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Everything posted by Justice

  1. No source, really. IIRC, if no team volunteers to appear on the show then he NFL can force a team to do so if they haven't made the playoffs and haven't been on the show already in the past or something like that. Any team with a new head coach is exempt, as well.
  2. I don't buy that reasoning. I would hope they want to see their players excel on the football field no matter the potential draft compensation.
  3. We are averaging 50 less rushing yards per game, according to the article. That's an indictment on everyone, offensive line as well as coaching/scheme.
  4. The FO and coaching staff are definitely at odds with each other. You already provided some examples, but here's a couple more, Mike Williams, and Bryce Brown.
  5. If I'm Terry Pegula I would want the show to feature the Bills, because of all the money he pumped into the area. HK will give him an opportunity to showcase the city in a different light. 15 straight years of no playoff berths took care of that "laughing-stock" issue, already.
  6. It looks like it's between us and the Browns. The Raiders and Jets will probably have a new coach. Am I forgetting anyone?
  7. The bigger problem was throwing the ball on 3rd and 1. Orton has been off all day. Why put the game in his incapable hands?
  8. It'll be extremely difficult to get a W in Denver, but it is possible. Here's what we need to happen: 1. Our red-zone offense needs to succeed on 80% of our visits. 2. Pressure Manning 3. Force turnovers 4. Run the ball effectively 5. Get Sammy heavily involved in the game-plan.
  9. The NFL is all about marketability. As of now we don't have anybody on our team or in our coaching staff that is marketable. We don't dominate nationwide television appearances, we don't even get MNF games. One might say they already know with certainty that we're gonna suck. I'm a fantasy football nerd and watch 4 games at a time and I never see the league's darlings getting penalties called on them the way we do. We get the worst calls I've ever seen. The non-calls are just as big and back breaking, too. Once we get a franchise QB or coach you'll see these types of calls subside. Until then the NFL will do what they can to keep teams like us down. Like I've stated before. I'll believe the league isn't fixed as soon as teams can challenge calls and the rule book becomes more black and white.
  10. Why can't teams challenge calls? Why do refs blow their whistles too soon after fumble recoveries and not allow the defender to run to the end zone for a TD?
  11. Not true at all. The officials have the power to dictate how the games go. Too many gray areas in the rules gives the refs everything they need to fix the outcome on their own.
  12. Yes it's rigged. It's funny you asked because I put up this post on FB and will share it here. Under the "leadership" of Roger Goodell the NFL has become almost unbearable to watch. I'm beyond frustrated. The game is fixed. It's become like real life where the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. He has his 5 or 6 darling teams and sees to it they win. Over the years he has taken the fun away from the game by penalizing celebrations. Whether it be a TD or any other big play, such as a sack or anything else. He has made a mockery out of the rule book to the point where I don't know what a catch is anymore. It's okay for the ball to hit the ground as long as you maintain control but who decides if they maintained control in the first place? I've seen it called both ways. He has way too many gray areas in his rules that help him and his cronies fix the game that I love. Pass interference has become a call you can call whenever you want. It's sickening. He also destroyed evidence against the Patriots. What was the point of that? What is he hiding? When is a hit a clean hit? I've seen that called whatever way they want it. Thursday Night Football is a disaster. He doesn't give a !@#$ because it brings great ratings, but it sucks. You're selling your fans a tainted product on those days. You say you care about the health of your players yet you don't give them sufficient time to heal and rest for the next game. Now he wants a team in London. What a joke. $&@* you, Roger. Nobody likes you. That's why you get booed every draft on every pick you announce. I hope your plane crashes, $&@#%. Rant over.
  13. I gotta say this is the greatest day in sports for me. All the Super Bowls, division titles, Heat championships etc etc pale in comparison.
  14. Here's Pegs to other bidders. http://youtu.be/9KJM82VWH8g
  15. If Pegs gets the team I'm dropping the "No" from my handle.
  16. Is it ok for a 40 year old to start screaming like a 12 year old girl?
  17. I'm expecting Marrone to drop that line Parcells said a decade or so ago about cooking the dinner and letting him shop for the groceries or maybe Tom Olivadotti's line about making chicken salad out of chicken ****, any second now.
  18. Amidst all the negatives this preseason there is one shining light. Our run defense is amazing. Brandon Spikes needs to be signed to a long term deal ASAP. Nigel Bradham has been reborn. Our defensive line is deep and impregnable! We had 5 tackles for loss in the first half-alone, and a handful more in the second half. We also had plenty more in the games prior to Saturday's game. Props to the defensive coaches and players. If our offensive line and QB turn things around we will be extremely hard to beat, but that's a big if. One would think they would improve or be good enough by now, because they face this defense everyday in practice. Please, oh please offense, don't let this defense go to waste.
  19. There are some reasons to be both ptimistic and concerned, this season. I won't be surprised if we finish in last or first. Here's why: Reasons to be optimistic: 1. Players on the rise A. Williams, Robey, Woods, Bradham, and Hughes will all have career years. These are all young athletes that are on the verge of greatness. 2. Improved Roster We lost Kiko and Jairus, but we gained Seantrel, Sammy, M. Williams, Rivers, Spikes, Brown, Dixon, and Graham. All of these guys are upgrades from their predecessors. I even think Spikes will have a greater impact than Kiko did because of his ability to stop the run, which was our greatest defensive weakness last year. 3. Depth Charles, Cohen, Lawson, Graham, Robey, Hairston, Urbik, Brown and Dixon all improve the overall depth on our roster from last year. 4. Year number 2 EJ, Marrone and Hackett were all rookies last year. I expect significant improvement from all three guys this year, not to mention another year in the system. This can only help. Cause for concern: 1. Nickel linebacker This is where the loss of Alonso hurts the most. Who will assume these duties? 2. Schedule difficulty We have a very difficult schedule this year. Much tougher than last years'. 3. EJ Yeah, I know, I have EJ in both categories, but facts are facts. He is in year number 2 so he SHOULD improve, but so far we haven't really seen evidence that he has. Our red zone struggles so far this preseason and Manuel's inaccuracy and lack of deep throws leaves me worried about his abilities. It can go either way.
  20. Does it matter? Ralph bought this team for what? 50 grand? That's a huge ROI. Mary should be happy with $900M.
  21. Looks like Cyrus and Chris will be getting a lot of playing time in preseason game #5.
  22. I'm not 100% certain, but Arizona runs a 34 defense. That system suits Branch best. You never know. Worth a call. We're gonna release him anyways. Arizona is probably willing to part with such a low pick just to get him in camp early.
  23. DT Darnell Dockett is out for the year with an injury. Perfect time to trade Branch. I'll take a 6th or even a 7th rounder for him. Why not? Could be another Stevie or Seantrel. Make the call, Doug.
  24. Let's face it fellas. Our offensive scheme is terrible. Power running game out of the shotgun? That right there says it all.
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