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Everything posted by Justice

  1. If you have a daughter let her go to Cancun for spring break. I'll raise mine. You raise yours. The comparison was made because sin and temptation go hand and hand. I wouldn't bring a recovering alcoholic with me to a liquor store because of the temptation he will face and I also wouldn't put my daughter in the position to fall victim to temptation in a place like Cancun. This isn't even a Muslim issue. I know plenty of Christians, Jews and Atheists that won't allow their kids to go to Cancun. As I previously told you, she can go away to college. I'm fine with that. If she wants a beach it's 18 miles away from home.
  2. Is that the only topic floating in your little head? You don't answer any of my questions and you constantly ask more. I already addressed FGM. [EDITED] The rules of war wasn't even addressed to you. I was responding to someone else. BTW. Prove I said FGM is forbidden. I'm waiting.
  3. Nice way to answer the question [sarcasm]. Read my above post. I added to it. She'd look pretty ridiculous wearing a hijab in the middle of spring breakers. Would you take a recovering alcoholic to a liquor store?
  4. Why don't you show it to me, because they're breaking all those 10 rules of war. I live in Miami. They can enjoy the beach with the family anytime they want. No problem. Maybe when you hear Cancun that's what you think, just enjoying the sun, when I hear Cancun I think of drugs, alcohol, wild behavior, bikinis and sex. Maybe she comes home pregnant. Maybe she comes home with a disease. Maybe she comes home hooked on drugs or alcohol. You think Jesus (pbuh) would've spent his spring in a place like Cancun when the college kids are there? When you see Cancun do you see something closer to God or the Devil? Lol. Haram. Now if you would've asked me if she can go off to college than my answer is yes, she can. I realize they party at school too, but hopefully she'll just stick to learning.
  5. You're gonna have to prove that because I never said it was forbidden. It's not even mentioned. Why lie? Your post is confusing. First you say you were mocking OC then you ask if it's 3/4? Not even 3/4. I have no clue. If I told you I'd be lying. All of my family members go and went to a madrassa. None of them were extremist schools. None. I didn't even come close to making your point. The reason why I posted that was to prove to you ISIS isn't Islamic. It's anti-Islamic. As far as Cancun goes I can answer that for you. If my daughter wants to go there for spring break she better pack for the long haul because she can stay there. She's not welcome back to my home.
  6. http://www.pennlive.com/opinion/2015/04/make_no_mistake_what_isis_prac.html 1. Do not kill any child, any woman, or any elder or sick person. 2. Do not practice treachery or mutilation. 3. Do not uproot or burn palms or cut down fruitful trees. 4. Do not slaughter a sheep or a cow or a camel, except for food. 5. If one fights his brother, [he must] avoid striking the face, for God created him in the image of Adam." 6. Do not kill the monks in monasteries, and do not kill those sitting in places of worship. 7. Do not destroy the villages and towns, do not spoil the cultivated fields and gardens, and do not slaughter the cattle. 8. Do not wish for an encounter with the enemy; pray to God to grant you security; but when you [are forced to] encounter them, exercise patience. 9. No one may punish with fire except the Lord of Fire. 10. "Accustom yourselves to do good if people do good, and to not do wrong even if they commit evil. According to Muhammad's rules for war, as documented by his closest followers, beheadings or any practice of mutilation of treachery is forbidden; and women, children, the elderly and the sick are to be protected by faithful Muslims, not violated and killed.
  7. I can and did speak for myself. I do not condone the radicals. Not even a little bit. Why don't you take me at my word? It's getting to the point where I may have to block you. There's no reasoning with you. You take everything the worst possible way. For example, I said they don't teach terrorism in nearly the amount of madrassas as you think and you took that as me saying they do in half of them. Where did you get that number from? And now you say I condone the acts of radicals. I don't. And when I say I don't want to know, which I ended up doing anyways, I meant I won't be the one doing it so I don't need to know. I get questioned here by some asking if I'd actually kill someone, and if they teach calculus at a madrassa (school). I'd never ask any of you those questions. Believe in what you want to believe in. I don't care. Live and let live, but questions like those tells me everything I need to know about the questioners views and knowledge on Islam. I didn't answer that question the first time because it was a stupid question. How big of a book would it be if it told people every single thing they CAN'T do? It doesn't mention crack anywhere in the Koran either, should we assume it's okay to smoke it then? Obviously not. The funny thing is I learned about Muslim extremists from the news and from this board. My parents both prayed 5 times a day and they didn't teach me none of this stuff. Same for every other Muslim I've ever met or known.
  8. When it comes to killing someone for committing apostasy I don't like it, but I do understand it. This is a complex topic. Death isn't always the punishment. Each violator must be given a chance and a certain amount of time to repent, before whatever punishment is rendered. I want to make it clear that those that leave Islam quietly will not be punished at all, it's the people that try to convince others to join them that gets punished. The reason why I said they deserve whatever punishment they get is because they should have simply left quietly. I still don't like it. There's a process that must take place before punishment is carried out. That process must be followed. Vigilantes acting on their own accord without following the necessary steps are wrong for that.
  9. He also brought up another example of how some Muslims do things that Islam doesn't permit, such as Female Mutilation. The Quran and the Hadiths doesn't even mention FM. His whole view of Islam is close-minded. He's made up his mind and chooses to allow the worst of the worst to represent Muslims.
  10. I knew you were trying to emulate OC's long-winded style of writing, I also knew you agreed with him at the very same time, but you know what else I know? You don't know jack about Islam.
  11. Same correct thing? He wasn't correct. I proved him wrong. He thinks a madrassa is a place where terrorists train, when in actuality it's just the Arabic word for school. Of course there are some madrassas that are extremist but no where near all of them. He also said Muslims should make a fatwah condemning terrorism--they did. He refuses to acknowledge if you abstain from pre-marital sex it won't help decrease children out of wedlock and STDs. He was also wrong about the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), my quote on the rules of war proved that, but yeah, he's "correct". Whatever, bro.
  12. Lol. Yes. How else can I find gems like "do they teach calculus in madrassas? Lmao!!! He thinks they learn hate and warfare in all the madrassas. That's some amusing stuff right there.
  13. Murder isn't the same as missing a prayer. That's a ridiculous comparison.
  14. It's easy to take one line out of context. Can anyone further explain this passage to me?
  15. There are exceptions, of course, but when was the last time we "defended" our land? Can we just stick with the context of the conversation and not dwell on which STD. Any that involves sex. Got it? I can't believe OC even brought up the subject again. It should be quite obvious if no one was having pre-marital sex or committing adultery then there'd be far less STDs and children out of wedlock.
  16. BTW. The same goes for Christians and Jews. If you kill people you're not a true Jew or Christian.
  17. Going back to the STDs argument. I guarantee there are far less cases of STDs in Islamic countries as opposed to anywhere else. I don't even have to look it up and I'd still be willing to bet on it. Children out of wedlock too.
  18. That's a whole lot to cover. I've been waiting for a reply from you in the other thread and yet here you are demanding I answer your question. Why was it important to the early stages of Islam. Simply because Islam had to grow. If you had people going around bad mouthing the religion it probably wouldn't have grown as fast as it did. The Quran says there's no compulsion in Islam. You must come at your own free will. Islam isn't supposed to be spread by the sword. Did I say there will be no more bastards? No. I said there will be far less without pre-marital sex. Same with STDs. And while I'm at it I'd like to touch on your other point that wasn't addressed to me. A murderer ain't a murderer until he kills somebody. Same concept with the terrorists. Murder is strictly forbidden in Islam. Once you kill somebody, especially innocent people, you're no longer a Muslim because you went against the teachings of Islam. "Killing one man is like killing all of humanity. Saving one life is like saving all of humanity"-The Holy Quran. These people might think they're Muslim, but they're not good Muslims. I'm not permitted to say who can and can not go to heaven, only God can judge, because you never know if someone will truly repent for his sins.
  19. Your post here is highly hypocritical and some are just misleading. 1. You made sound as if only Christians and Jews get their hand cut off for stealing. Not true, Muslims get their hand cut off too. One can easily debate this is the best way to handle a thief and the best deterrent. You would rather spend 1,000s of dollars taking care of the theif in prison. So what's the punishment for a thief? Shelter and feed this person? The Quran says every Muslim should donate 2.5 of their net worth to the poor every year. If everyone did this there wouldn't be many thieves, anyways. BTW, I've been to Palestine and have found out about some thieves in my village. None of them got their hands cut off. 2. As far as changing the religion goes this is where the hypocrisy part comes. Muslim contend, and it's true, the Quran has never been altered and yet there are many versions of the Bible. There are 62 contradictions in the old and New Testament. When it comes to this subject you're talking about interpretation. Produce those tenets directly from the Quran that you're referring to and don't just take one line. We need the whole thing because one line can easily be taken out of context. I'd be happy to debate you on those subjects. 3. Ten percent? I know a lot of Muslims and not one is a radical. Your number you magically pulled out of the air is most likely wrong. 4. Your use of the word "Islamic" is just wrong. The people you're referring to are radicals with a political agenda. These people do not follow Islam as its intended to be and yet these are the people you use to represent Muslims. You talk about the Mahdi, but what about the Muslim belief that Jesus (pbuh) will return? You were being hypocritical when you mentioned the Westboro Baptist Church and the God hates fags groups, because we feel the same way about terrorists. 5. As far as your take on Obama and we need to kill these people are concerned the U.S. has already killed over a million people post 9/11. You act as if that's doing nothing. That's not nothing. That's something.
  20. I guess. I can't really speak on behalf of the radicals. I read about it online from a Muslim and non-Muslim perspective. I don't know if it is in the Quran.
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