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Everything posted by Justice

  1. Have you seen me post even one link on the destruction of Gaza? What about all the dead children? What about all the crying parents? No? There's a reason for that. This is a forum to speak your mind. All you do is post links. You're a habitual copy-n-paster. It's okay to do it every now and then but damn! You're shooting like 90% of links on your posts! All the while common sense and logic escapes your simple ass.
  2. Allow me to introduce the one and only, mindless-drone, copy-n-paste King of the universe! I tried to listen to that classless piece of ****, Howard Stern, but as soon as I heard that anti-Semitic bull **** I cut it off. I'm so !@#$ing tired of hearing that ****. I hate it when people play that !@#$ing card! How's this for thinking for yourself? Maybe, just maybe, some of those tunnels are used to bring in something other than weapons? Did you ever think of that you dumb-!@#$? There's a blockade in Gaza, moron! Oh yeah, that's right, there's no way Hamas made those awesome rockets on their own, Iran uses those tunnels to supply them with those MOAB's, right?
  3. Sorry, that wasn't meant for you. That was B-man. Barring a couple of others, it's me against the world. Pardon me if I don't reply to everything. What did I miss? I try my best to respond. Hell, a lot of my questions go unanswered too.
  4. You are without a doubt the copy and paste king. Do you ever think for yourself? You obviously don't see how the blockade effects the people of Gaza. That's not an example of being "a peaceful neighbor". For the record, I would like to see Hamas out of power.
  5. I replied to the hospital accusation. We got an answer on that. It wasn't true. That's what I meant. From day one israel didn't talk to Hamas. Talking things out is better than killing. You missed the interviewers point on that completely. They tried EVERYTHING else. It's not working. Try talking. I'm fine with that, but that's not happening, here. Civilians are being killed, not Hamas. I suppose those nations stay out of it due to fear. Remember '67? They don't want to see a rerun.
  6. Thanks. I had to. You hear a lot of fabricated and false rumors, on both sides, it's nice when you get a tough interviewer asking the right questions.
  7. As you can see here, in this link at the 3min 32 second mark, Regev doesn't even deny that they blew up a hospital that had nothing to do with rockets launches. Check the 7:45 mark too. It's a doozy. I know you won't watch the entire 8 minute clip, but I can assure you Mark Regev got his ass handed to him.
  8. Are you kidding? Israel sure is pretty pissed US flights have been suspended by the FAA. Why are they pissed? They're 100% convinced that BG is indeed extremely safe.
  9. I'm home. Thank God! Right before they suspended travel to and from Israel, too. God bless America!
  10. Shalom and by way, not the all of them do. You might want to search your beloved YouTube for Jewish people that are against both Israel and Zionism.
  11. Just answer the damn question. Was Iraq better off with Saddam? It's ok. You can say it. They know. Idiot. Lol
  12. Iraq! I love how you conveniently leave out Iraq. Wasn't it much better off with Saddam? I've visited plenty of my cousins in Jordan. They love it there. As a matter of fact, up to 50% of the Jordanian population is Palestinian. Your link doesn't work. Lol! So true. You'll notice no one else will answer my question. They have to click the news on first to find the answer.
  13. Let me ask you guys something and please answer: What's Israel's mission? I mean they claim to be targeting terrorists and yet they call people before bombing them. If they don't leave, they hit them with a gentle rocket, first, before blasting it into rubble. Is the house, itself, a terrorist? It doesn't make sense. What's their mission?
  14. It's actually spelled "you're", genius. Human shield? You're an idiot if you believe that. Keeping eating the dog crap you're being fed.
  15. You just don't know and you will never know. "I'm so sorry that you had freedom imposed on you." Lol. You're an idiot. Plain and simple idiot. If you call being locked up in Gaza "freedom" then may God help you. The US pushed them into having those elections. You don't like the outcome? Too bad! Those guys were "democratically elected". We shouldn't have tried to shove our ways on to someone else. Hamas won. We didn't like it. Tough ****. And if you know anything on this subject you'd know that elections weren't held in the Gaza Strip, only, the West Bank had elections, too. That had nothing to do with "filling the vacuum". What kind of freedom is that anyways? An army can match onto your land whenever they wish? Is that your freedom? They can bulldoze your home whenever they wish? They can steal your house whenever they wish? They can year down your trees from the roots whenever they wish? They can bomb you whenever they wish? They collect taxes in return of nothing! They control your borders! No airport! No good coming in! That's your freedom? !@#$ your version of freedom, moron. What you will never understand is the people here in the Middle East don't want or need democracy or capitalism. They actually need a Yasser Arafat or a Saddam Hussein. Just look at how great Iraq has become since we "freed them". Oh yeah, there are no Palestinians living in Jordan. SMDH.
  16. Who forced those elections, in the first place?
  17. That's all there was to it? Really? You left out the blockade and everything that comes along with it.
  18. Look at the video. Huge fireball. http://m.huffpost.com/ca/entry/5595950?1 There's no confirmation that video is from the Malaysian plane.
  19. I'm no expert on planes being shot down and what it looks like, but to me it looks like the explosion is coming from the ground. Maybe the plane was significantly damaged while in air and then crashed or could it just be some crazy coincidence?
  20. You have an uncanny ability of taking things the wrong way.
  21. If there was someone else out there willing to do those things then Hamas wouldn't be needed. They're a necessary evil. Hamas gained popularity prior to the elections by helping out the people. That's how they won. There wouldn't even have been elections had someone not forced that issue, in the first place. I wonder who that was? Hmm. Is that a serious question? You're kidding, right? They still benefit financially from car registration fees, one day visas into Israel, the ability to enter whenever they want, the ability to steal land and build illegal settlements whenever they want, etcetera etcetera.
  22. Let me guess, this is your next rebuttal: Duuuh, well you can't let the Palestinians have their own state because it jeopardizes the safety of the state of Israel. Is that about right? No. It doesn't. They're already surrounded by countries that hate them and they're still here and even stronger than ever. Don't buy that BS.
  23. Do you even read my posts? Hamas provides the people of Gaza with their day to day needs. Israel won't do it. They just like to control you. They have all the benefits of controlling another people with none of the financial negatives that goes along with it, like fixing roads, education etc etc.
  24. Seeing the Palestinians actually already populate the vast majority of the West Bank and Gaza I see no good reason for Israel not letting them have their own state, other than wanting to completely annihilate the Palestinians and drive them off the map. Maybe they just like to keep their foot on people's throats, for the fun of it. And no it isn't "impossible or stupid", like you put it. It would be smart and the right thing to do. It would bring peace to the people of Israel. Like I said before, either go back to '67 borders or give everyone equal rights. I see that you guys completely ignore the latter whenever I bring it up. That's the only way. After a few years and most likely a few more scraps along the way, true peace will finally be attained and there will be no need for Hamas or any of the kind.
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