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Everything posted by Justice

  1. That report conflicts with reports on CNN. They say the shooters were organized and had a plan. That takes time.
  2. I don't know, man, whenever this many people are killed at one time it's terrorism to me.
  3. Tragic. May they RIP. They're saying on cnn they don't know if terrorism is or is not involved here. I think it's quite obvious. This is terrorism no matter who actually did it.
  4. Must be the beard. That's gotta be it. In all seriousness what a shame. It's s violent world we're living. May the victims RIP.
  5. Doesn't get much better than the Champions League.
  6. Happy Thanksgiving, boys! Football, food, friends and family! It don't get much better than that.
  7. Actually--no. I only use my iPhone when I visit this site. The avatars are way too small to see.
  8. Lol. They're very similar. More similar than most realize.
  9. http://www.buzzfeed.com/rennerlarson/quran-or-bible-most-people-cant-tell-the-differ-1haar Take the test. Only 10 questions. You might be surprised. I got 8/10
  10. You know Benzema. Color me impressed. I thought no one liked soccer out here.
  11. Now they're reporting the pilot is alive and well.
  12. I'm not buying the warnings either. Case in point, the senseless murders of the parachuted pilots. There's more to this story.
  13. How did the Muslim world let Ice Cube and KGB or his brother go alive? Wesley Snipes too.
  14. Come on, guys, it's totally plausible that Glenn didn't get bit. Everyone knows walkers prefer necks or stomach guts. Lol Carl will die soon, IMO, he's aging faster than the rate of time in the storyline.
  15. Very refreshing to hear someone speak with intelligence and common sense. Thanks for sharing.
  16. Those "Islamic" terrorists known as ISIS are getting high on captagon. Yeah. They're "Muslim" They're the biggest gangsters out there. Let's check down the list on known gang activity. Drug dealing: check Murder: check Stealing: check There's plenty more. Not enough time in the day to mention them all.
  17. Well put. That's precisely what I meant to convey.
  18. Not at all. It's the end result of our actions that got us here. The rest of what you said is pure speculation or opinion.
  19. You actually believe that? You think the Prez actually has that kind of power? In my mind we have been traveling down the same exact path that Bush laid out and Obama has continued. They're all in the same gang. Don't get it twisted.
  20. So you're saying the world was better off with those people in charge. The end result is obvious. Your last sentence sums it up perfectly.
  21. Exactly. How many times can we screw up with our foreign policies before someone actually realizes all of this was by design? Are we to assume the greatest and most powerful nation on earth doesn't know what they're doing? Why aren't we going after the people that sell the terrorists their weapons and ammunition? Why aren't we going after the people that buy their oil?
  22. Absolutely it does and I don't have a plan for that either. The only suggestion I have is to stop intervening in that part of the world. The world was a better place when people like Saddam and Gadhafi were in charge.
  23. Wow. Just wow. So what's the plan then? Drop atomic bombs on them and round up all the Muslims all over the world and exterminate them?
  24. Great plan, Hitler.
  25. Well that strategy hasn't worked thus far, has it? It's only gotten worse.
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