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Everything posted by Justice

  1. What did you expect? All of the people there are organizers? Some are organizers and some are participants. Ever been to a demonstration without actually organizing it? The title tells you they were muslim. I guess you just see what you want to see, because no where in that article does it say there were only 8 muslims overall.
  2. Manny hasn't knocked anyone out since he moved up in weight, but he certainly has the ability. Floyd's chin has never been tested. I've only seen him hurt one time and that was against Mosely.
  3. Mayweather will win. His 5 inch reach advantage will allow him to score points at will. I'm excited about this fight even though it should've happened years ago.
  4. There's a big difference between the two. ISIS is a group of savages. They murder people in the most brutal of ways and they kill everyone in their path, Muslims, Jews and Christians.
  5. It's kind of like 110lbs women slapping her 225lbs husband and he responds by whipping her ass. It's still a fight, right?
  6. War zone. That's laughable. I didn't realize Palestine had a military. It apparently alludes you too. White phosphorus kills people indiscriminately.
  7. ISIS is far worse than Israel. I was referring to burning people alive. White phosphorus will do that. They also kill fishermen for going out too far.
  8. You asked and I answered. I just found it funny that you condemn only a certain group of people for doing the same exact thing as those that you support. And no I don't want to see the Jews get wiped off the face of the earth.
  9. You really want to take this there? You sure? Because I remember you admiring Netanyahu's nut-sack. That's how. Served.
  10. I wish someone would wipe them off the face of the earth.
  11. So, you're against burning people alive and killing people on beaches? Well then were was your outrage when israel was using white phosphorous indiscriminately on Palestinians? Or when they murdered kids on the beach that were playing soccer? You make it like Christians and Jews are the only victims of Islamic terrorism when in fact muslims themselves are the biggest victims. But I guess that's okay because they're muslims, right?
  12. If they move to LA they should stick with their name and history. They can be called the California Chargers.
  13. Image from http://www.outfittrends.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/Mulsim-models-with-hijab.jpg. Never-mind the fact that most muslim girls dress like this, but go ahead, I don't want to ruin your vision of Islam.
  14. Are the talking heads over at NFL Network and ESPN blasting NY's decision to hire a defensive minded coach while they don't have a franchise QB in place like they did to us?
  15. And according to the teachings of Islam they will be punished for it by God. Just because they do it doesn't make it right.
  16. Fine. Don't draw something else. Die for that noble cause. I'm not the one that will be killing them for it though, so quit trying to demonize me. Don't go to prison because you just might get ass-raped. Let's not talk about rape, okay, that **** happens here on the regular.
  17. The biggest victims of terrorism are the muslims. These whackos kill their own eight times more than the rest. Trust me, I'm not on their side.
  18. Freedom of speech is costly. Offend somebody and you might get hurt. People have been killed for far less offenses. Do I condone it? Absolutely not. Draw something else. If I walked down the block of a black neighborhood with a sign hanging around my neck saying, "I hate n*****s", and got killed for it, most people would say I deserved it. What's the difference?
  19. All great points for the outsiders, but we all know better. We were lucky to beat Minny, and Detroit. CJ Spiller and Sammy Watkins weren't utilized correctly. The offensive line regressed. He punted when he should've went for it. When the season mattered most his team failed every time. Against SD, MIA, KC and worst of all OAK.
  20. A head coach is only as good as his staff. Give me a guy with clout, respect and cojones. Marrone failed miserably in hiring Hackett and Morris. The rest of his staff was top notch. In a perfect world we will retain all of the defensive staff, and hire Chan to run the offense. There's only a few men that can pull this off and one of them is Bill Cowher.
  21. The $4 million opt-out clause doesn't bother me. Marrone was making around 3.5 to 4 million per year, which is pretty low. That extra money bumps it to about $6 million per season. That is the going rate for head coaches.
  22. Scratch us off the list. Lol. New coach!
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