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Everything posted by Justice

  1. I think that answer is obvious and if you're as smart as you think you are then you can figure it out for yourself. I'd also like to be allowed to bang as many girls as I can, while drinking a six pack and eating a rack of ribs, but I can't now, can I? lol. All of the above and then some. I don't have to be up until 8am so it's extrememy difficult waking up at 5:30 to cleanse and then pray. Sleeping feels extra good at that time too. I guess it's the devil holding me down.
  2. What I meant by that was I don't always stick to my prayers. I'm supposed to pray 5 times a day. I often miss the first prayer.
  3. Why are you so surprised that I believe in everything the Quran says? If I want to leave Islam I'll do so quietly. Apostasy is a crime punishable by death. So why do it? Personally I don't like it, but I can at the same time understand why. You can believe and not like it at the same time, you know. For the most part it's an outdated rule in Islam but it was very vital during the infancy stages of Islam. I'd also like to add that I have been very honest in my dealings with you and everyone else. None of my opinions are popular ones so I doubt you encounter someone else that's more real than I am. Tom summed it up perfectly.
  4. You are 100% correct. I'd be lying if I said I didn't treat it that way at times, too.
  5. How 'bout you leave my kids out of this? I'm no misogynist. Black is white and up is down to you people so I understand why you'd call me that. I have three daughters. All are virgins, thank God. The ones that do go to school get straight A's. They live a very happy life. So thank you for that.
  6. What if I told you my values were to do whatever I want? What if I told you I'm all for non-virgins wearing white dresses on their wedding day? What if I told you being gay is "okay" and "there's nothing wrong with it"? What if I told you my religion forbids the consumption of alcohol and I did it anyways? (I'm not referring to Muslims here) What if I told you my religion also forbids me to eat pork, but since it's the other white meat then what the hell? (I'm not referring to Muslims here, either) What if I told you abortion is okay. It's the woman's choice, after all, right? What if I told you I'm all for giving out an award to every loser kid so his feelings won't be hurt? What if I told you I praised Jesus even though he didn't ask to be worshiped? What if I told you I believe Jesus is God even though he never unequivocally said he was? What if I told you I believe the US military fights for our "freedom"? I'd be pretty cool then, huh? There it is. All the cards are on the table. Have at it.
  7. B word please. You probably think it's okay for any whore to wear a white wedding dress on her wedding. Shut the !@#$ up.
  8. Coming from a dude that hasn't seen even one Virgin in his lifetime this doesn't surprise me.
  9. After a while I'll have no choice to but to strike back. Getting real tired of !@#$s like you. You're an ignorant !@#$. I don't expect you to understand heaven, but at least know this. Suicide bombers have the same exact chance as you do of seeing 72 virgins in heaven--which is none.
  10. I'm pretty sure the laws of the land will prevail. I was referring to non-muslims. They can say whatever they want. There might be some consequences just like in France, but for the most part they're safe.
  11. No. I haven't. Not even a little. There's a lot of **** that can get you killed on this earth. I recommend avoiding as many as possible.
  12. Muslims are very serious about their religion. They don't make movies about their prophets. They don't put them in comedies of any sort like Christians do with Jesus. Bill Maher talks about Islam all the time. Last I checked he's still breathing. To muslims talking against Islam IS treason when you're a muslim. Does it matter how treason is defined? At the end of the day it's still the same punishment.
  13. Are you suggesting one cannot commit treason by using their mouth?
  14. I don't know. I don't submerge myself in these topics of Islam because I never intend on carrying any of them out myself.
  15. I have always been 100% honest. I never hid anything from anyone. I'm not against any of the teachings of my religion. The way I see it, if you want to leave--then leave. No one is stopping you. Just shut your mouth on the way out. Problem solved. I'd rather ppl kept quiet. Isn't death the penalty for treason? I guess you're all against the death penalty too? Spare me your self righteousness. As a matter of fact, sometimes it's the things you DONT say that prove who you are. I didn't see much condemnation in the country music thread. Smh.
  16. Tough questions and I don't intend to sugarcoat it. Yes they do, but honestly I don't know the manner in which their life can be taken.
  17. While they're at it maybe they can explain to me the "forgive them for they know not what they do" and the "why have you forsaken me" lines.
  18. It's basically the same as "forgive them for they don't know what they do" type of thing. We're told to ignore the ignorant.
  19. I'd also like to add that there are homosexual churches and synagogues. Does these make the religions flawed or is it the people that are flawed, because homosexuality is strictly forbidden in any of the books.
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