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Everything posted by Justice

  1. Why not? Do Christans or Jews for that matter not believe in punishment in the afterlife?
  2. Sorry, I didn't see it, but this topic is already being discussed.
  3. http://bills.buffalonews.com/2015/05/16/pegulas-taking-steps-to-deal-with-tv-and-digital-media-issues-involving-bills-and-sabres/ I miss Empire, so I for one hope this happens.
  4. @3rd and DC: Thanks for the reply. That's what I thought. To everyone else: Life in prison isn't worse than death, IMO, because the afterlife for the wicked and evil is terrifying. Even before Judgement Day. What a life sentence does provide him though is the opportunity to repent, but it's gotta be genuinely from the heart and not because he regrets getting caught.
  5. That's relatively fast, ain't it?
  6. Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't McVeigh's death sentence get delivered rather quickly? Or did he request that?
  7. Mayweather is two years older than Manny.
  8. You make some great points. To take it a little further you would think after the decision in Bradley v Pacquiao I, Manny would take the last few rounds more seriously. The truth is he can't catch May and he knew it. Floyd hits hard, much harder than most give him credit for and Manny learned that just like all the others. Mike & Mike were spot on regarding the fight today. They put the blame on Pacquiao for the boring fight. They didn't blame Floyd for fighting like Floyd. To those that were letdown by this fight you obviously haven't watched Mayweather fight. All his fights look exactly the same. You should've expected this.
  9. I enjoyed the fight. Like I said earlier in this thread, Mayweather's style bores the hell out of 90% of fans, but not me. He had an excellent strategy and executed it well. Like it or not, the holds were necessary and smart. The way he escaped the ropes and the corners was a thing of beauty. He makes fighters look unlike themselves. I never had any doubt he'd beat Pacquiao. The first 7 rounds I had it scored 4-3, in favor of Manny. It was all Mayweather after that. The last round could've went either way. One of the judges had it 118-110, I believe, I don't agree with that judge at all. I'm getting tired of all the Mayweather bashing for not being aggressive. I don't blame people for bashing him for other reasons such as the women beating and for flaunting all his cash, but for his boxing style, they shouldn't. He threw just as many punches as Pacquiao. His opponents act surprised every time they face him like they don't know he's a defensive counter-puncher. Pacquiao's strategy in the first two rounds appeared to be to let Floyd dictate the pace of the fight. What happened? Floyd won those two rounds easily. After that Manny became the aggressor and had success with it for a few rounds. In round 3 I noticed something that had me scratching my head. Pacquiao had Mayweather trapped against the ropes and kind of in trouble and mysteriously backed off. And now Pacquiao is complaining about an injured shoulder. He sure didn't appear to be injured when he was raising both his arms when the fight ended. Maybe this has been planned all along so they can have a rematch, but that plan can blow up in their face because I'm not so sure the public would even want to see a rematch after this. Imagine the public scrutiny Mayweather would've faced if Floyd lost this fight and made an excuse about an injured shoulder.
  10. Do you watch the tv show "Key and Peele"?
  11. http://youtu.be/jpX1bsihugY LMAO!
  12. Yeah well you're the kid in elementary when asked by the teacher what's 1+1, you shout at one and don't pay attention to the full question.
  13. Your words, not mine: "Again, where is it written that female mutilation is forbidden in the Muslim world?" See the words "again" and "forbidden"? That means you clearly said it and more than once, too. The fact is I said Islam does not permit FGM and it's not even mentioned in the Quran and Hadiths. Where do you think Islam comes from other than the Quran and Hadiths, anyways? But you still kept on asking me, "who says its prohibited"? "On what authority is it prohibited?" "Is it prohibited or not"? See a pattern forming there? Even when I told you I meant to say the Quran doesn't give permission to do so, you just kept on asking. "Does not permit", when taken out of context means forbidden, but it doesn't work that way. You must keep my statement in context. You're embarrassing yourself. Like I said before, you should've dropped it at 7:15 a few days ago. Even if you take each statement individually, even though you shouldn't, I'm still not wrong. Islam does not permit FGM and it doesn't. It's not stated anywhere in the Quran or the Hadiths that it's permissible. At the same time it also doesn't forbid it either. Why can't you see you have to keep my statement in context? Is it because it isn't convenient for you to do so? Why are YOU being so obtuse? The fact is I challenged you to show me where I said it's forbidden and of course you went off searching for it. As soon as you spotted the words, "Islam doesn't permit" you were content and stopped reading on. When I challenged you to keep the statement in context you desperately hung on to that first line like a baby with a pacifier so you wouldn't be proven wrong and completely left out my very next sentence. Embarrassing. SMDH.
  14. You're the one that has difficulty keeping things in context. You're the one that keeps asking me where does Islam say it's forbidden over and over again even though I told you the Quran and the Hadiths doesn't give permission therefore it's NOT forbidden. Let me ask you this, who do YOU think is in charge of saying what's a sin and what's not a sin in Islam? As far as I know if it's not mentioned in the Quran and the Hadiths then it can't possibly be a sin. My second question for you is why do you keep asking me if it's forbidden when I told you it's not? My favorite part of this argument is when you said "did you mean to say the Quran doesn't give you permission" after I said those exact words a few times already. I already admitted in my first response to you that I could have worded it better, but my second sentence was a solid no-error clarification that's it's not forbidden because it isn't even mentioned. All of this should have been crystal clear to you at 7:15, last night.
  15. Holy cow! Did you even read what I've said over and over and over again? "Were you trying to say that the Koran does not give specific permission or demand that it be done?"-3rd Uh yeah! I've made that clear already. More than once, too, and I can prove it. You're truly embarrassing yourself at this point, and don't give me no BS about you're just messing with me, either.
  16. "Once again, the communication process has broken down" lol
  17. Yes. You're the one having the tough time. Extrememy tough. This all started by you saying I said it was forbidden. I challenged you to produce the proof I said it. You didn't/couldn't. You're trying to save face by cherry picking my first statement and entirely ignoring the second. I said the Quran doesn't give you permission to do so. That doesn't mean I said it's forbidden. It's not prohibited. It's not forbidden. I never said it was. It's not mentioned at all. If it's not mentioned in the Quran and the Hadiths then no one has the authority to make it so. No it shouldn't. It sounds awful.
  18. Two scenes from movies come to mind for me when dealing with 3rd on this FGM issue. I feel like the judge in "My Cousin Vinny" when he was trying to get Pesci to say guilty or not-guilty. The other is Samuel L. in "Pulp Fiction" when he dared the kid to say "what" again.
  19. Oh my. You're cherry picking statements. I already explained it to you in detail. Know when you're wrong. Give up already.
  20. Thanks for the reply. Interesting. That sounds horrible.
  21. Did anyone ever consider male circumcision to be male genital mutilation? Serious question. Was it ever frowned upon?
  22. @3rd To take it even further Islam isn't just a religion it's a way of life. A manual so to speak. If FGM was forbidden it would say so. There's no mention of it at all either way so I suppose it's not a sin, but since it's not suggested than it's not something you have to do. I mentioned earlier that crack isn't mentioned in the Quran but that doesn't mean you can do it. What is mentioned in the Quran is you shouldn't do any substance that alters your personality or impairs your judgment. Therefore all of drugs and alcohol is covered under that command.
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