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Everything posted by Justice

  1. You can say the same thing about this ultra right wing government running Israel today. Why don’t you? What’s stopping you? They recently voted against the creation of a Palestinian state. As for who will be the one to lead Palestine? I have no clue. I seriously do not know. Now I’m not saying nobody is capable. I just don’t know which puppet the west will prefer. May they all return safely to their families
  2. I had over 350 people at my wedding. I’ve been to gatherings that had over 1200 people. I have spoken to many of them regarding this issue. The vast majority want a 2 state solution because they realize Israel isn’t going anywhere any time soon. I’d say about 90% of the people I’ve spoken to all agree on that. We all understand a one state solution with equal rights will never happen. Israel can not accept that. As for Gaza that place will not be Palestinian land after this massacre is over so they won’t have to worry about a non-contiguous Palestinian state.
  3. That’s what the IDF soldier said in one of those videos. Dude. Just watch the videos I shared above.
  4. if you watched those videos you wouldn’t have asked that question. Yes it was on purpose. Also do you know what the Hannibal directive is? Most likely no. I don’t condone that human shield crap. I don’t support Hamas.
  5. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPR3oe3Ag/ https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPR3ETcws/ https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPR3EgsYd/ https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPR3Ewkhr/ THEY OPENED FIRE ON THEIR OWN PEOPLE YOU IGNORANT *****!
  6. Go ***** yourself. It is you that’s a terrorist sympathizer you POS!
  7. It’s a 6 week ceasefire. I wouldn’t give up the hostages until there’s a permanent ceasefire. I also disagree with that slogan. I’ve said that before. Many of those that use it say it doesn’t mean they want to destroy Israel. I still wouldn’t use it. Israel uses it too. I don’t see you bitching about that though.
  8. I’ve made myself clear. The 67 borders are sufficient with no strings attached and no settlements. The extremists will eventually fade away under those conditions.
  9. Lies lies lies and more lies. They didn’t kill 1200. Israel killed many of their own. Ever seen the photo of all the damaged cars? Hamas could not have done all that. There are videos of IDF personnel admitting to shooting at their own. Who the hell wants to resume getting binned in six weeks? Are you serious?
  10. Why don’t you tell all the drug dealers to stop having turf wars? How about you speak to all the young people in America to prevent them from shooting up schools? This is all your fault man. You should’ve done something. Foh.
  11. The resistance will never end until Palestinians are free. They don’t need the entire country of Israel but they do require the 67 borders and the right of return. Imagine not being allowed to return to the country you were born in! You said people can’t see past their nose. That’s you. That’s your confession. Before Oct 7th happened 2023 was the deadliest year for children in the West Bank. Let that ***** sink in. For the millionth time if someone invaded your country what would you do? WHO the f are you to judge how someone resists? You can’t even acknowledge a people lost their land and country and are fighting to get it back! You really should walk a mile in their shoes first before yapping. Ever expanding settlements in the WB and you mofos still talk *****. You’re a bunch of intellectually dishonest ass mofos.
  12. So now we believe the UN? Lol. Attaboy. Let’s veto everything that comes from the UN and then cite the UN’s reports when it’s beneficial to us. Foh. What happened to all those so called lies that came from the UN? We trust this one though. Gotcha. Foh. Earlier in the conflict Netanyahu said releasing the hostages won’t end the siege. The Israelis have killed a lot of their own hostages. They dgaf about their hostages. Every accusation is a confession.
  13. This is terrifying. Every accusation is a confession with these people. They claim Hamas wants a holy war but here they are doing everything in their power to make sure that happens. They’re ready. They have the US under their feet, they have the weapons, the arsenal, hand picked governments all around the globe. They’ve been preparing for this for a long time. What’s the hurry for end times with these *****?
  14. The ***** IDF slaughtered 104 starving people and not a peep from you guys. SMH. You lie to yourselves.
  15. You’re a perfect example of being brainwashed. Who said Hamas is getting their ass kicked! Who?? How do you even know that? I’ll tell you how. It’s because you’re a sheep. You believe everything they tell you. You have no clue if Hamas is getting touched. Unless you equate civilians with Hamas. it is a genocide. They called Oct 7th a genocide and you ate that ***** right up probably. I never heard you debunk that claim. You’re incapable of having critical thought. There’s no way Oct 7th happened the way they said it did. Why else would they make it a 5 year prison sentence if you question it? Innocent people don’t behave that way.
  16. Lots of lies are being exposed about that date. Lots. Too bad you have blinders on.
  17. You live in a false reality. They made that place uninhabitable. Who are you kidding? Nobody, not Hamas, not the civilians can live there after this is all done. Netanyahu said returning of the hostages won’t end this. Stop playing yourself.
  18. Please tell me. I went there in 86 and seen for myself why the intifada started. But I’m sure you know more than me…. F’n bot I hold them accountable. And so do many others. I also understand why they did it even though it was stupid AF. When will it be enough though? The Bill has been paid. How many have to die before you change your tune? You… not the govt… not Israel. You.
  19. One gotta wonder if Aaron Bushnell did this to free the hostages how the response would be. I can imagine the conservatives would hail him as a brave hero and the msm would actually tell people why he did it in their headlines and the leftists would say he’s mentally ill and brainwashed. It would be the exact opposite of what we’re seeing now. I for one as a Palestinian don’t want this from Aaron. I feel for him and his family. I appreciate him trying to stop a genocide, but this isn’t the way.
  20. The PA has done everything they can do appease Israel and still their civilians get murdered and bullied everyday in the WB. The PA doesn’t want to eliminate Israel. “Poverty by itself does not produce violence”? When you have nothing to live for you will find something to die for. It plays a major role.
  21. With or without peace a Palestinian state will not exist. At least not in our lifetime. The Israelis made that clear this week. 99 out of 120 votes was against the creation of a Palestinian state. And they refuse to give Palestinians equal rights under a one state solution. They’re gonna keep their feet firmly pressed down on the Palestinians throat. Watch the clip I provided below. This isn’t as one sided as you think it is. Many have gotten killed in the West Bank. You can’t justify that. They’ve been provoking the Palestinians in those areas for a while now. They want them to retaliate so they can take even more land. The West Bank is next. Wait and see. I maintained from day one Gaza is a land grab and I will be proven to be correct and then sometime in the near future the PA controlled territories are next. This is a game of chess and the Israelis are winning. They pushed the Gazans over and over until they snapped. Only a matter of time before the Palestinians in the WB lose it too. The dream and goal is to have a Jewish state. The Palestinians are standing in the way. Treat people like animals and eventually they become animalistic. Before the conflict people were making $1.25 per day in Gaza. How long can anyone put up with that before they go insane?
  22. I mean one of their politicians did say something along the lines of ‘we do not care about precision or accuracy’. And maybe they’re not carpet bombing but they certainly are wiring several buildings and bringing them all down at once. Some of their soldiers love posting their work on SM. They said they were gonna destroy Hamas and they meant it. Judging by the amounts of babies and children they have eliminated they’re even getting rid of future members. After this war there will be no more Gaza. It’s uninhabitable. They won’t even have to force the remaining citizens to leave. They’ll have to leave on their own. To where I have no clue but I bet anything Israel has some plans in mind. This is a land grab. Israel will occupy Gaza. I’ve been to protests and I’ve know plenty of ppl that have been to protests and every single one of us marched side by side with plenty of Jewish people. Anti-semitism is a card that’s being used way too much in this occasion. And yes protests happen here because the US is funding the war. Pretty obvious. Oct 7th was called a genocide by many. I’ve heard tons of statements from Israeli politicians calling to wipe out the entire Strip and the WB too. Call it what you want but this is a massacre. I’m desensitized to it now. That’s how bad all the images are. Started out in tears watching them and now nothing. Netanyahu called the people of Gaza Amalekites. You have a name for that kind of rhetoric? Only gonna respond to how Hamas utilized their funds and the only thing I can say is WTF were they thinking? They must think outsiders will eventually step in and it will be a wide scale war involving many nations. Them dumbasses might finally learn nobody is coming to help them. Nobody wants to be the next country “freed”. If we use this rationale then we should defund everyone that has corrupt members? No funding for politicians, police, places of worship, I mean ***** just about any group ever assembled.
  23. True. It’s the dying part I’m worried about. No one will be left soon if this keeps up. Kneel on the ball. Game is over. It’s a blowout. I don’t get it lol. Is this supposed to be something exclusive to WNY? Lol. Either way it’s West side for life, baby!
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