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Everything posted by Justice

  1. If you seen what I seen you guys would not support Israel. Your algorithm on social media sites show you what you want to see. I purposely watch both sides of coverage so my algorithm is as fair as possible. It’s horrible. You guys have no clue what’s going on. And if you do you’re despicable people and one day you will be judged. We will all have our day in front of the Lord. Laugh now, cry later.
  2. All these tropes. He must be antisemitic.
  3. It was a hypothetical question. I’m not saying there is natural gas there. I’m asking if there is and Israel ends up taking it for themselves would your opinion change?
  4. What if this is about natural gas in Gaza? Would your opinion of Israel and our government change if there’s gas in Gaza?
  5. I agree with this but that doesn’t appear to be the case right now
  6. Lol here you go again. Every action we have taken in the last 100 days is edging us towards WW3. Yeah we don’t like to fight anyone. We have military bases all over the world and we’re number one in military spending and by a very wide margin.
  7. Well we like to fight the weak. We don’t dare step up to anyone with any real power. I don’t think there can be anything psychologically worse than knowing an attack will resume after two months if I’m a civilian in Gaza. I’d take it with hopes that it doesn’t resume but when it does that would be devastating.
  8. Your credibility is zero here. Lots of baseless claims and now you’re walking back your comments on deaths. I said the world should sit back and do nothing JUST LIKE how they’re sitting back and doing nothing for the people of Gaza. They’re eating cats over there. And yes they were only targeting Israeli ships at first. Let ISRAEL FIGHT THEIR OWN BATTLES for once!! Get off your hands and knees and be a man and not someone’s attack dog. Like I said before I’m here to point out the hypocrisy. Blockades hurt. Not getting goods shipped and delivered hurt!! The Gazans have been living under those conditions for years. Israel can’t take it for a couple of months. Is it an act of war or not?? You said there’s a blockade because they get weapons… well it looks like they’re getting those weapons anyways! Did you even agree to that point? Nope! You played blind. No surprise!
  9. Lol. No. I can’t!!! Lmao. Omg!!! I’m dying!!! Lol seriously though I said I didn’t hear about the houthis killing anyone. I didn’t say it didn’t happen. Provide a link then. The burden of proof is on you. I can’t find where it says they did. That blockade only worked at hurting the civilians. We all seen how many rockets Hamas has so spare me. Define *****
  10. Yes. The rest of the world should sit there and do nothing just like they are sitting there doing nothing for Gaza. Nobody is killing Israelis on Hamas’ behalf. Israel has a bunch of foreigners joining the Diaper Force. Fight your own battles, Israel. I haven’t heard about the Houthis killing anyone until the US and UK began bombing them. Is it ok to disrupt international waters? Is it ok to stop goods from coming and going you mean? Think long and hard about that one before you ask it. It’s a hypocritical question. There’s been a blockade on Gaza for years.
  11. This is horrible. Let kids be kids. Just wondering though if those were Jewish kids and that was a Nazi would you feel the same way? Define win. Their goal isn’t to wipe out Hamas as they say. It’s to make Gaza unlivable and force everyone to leave and take over the land. They are succeeding in that goal This is some random A-hole. Why even post this. Want me to show you some videos of Jewish people saying Jesus is in hell? Yes we do. Very high regard. We have an entire chapter in the Quran named after her. We recognize her as the the Virgin Mary mother of Jesus. What issues are you referring to? We gotta defend every single thing some random idiot does? Lol. Islamically it is haram (not permissible) to disrespect anyone’s religious beliefs. Shouldn’t have been there in the first place. I do not feel sad or bad about this. Israel should fight its own battles
  12. Ppl avoid me? That’s news to me. Yeah I’ve been extremely rude. I’ll try to scale way back.
  13. One grows up with a different perspective when he’s shown the uglier side of life. Our experiences make us who we are. This just so happens to be a very comfortable life for white Americans. I know you guys probably cringed when you hear that, but it’s the truth. Now I’m not saying life is easy as a white person. No no no no. Not at all. You have to work hard to get everything you want. Nobody handed you anything. I would never take anything away from anyone, BUT minorities have to work just as hard AND deal with hate, racism and prejudices. So it’s harder.
  14. Nope. Born and raised in Buffalo, NY. As a youngster it was made very clear by a small few that I am not welcomed. Camel jockey was their favorite go to insult. Racism was introduced to me at a very early age. My answer to that back then was just to whip the ass of every kid that said it. I did and it stopped. Thankfully I’ve gotten way more mature and stopped fighting by the 3rd grade. After that I had no issues with racism until around 2004 when my wife started wearing hijab. By then I was 30 and my fighting days were long gone and now I just have to ignore it. I fight with words. Not weapons. I hate violence.
  15. Better of the two options. Home is home. The US is my home. Always has been. Palestine is my home but it’s far worse there. It’s bewildering that you would even ask such a question. Have you no sense of home? It just dawned on me that you might be asking why am I here on PPP. I frequent other social media sites but it's nice to have a more intimate conversation with a smaller group of people.
  16. I asked you guys why local news, CNN and Fox News TV didn’t cover the hearings in Hague and all I got back was crickets and one guy saying it was on a few dot coms. You’re all either intellectually dishonest or stupid (which is actually the better of the two if you ask me). But hey the Johnny Depp and Amber Heard trial was fully covered. Go figure. You’re all a bunch of sheep.
  17. I don’t know where you stand on the crisis at our very own border. I don’t know if you think fortifying our border is hatred for the Mexican people but I do know it’s very important to secure your border. Period. Also the Middle East knows that if they permit refugees entry they will be stuck with them. Nakba Two will most certainly happen. I’ve said this before but you just want to continue on with your hate filled subtle shots. Also using your own logic that means Israel also hates the Palestinians because they’re not allowing entry either. Dumb ass.
  18. It’s sad really. This could be paradise on earth. This could be the shining example for the rest of the world. The idea of America is great. The image they sell is great. The actual execution is far from it. Our government lies to us, they overspend on WMDs, they launch attacks on sovereign nations. They could be taking care of their vets, the poor, the homeless. They could be using their intelligence and wealth for the betterment of mankind. The military industrial complex, big pharma, politicians and the lobbyists have corrupted this nation. They’re attacking our freedoms. They infiltrated our media. We send money to Israel just so they can give some of it back to our politicians through lobbyists. Thats basically money laundering and theft. They do all this and get away with it because they distract us from the truth. They keep us at odds. They keep us busy so we don’t have the time or the energy to do anything about it. Look at what they did to the real estate market in ‘06. What about your pensions? It’s no better today. Massive inflation? So what!!! We don’t say anything. High interest rates? Never mind. Endless wars… just to see nothing at all get better around the world? So what? Did you see what Kanye said? Lol They can do all this because as a society we are dumb as *****.
  19. Lol. You’re really stupid. I’ve been there. I’ve met people over there. I’ve witnessed them with my own eyes. The most gracious, polite, God fearing, the most family orientated people you’ll ever meet. I make it a point to never, ever take words from a people or culture that store their own parents away in an old folks home! Never!!!
  20. Lmao!!!! Get up off your knees and make sure you wipe your mouth. My boys haven’t been kicked out of anywhere. And no they don’t want to be on only fans. And no they don’t want to partake in any other parts of American culture like schools shootings , OD’ing on fentanyl, walking around like zombies, growing up in broken homes because you can’t even stay married….. And no I don’t want to debate who’s done more. Palestinians haven’t been able to do the things others have. They’ve been fighting for their existence for nearly 100 years. Foh you small minded peasant.
  21. Well at least their women ain’t on only fans turning their vaginas into roast beef! Lol 😜 And like I said before that ain’t the flex you think it is. Your boys been kicked out of every place they’ve ever been.
  22. Atta boy!!! Expose yourself for not only being stupid but also hate filled.
  23. Being insulted here is like Not Sure being insulted in Idiocracy. I love it here because I get to see how the stupidity works in the wild in their natural habitat.
  24. Israel, specifically Netanyahu, begged the US to attack Iraq and now Iran. But they’re not war mongering lol the stupidity is strong in this one
  25. Yeah like satanic music, porn and such 😜 wait… did you say instead of war mongering and human rights atrocities??!!! Atta boy!!!! Lol that’s hilarious!!! 29 years of….. lol
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