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Everything posted by Justice

  1. Who designed the peace symbol using the Eiffel Tower? I don't know who did, but I doubt it's the same people that decides to go to war.
  2. Or maybe it just separates the good from the evil.
  3. I'll admit, I didn't open the link. I simply read the part you thought was worth sharing. Childish challenges? Hey you posted this stuff here. The writer didn't. I'm amazed you have the power to know what I ignore and what I don't ignore. I might be guilty of being presumptuous in this case, but how am I being hypocritical? Lastly, I'm totally confused with your last two statements. Re-read what you wrote and then explain it to me. Here it is: "is this your first visit to PPP ?, that "show me the Koran verse" dodge has been written about here in countless threads." The most inappropriate name here? I guess you never bothered to look at the names here then. Must be actual robots, rhinos, six packs and whatever else posting on this site. Also, while we're talking about ignoring posts. I replied to you yesterday with me pointing out Netanyahu's lie about the holocaust. The man is willing to re-write history. Why do you think this is?
  4. . And for the millionth time. Please produce the chapter in the Koran that supports these terroristic actions. If not then just STFU. I suppose you know more about Islam than I do? Or maybe I'm just a bad Muslim for not murdering innocent civilians? Your hate is obvious and clear. You post these types of articles hoping everyone will believe. It's sad. You'd rather take the word of terrorists over peace loving Muslims such as myself. If I'm wrong then prove it. Show me where the Koran permits this evil behavior.
  5. Maybe it came from the same source that said the Palestinians caused the holocaust.
  6. A true follower of the teachings of Jesus wouldn't even be fighting these wars in the first place. Jesus preached patience, forgiveness, he said not to cast judgement, he preached to turn the other cheek. If all Muslims and Christians followed the true teachings we wouldn't be in this mess. Hey I challenged you guys to produce evidence from the Koran that supports these deplorable and evil actions and I'm still waiting. Instead of using blind hate and bigotry try using the truth.
  7. Today's soldiers recite prayers before killing innocent people. What world do you live in? They call it collateral damage. Don't bother posting stuff like that. Some of these guys are Stevie Wonder when it comes to stuff like that. It's futile.
  8. That's funny. You're accusing him of doing some of the same things you do. You know who doesn't do that? Me. That's who. I respect all the faiths.
  9. Look no further than the 10 rules of war laid out by the prophet Mohammad (pbuh). Read it and then tell me if these people truly follow his teachings. That's only because you haven't looked. Here. I'll help you:
  10. It doesn't matter what religion you're talking about, you'll find an extremist leading and people willing to follow him. Every religion. The odds favor it too. Out of billions of people you're bound to find a few maniacs.
  11. I don't think so. Our actions in that region gave birth to ISIS. They're driving around in US made tanks and shooting US made weapons. Weapons we left behind. It may not have been on purpose, but it is what it is. Like I said before. Show me where this behavior is permitted in the Koran.
  12. Well since they said it then it must be true, right? Smh. How about you go find a scripture in the Koran that supports the killing of innocent people then you might be on to something. And don't just take one line because you could be taking it out of context. Those savages are no more Muslim than you are. You might be more so, actually. Facts are facts. Taking one life is like killing all of humanity-"the holy Koran. Suicide is forbidden too, but go ahead and blame this on the Koran. My religion is being hijacked by these disgusting people.
  13. Bingo. First things first though. Stop indirectly or even in some cases directly creating these groups. Attacking Iraq was a grave mistake. Some might saying leaving Iraq was, but let's face it, Iraq was far better off with Saddam and so was the rest of the world.
  14. They'd just play stupid and say they didn't know people would use the weapons they accidentally left behind. That's what.
  15. Recognizing Palestine? Think about it.
  16. RIP to all involved in this senseless and evil atrocity. May they all burn in hell.
  17. Football is all mental. The Dolphins fired their coach and had a bye week to prepare for Tennessee who aren't any good. Yes I know we barely beat them but the Titans were coming off their bye when we played them. Huge difference. So they blow them out and then go on to face a Texans defense that gave up 75 points in the last two weeks (including the Miami game). So they had their bye week at a perfect time. Getting s new coach rejuvenated them. The bye week rejuvenated them. Two weak opponents rejuvenated them. Now they get NE on Thursday Night. Welcome to reality. They'll get beat and their confidence will take a hit. Now we're the team that's coming off a much needed bye. Hopefully Tyrod and Sammy play. I'm pretty certain McKelvin and Karlos will. Now we have that same opportunity Miami benefitted from. We can hit the reset button. If healthy, we'll beat them. With EJ we'll lose.
  18. That's a despicable act. What a shame some people resort to unecessary and evil actions. I condemn the burning of the tomb to the upmost.
  19. Can't say I agree with that. Islam isn't an opinion by a few people, not even millions for that matter.
  20. I agree with him though. The Palestinian authority is corrupt. They love the bloodshed and on both sides, too. They think that's what it's gonna take to get the two state solution, but they're wrong, as usual. Peaceful resistance is the only way to go. You'll get the world's sympathy and eventually will get your own state.
  21. It's simply a matter of trust or should I say mistrust. The Palestinians are clearly paranoid over the Aqsa Mosque. Closures of the site of worship don't help, it just further fuels the paranoia. They've been digging underneath that area for a while now and there's fear that the very foundation of the mosque will collapse. That leads to the fighting you see there now. The guy made some great points, but he lost credibility with me when he said the Palestinians have received $31B in aide. That's a B not a M. I'm calling BS on that.
  22. Your link isn't working. Never mind. I see it now.
  23. Come on man. I've been there more times than you can count. They don't have an issue with people praying there in their respective spots of worship. The mosque is the only thing off limits. I can only go by what I see and what I see is a woman with her hands up getting shot.
  24. Excellent response, meatball. It's unfortunate. It really is. That's someone's son, brother, cousin, or friend. That's someone's mother, sister or wife. Revenge might be coming in response. Same thing on the other side. The cycle continues and will continue until the occupation ends. But you don't want that because you think the Palestinians will end the existence of Israel once they have their own state. That's BS.
  25. No. I'm not. I readily admit both sides commit heinous acts towards each other. You don't. It's an occupation, idiot. Bad things will happen-frequently. Once again, what would happen if the U.S. was occupied?
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