol! Exactly! Don't worry about Hamas targeting civilians. I'm sure they'll "investigate it", later.
  8. There you go. Proof positive that the majority of people are idiots. If you're in the majority, watch out, you just might be a complete moron.
  9. George W was re-elected, right? Obama was re-elected, right? The majority don't mean ****!
  10. If they Palestinian people had their way, I'm sure there will be peace, but they don't. Hamas is in control of that. It's not our choice.
  11. Hahahaha! Don't make me laugh! Getting my ass handed to me? Ok! Whatever you say. The majority of people are idiots. The majority is against me, so I'm ok here. Matter of fact, why don't you take a look at some photos of all the death and destruction in both "countries" and get back to me? You need to utilize as little of your brain as possible and just SEE how things really are with your own eyes. Take the thinking out of it, because you're an idiot. They could've avoided those killings. I'll tell you what, and this goes for all you idiots, why don't you try listening to Jews that are against Israel in this crisis? There's a lot more of them out there than Palestinians that are against Hamas. Not only them, but everyone else in the world. There are protests being held world-wide and in America. Just listen. You might learn something.
  12. That last statement there is beyond idiotic.
  13. There is no double-standard. Hamas is shooting unguided rockets, what else do they have? I'm sure if they had more sophisticated artillery they would target legit targets, but they don't. Israel, on the other hand, has precise pin-point accuracy with their weaponry and still kill of children on a beach playing soccer. You're always pointing out "double-standards", do you care to take a stance on this subject?
  14. That doesn't justify targeting children playing soccer.
  15. I'm positive too. The only difference is one side is definitely killing civilians. Coming from you that means nothing.
  16. So that makes their actions ok then? It was a revenge killing from three years ago? Come on! They pretend and speak like they stand on a morally higher ground, but this is ok? Please.
  17. I know that, but the Israelis were DEFINITELY targeting kids.
  18. You can't excuse their actions. Those kids weren't harming anybody. How dare you justify Israel's actions? In one breath you say Hamas' rockets are unguided and yet in another you claim they're targeting kids. Make up your mind.
  19. Tell us about those dead Israeli kids. That's right, they don't exist.
  20. Pay attention, folks, it's this kind of thinking that allowed the Nazis to kill all those Jews.
  21. Get this, apparently terrorists the size of 11 year olds like to take the day off and go to the beach to play soccer during a "war". "Just tell em anything, those idiots will believe it"-says anybody representing the military. "Oh yeah, tell em we're gonna investigate it" lol
  22. I don't know what was included in the cease-fire. Having said that I would rather have them accept it. The loss of life is all that really matters.
  23. Normally I would agree, but Israel has never been permitted to fight on our side in any of the wars in the past, so I really don't see them being useful to us.
  24. I guess you haven't google searched a map that shows all of our military bases on the Middle East recently?
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