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Everything posted by Justice

  1. I have always been 100% honest. I never hid anything from anyone. I'm not against any of the teachings of my religion. The way I see it, if you want to leave--then leave. No one is stopping you. Just shut your mouth on the way out. Problem solved. I'd rather ppl kept quiet. Isn't death the penalty for treason? I guess you're all against the death penalty too? Spare me your self righteousness. As a matter of fact, sometimes it's the things you DONT say that prove who you are. I didn't see much condemnation in the country music thread. Smh.
  2. Tough questions and I don't intend to sugarcoat it. Yes they do, but honestly I don't know the manner in which their life can be taken.
  3. While they're at it maybe they can explain to me the "forgive them for they know not what they do" and the "why have you forsaken me" lines.
  4. It's basically the same as "forgive them for they don't know what they do" type of thing. We're told to ignore the ignorant.
  5. I'd also like to add that there are homosexual churches and synagogues. Does these make the religions flawed or is it the people that are flawed, because homosexuality is strictly forbidden in any of the books.
  6. Apostasy was needed in the infancy stages of Islam and I understand why it remains today, but it's true, you can not enforce apostasy if someone leaves quietly. God is merciful, but there is certain lines that can't be passed. When you leave the religion and speak out against it, you're going against God's words and there's a serious punishment on earth as well as the after-life. People can't see the after-life, but they can see on earth. Therefore punishment is necessary here as well. I can not stress it enough though. If you leave quietly you will not be put to death. Whoever is doing that is wrong. Can't convert by force, either. That's wrong. What you might have heard is sparing of lives to those that convert during times of war, because it is forbidden to kill other muslims.
  7. Jesus(PBUH) never said he was God. That didn't stop people from thinking it. Apostasy is only supposed to be enforced if the person doesn't leave Islam quietly. It's okay to leave. In both of these instances the people were the ones that got it wrong. Not the books.
  8. Yes. As in the whole 22%. Gaza and the West Bank. I know and you know there are no settlements in Gaza. The Gaza Strip doesn't exactly have full control of itself.
  9. You guys are gonna have to show me where I said Gaza wasn't self ruled.
  10. But before I go I have to reply to this drivel. Correct me if I'm wrong but the war in '67 was started because the Straits of Tiran were blocked. Gaza is blocked on all sides. It's a f'in prison.
  11. We've hit a dead end like we always do. I've enjoyed the discussion, but I'm done. I'm not gonna change my opinion and neither are you guys.
  12. I'm not even going to respond to this.
  13. Governments come and go. There will be other elections. Hamas only exists because of the current situation.
  14. No. That money will go straight to the corrupt government's bank accounts.
  15. I mean exactly what I said. The West Bank and Gaza make up 22% of Israel. Go live on the other 78%. Dismantle your settlements and army bases and leave us be. Allow us to repair our roads. Allow us to import and export goods. Allow our children the right to grow up without looking at AK-47s and Tanks and allow them to live without hateful and racist remarks. I've been there. I've seen it and heard it all. It's a horrible occupation. Yeah. They left Gaza all right. They just go back every few years and destroy the infrastructure.
  16. No it doesn't. Just stay off the 22%. I didn't say I wanted more. And the only reason I say that is every single settlement comes with a military base.
  17. I hear a lot of "recognizing the right to exist" and the Palestinians "wanting to destroy Jewish communities", but in actuality Israel doesn't recognize Palestine's right to exist and they are currently destroying Palestine. I guess "want to" and rhetoric are worse than reality. That's what I meant.
  18. Take a visit to Israel and then Palestine and then tell me if you stick by that bs. Matter of fact why don't you tell your buddies to lay off the freaking scraps they left the Palestinians. Is that so difficult for them? Do they really need to steal from the 22% of land the Palestinians hold?
  19. Sarcasm was pretty thick. I guess you didn't catch it.
  20. Yes. That's right. They're the victims. And our response to 9/11 was/is way over the top. The Patriot Act, amongst other things, can attest to that. Our involvement in that whole region made things worse. This government and many of you will never understand the ME.
  21. They took land by force. They still do to this day.
  22. God forbid the US is ever overtaken, but if it were, would you recognize your oppressors right to exist? They must have been holding back during the "war" then because they only killed 64.
  23. A couple thousand Israelis died? Where did you get this number from? That's nowhere near correct. Are you lying on purpose or was that a honest mistake?
  24. Unfortunately there would be more attacks. There's no denying that, at least until Palestine is granted statehood. The status-quo just ain't cutting it for anyone. Not the Palestinians, nor the Israelis.
  25. Day after day. Year after year. All you hear on the news is Israel's security is being threatened. I don't blame anyone for thinking that way. It simply isn't true. Terrorist attacks in Israel are a rarity these days. Btw, ever wonder why terrorists are far more effective in their attacks on muslim land as opposed to anywhere else? With the exception of 9/11 of course.
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