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Everything posted by Justice

  1. No need to be sorry. I could've worded my post better. It would be incredibly stupid for the Dolphins to match our offer for Clay. As I said before, yes they have $12M in cap space (outside of Clay's tender) but they have needs everywhere. Whatever they spend now takes away from next year's cap when they need to re-sign Pouncey, Vernon and Tannehill, who some are speculating will get a $100M deal. They also exhausted all of their resources as far as clearing out salary cap space. Not many fruits left on that tree.
  2. Well for one he doesn't have Marrone's stench all over him!
  3. He's proven. I don't mind paying him $8M per because I believe he's the one last missing piece to an offense that is potentially dangerous.
  4. He's a good player. He brings a skill set and athletic ability at the TE position that we have been sorely lacking for years. Is he worth all of this attention/money? Probably not, but TEs are hard to find so you have to overpay.
  5. Hopefully an offer sheet is given and signed today, then we have to wait five more days. Hopefully the Dolphins give up and it's less than that, but somehow I doubt it.
  6. You're pretty much spot on here, but I'd like to take it a little further. 1. On the outside looking in the Dolphins appear to be in a good position cap wise. They have a total of $20m in cap space including Clay's tender and they have about $23M next year, but that doesn't include Clay's money. In order for them to get to this point they needed to trade and/or release Ellerbe, Wheeler, Hartline, Starks, Wallace, and Gibson. Their safety from last year, Delmas, is not under contract neither is their back up QB Matt Moore and RB Moreno. Odrick walked away in free agency. Stills was acquired in a trade and he replaces Wallace. Even though none of those guys were really productive they're still bodies that need to be replaced. The Dolphins didn't naturally get to this point in their cap. On top of that Ryan Tannehill will have a $15M cap hit next year if he's not extended before then. Vernon and Pouncey are also free agents. They truly can't afford Clay. If they re-sign him at $7M per, then they only have $16M remaining to fill all those positions. 2. Cameron's cap hit is only $4.5M this year. I highly doubt they bring him back at $10.5 next year. This is my concern when it comes to Clay 3. Poison pills are no longer legal.
  7. I hear Avon is real aggressive. He'll stop at nothing to get his way. Lol
  8. He's a given. Like him a lot. Touché. If Seantrel doesn't improve over last season and he's the starter then we're in trouble.
  9. Don't confuse competition with results. Don't get me wrong. I love the Bills moves this offseason, but I'm very concerned about our oline. At tackle we have Henderson and Kouandjio. At guard we have C. Williams, Urbik, Richardson and Incognito. We need one of each position to rise up above the rest, if not then all these additions to the offense don't mean much.
  10. I agree with you and the Bills have done a wonderful job of keeping this team together this offseason. At this point our only losses are Searcy and possibly Spikes on defense. On offense, Chandler, Spiller and Orton. Not too much roster turnover. Everyone else in the AFC Beast has had a ton of change.
  11. I was once a huge EJ supporter but no more. Yes he was at 70% in college and his YPA was high, but he was still dinkin' and dunkin' the ball. His receivers YAC made him look good. I gave up on EJ. I look at him as cap relief in 2016.
  12. Crow tastes great sometimes. I really thought we'd lose Hughes.
  13. I'm just frustrated. I keep hearing how we're gonna build through the draft and re-sign our own, but that's rarely the case.
  14. What does he mean by still working on it? How long does it take? What are they doing? Re-typing the contract every time they present him with a new offer? Typing one word a minute? How long does this take? He's gone. I have already resigned to the fact he won't be here.
  15. Sorry, but I believe Hughes is a goner. The Bills should've at least put a tag on him if they were serious about keeping him. I'm concerned about our defense. We're losing 27% of last year's starting line-up and if you include Kiko that rises to 36%. The Bills' front office has a tendency to rely on coaching far too much. With Gailey they never addressed the receiver position, with Marrone they didn't bother to fix the o-line and now with Rex they're letting go of valuable pieces to the strength of this team-the defense. Big mistake IMO. Also, blowing our load before free agency even begins is a little troublesome to me. I'm not on board with the McCoy trade. He's an overused running back. He's an old 26, the draft is deep with RBs and he's far too expensive. I'm not liking this offseason too much. How can we re-sign guys like Kyle, Marcell and Stephon when you're paying a RB that much money?
  16. Considering how much financial aid Israel receives on an annual basis, I find it funny how he says they can do it alone. Id like to see you do everything on your own, Netanyahu, without financial assistance or our weapons.
  17. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/denmark/11427713/Muslims-form-ring-of-peace-to-protect-Oslo-synagogue.html
  18. Yeah but her body is smoking! Keep watching. You'll see.
  19. Lol. "You look like the type of lawyer that represents guilty people". Classic line.
  20. Im not so sure you're right about that. The story has just begun. It's called "House of Cards". That, to me, implies his world will eventually come undone.
  21. I'm pretty sure he's deader than a door-nail. Too bad, too, I liked Stamper. That girl is a pretty big loose end though.
  22. Do you agree that maybe 1% or less of Muslims are terrorists? Because if you do then those 99% should be all the proof you need. The comparison might be poor but in no way am I going to call that a "war".
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