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Everything posted by Justice

  1. I don't think anyone is excusing Hamas for their actions. They're pathetic attempt at waging "war" with a vastly superior opponent only leads to more and more bloodshed. It doesn't make sense. They won't and can't win this battle. Israel will not reward them for launching rockets into Israel. No way! So why do they continue? It doesn't make much sense. The only answer I have to that is they don't mind proceeding with this fight because they're not the ones getting killed. The innocent people of Gaza are paying the ultimate price, not Hamas. If they want the blockade to end then they should remove themselves from power and stop attacking Israel. If Israel doesn't reward their non-violent ways then the int'l community will have to get involved. What has angered me recently is all this talk how the US govt is condemning Israel for their latest bombings but yet still send over approximately $1B in aid. Do they really think people are that stupid? Their actions speak louder than their words. I feel for the innocent lives that were lost. Generations and generations of hate will only continue when you punish a people collectively. It's sad.
  2. That's right. Houston lost their team once, I don't think they would approve a move because of it.
  3. God forbid someone other than Pegs wins the bid for the Bills, but let's say that happens, name 9 teams that will help us block a move out of Buffalo. My guess right off the bat is Green Bay, Cincinnati, Jacksonville, Minnesota, Cleveland, and Pittsburgh. I would expect support from those small market teams since they're like us. Other than those six teams it becomes difficult. I would say the Raiders, but they're threatening to leave Oakland, so I'm not counting on them. Who else can we count on?
  4. Oops. Lol. My mistake. I should've opened the link to make sure.
  5. It was our local superhero, B-man, who originally posted this. He posts links to a ton of trash.
  6. I'm a little confused by this report. Does this mean Trump is willing to outbid pegula's $1.3B bid?
  7. Someone posted a tweet from an Italian journalist that said Hamas hit the school.
  8. White House now saying there's little doubt the UNRWA school was hit by the IDF. Nice try, Italian dude. (Not meazza) lol
  9. They acknowledged the Palestinians' claim to it? That's nice, they just make sure they can never get there hands on it. My question for you is, if Israel were to take those resources for themselves will your opinion about them change? I'm not certain where they are exactly. I just know it belongs to Gaza.
  10. They're in Gaza. After they were discovered that's when the blockade began. Coincidence? They don't want the people of Gaza to get their hands on it.
  11. That last paragraph is partially right. Yes, the fighting is due to rockets being launched at Israel but that was only in response to the bombs that hit Gaza, first. Let's not forget that. This really is pretty convenient for Israel. Wars are fought for usually two reasons, land and natural resources. The truth will be revealed when Israel occupies Gaza once again, if they can. They're trying to beat them into submission right now. There is a ton of natural gas in Gaza and Israel wants/needs it.
  12. They're most certainly not immaterial. I'll tell you what an increased body count gives Israel, though. Less peace, less security and more members of Hamas.
  13. It depends. Did the US hit Canada first? Did the US suffocate Canada with a blockade?
  14. Mythical powers? Really? Wow. Ask the people of Gaza if those powers are mythical. Ask Egypt, Jordan and Syria if those powers are mythical. Yeah, war against civilians. No army, no navy, no military. It's like me fighting a baby. Would you sit back and say, "well it's a fight. Do what you gotta do?"
  15. What are they doing now? Bombing them? There is a ground offensive as well but that should be the only thing they do in a highly populated city. Do you think anyone wants to cross Israel? No one to speak up against them. They're afraid. Edited: The same can be said about Israel and their friends. There are 1000's of Jews that are against Israel for doing this.
  16. I'll accept that if you accept everyone else is doing the same damn thing. I don't see you saying that to others. Edited: BTW, that was the point of my post. I was re-stating what I already heard being said here on each one of those topics and refuting it.
  17. Joe ain't no anti-Semite. You people should really stop playing that card. It just proves you're all brainwashed. A bunch of mindless-drones, when it comes to this subject. Here's the proof: 1. Israel started this war with lies, but that doesn't seem to bother you morons. 2. Israel bombed Gaza before Hamas started launching rockets and you can't even admit that. 3. Israel says Hamas is targeting civilians. Israel kills over 1000 civilians. Hamas? 3. The other 50 are all soldiers. 4. Israel says Hamas doesn't believe in Israel's right to exist, which they already have back in 2006. In the meantime Netanyahu openly opposes a two state solution. 5. Israel rewards Abbas and the people of the West Bank for their peaceful resistance by building more and more illegal settlements. 6. Israel says they're on defense when this is clearly the opposite. 7. Israel tells you about the tunnels, but never mentions where they go. Do you people know a lot of those tunnels lead to Israel? You should know, because Netanyahu claims Hamas uses these tunnels to kill civilians and yet we haven't seen a shred of evidence supporting that claim. Not even one suicide attack in years. In actuality, Hamas uses those tunnels to purchase weapons from ISRAELIS. 8. Israel pulls out of Gaza and proceeds to suffocate the people of Gaza with a blockade and you people actually think they deserve some kind of credit for "leaving". 9. You people go on and on about how bad Palestine's neighbors treat them. Specifically Jordan, when in reality over 40% of the population living in Jordan are Palestinians. 10. You people call this a war with a straight face. It's not a war it's murder. It's bullying tactics to demoralize a people. 11. Israel and the American government tells you no nation should tolerate bombs being shot into their countries and while Gaza isn't a country, even though you give credit to Israel for "pulling out", they have to endure complete obliteration every two years for the last six. 12. When you guys mention motive in this crisis you always point to Hamas wanting to destroy Israel. Really? Really? Does it look like Israel is getting destroyed to you? The real motive is natural gas. Gaza has billions of dollars in natural gas. Israel wants it. Next step on this assault will be to re-occupy Gaza. Time will only tell on this prediction. When Israel re-occupies Gaza that will prove me right, yet again, just like when I told you Hamas didn't kidnap those three kids. 13. The human shield thing is a flat out lie. Gaza is one of the most densely populated cities in the world. Hamas doesn't need to use anyone as shields. Even if they did, the shield doesn't kill them, the bombs do. If you want to fight a straight up fight and avoid civilian casualties quit your bombing and come in there on foot. You'll easily spot your enemies then. The civilians will hide and you could dismantle the tunnels and remove the rockets.
  18. Man, I hope so. Pegs is the man! I love that guy! If he wins the bid I'm getting season tickets even though I live in Miami.
  19. I'm not trying to be negative, but if Pegs put in a bid for $1.3B ($400M above appraised value) than what's to say the Toronto bid doesn't do the same and go $400M over their $1.5B value in Toronto? If this were to happen it would double the cost of the team if they were to remain in Buffalo. Would Pegs go that high in bidding if need be?
  20. I didn't miss your point. Someone else said Palestinians aren't wanted in Israel and you pointed out, incorrectly I might add, that they're not wanted any where else.
  21. So, I guess, if some country overtakes the US then you'd be okay with moving to Mexico?
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