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Everything posted by Justice

  1. Yes and no. It's complicated. I've finally read up on apostacy. The executioner for apostacy can be anybody. I didn't see it written anywhere who exactly is supposed to do the actual killing, but to me, if you kill somebody you're a radical, even if your religion gives you the right to do so. There's also a process involved. You just can't kill somebody right away either, there is a process and the punishment isn't always death. There are other forms of punishment. On the flip side, there are muslim scholars who actually believe there is no death penalty for apostacy. Those are your moderates, I guess, but I still believe terroristic acts such as this most recent event, 9/11, etc etc are not and will never be accepted as an act of a true muslim. I was taught Islam by my parents and they concentrated on the five pillars of Islam, and they focused on teaching me to avoid committing sins and what exactly those sins are. I never even knew about apostacy until I learned about it here. At the end of the day there are uncomfortable topics in all three religions. Christianity went as far as to release a New Testament that has about 62 contradictions to the Old Testament and a lot of those changes involve those uncomfortable subjects.
  2. Helpful? Thanks for the help. You're a swell guy. I like how you created this little story about those poor victims. You're awesome. I really admire you. Cool story, bro! You really took me to Tasker! You're the man! Such amazing brilliance! I'm in awe. You're great! Two thumbs up! No. You weren't being a smart ass. You were being a dick. It's people like you that complain all the time about moderate Muslims not condemning terrorism enough, but when one does you're on attack mode. You're a punk.
  3. Thanks for being a smart ass. I'm trying to condemn terrorism here but that's not good enough for you, huh?
  4. It made perfect sense to me. Jimmy came to the realization that he's a scammer. He's a con artist. That's what he does best. He enjoyed reliving his old days.
  5. Despicable. These savages don't fear God. They are Godless.
  6. I think the majority of people agree with you, but not me. I love watching Mayweather fight. It's a thing of beauty. His defense, counter punches and accuracy is amazing.
  7. Therein lies the difference between Islam and Christianity. A Muslim would say Jesus would not pray to himself. A Christian says he would. Islam denies the crucifixion. I was told Judas was crucified in his place and that he (Judas) was the one that said "Why have you forsaken me", because he thought he was doing the right thing when he betrayed Jesus (pbuh). Do they cover when they pray? And if not, why?
  8. Didn't know this: 1 Corinthians 11:3-12 3Now I want you to realize that the head of every man is Christ, and the head of the woman is man, and the head of Christ is God. 4Every man who prays or prophesies with his head covered dishonors his head. 5And every woman who prays or prophesies with her head uncovered dishonors her headit is just as though her head were shaved. 6If a woman does not cover her head, she should have her hair cut off; and if it is a disgrace for a woman to have her hair cut or shaved off, she should cover her head. 7A man ought not to cover his head,[a] since he is the image and glory of God; but the woman is the glory of man. 8For man did not come from woman, but woman from man; 9neither was man created for woman, but woman for man. 10For this reason, and because of the angels the woman ought to have a sign of authority on her head. Christian women are supposed to wear hijab (head-scarf)?
  9. I simply don't believe he was a schizo. Neither was Jesus (pbuh). He was ordered to kill his son. I can buy that. Big difference between Ibrahim's story and Issa's (Jesus) story in the Bible.
  10. Gotcha. Which part is confusing? No. It doesn't. But Jesus knowing he's God and praying to himself most certainly does.
  11. No you wouldn't. Be my guest. Just explain why you would say that.
  12. I'm not calling Jesus (pbuh) a schizo. I'm saying the bible makes him sound like one. I asked the question earlier regarding which book Christians follow and why. I don't know the difference
  13. I'm done with this. Believe me if you want to or don't. I don't care. At least someone understands where I'm coming from. I take it Christianity and Islam share the same story when it comes to Ibrahim. And no, he didn't misspell it in the Arabic sense. I wouldn't call him a schizo. Let me be clear. I'm not trying to change anyone's opinion. I respect yours and appreciate you guys sharing. I'm just explaining the Muslim perspective of Jesus(pbuh).
  14. I'm pretty sure Jesus (pbuh) would have been more straight forward and less ambiguous if he was God. God is all knowing and all seeing. He wouldn't have come to earth to die for our sins because he could've forgave us for our sins without coming here. Jesus prayed. Why would he pray to himself? That makes him sound like a schizo. He also prophesied about another messenger to come after him in Dueteronomy 18:18. Now if he was God why would he do that?
  15. You're the one that's being exposed. You don't like me and never will. How many times do I have to say I hate violence? I do. That hasn't changed. I even admitted I don't like the death penalty for apostates and still you run lip. You accuse me of being dishonest when in actuality my posting history proves I'm not trying to win and popularity contests. Get a grip dude and stop crowning yourself, leave that to everyone else.
  16. STDs are a serious problem. I was quoting a link earlier, but I could've gotten more in depth. BTW. The New Testament forbids premarital sex. How do you know which book to read? Serious question.
  17. Lol. I think I'll buy me a Super Bowl ring on eBay and start calling myself a champion.
  18. Define whore. Because my definition of whore is any women that has premarital sex. Premarital sex is a sin in any religion. Say what you want about religion, but when it comes to sex they got it right. There wouldn't be as many bastards out there, and there wouldn't be as many STDs. One out of every six people between the ages 14 to 49 have herpes. That's astonishing to me.
  19. You don't even know me. It's amazing to me how you accuse me of being a misogynist.
  20. Not true. Not true at all. You can leave whenever you wish. No one is forcing you to believe or remain a muslim. There's no compulsion in Islam. BTW. I feel extrememy fortunate to be born a muslim. BTW2. That first paragraph is rubbish.
  21. "I didn't say you're a bad guy. I've known good criminals and bad cops, bad priests, honorable thieves, you can be on one side of the law or the other."-Mike
  22. No. I would not. I don't know who's supposed to carry that out. I don't want to know either.
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