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Everything posted by Justice

  1. I'm about to go Brewster's Millions on you guys-- none of the above. Rand Paul vs Sanders would be most ideal, IMO, but that'll never happen.
  2. Yup, somebody wants to drive somebody into the sea and is actually doing it. Guess who. "Survival in the face of adversity?" Give me a break. That line should be meant for the Palestinians, not the Israelis.
  3. How much of that credit should go to McCoy's return to health? I'm not taking anything away from Kromer, but that's a reality we have to recognize.
  4. Even if that were true, how in the world can that ever happen here? Muslims make up about 1% of the population, right? It doesn't seem plausible at all and you shouldn't waste your time worrying about it.
  5. This guy scares the crap out of me. They got wifi in concentration camps?
  6. I'm not saying that couple isn't guilty of committing this evil crime, I don't know about you guys, but I'm not comfortable with the evidence they found on Facebook. Just about anybody can hack into a Facebook account. A trip to SA or anything like that isn't evidence either. In a court of law none of this stuff would stick. I'm not sure if they have any other evidence.
  7. To those that support Trump, why do you think he's qualified to be President? I mean you obviously feel like Obama was inexperienced and not qualified then how is Trump any better? Personally I'd like to see Sanders win the election.
  8. Way off topic but to hell with gun control. Let's go after Phillip Morris.
  9. So you call it our allies?
  10. Lol. Ain't that the truth. The man couldn't even last 10 minutes. Lol
  11. You know what? I let you get away with that response before. I'm not going to do it again. Your 1000s and 1000s of links speak on your behalf. It's so obvious. My own biases? Look in the mirror. While I'm at I'd like to issue a challenge to you. See if you can go 24hrs without sharing a link. Try thinking and speaking for yourself for a change. And no copy and pasting either.
  12. Well it's obvious to me that B-Man thinks these terrorists are only after infidels, Christians and Jews but he conveniently leaves out the fact that around 80% of the victims from terrorism are indeed Muslim. I'd like to hear from him why he thinks that is. I mean if it's truly jihad then why are they waging war on their own kind. Go ahead and find your link you'll need to answer me while I wait.
  13. What do you call it when Islamic terrorists kill Muslims?
  14. lol. No, but he most likely looked similar to me. Lol.
  15. I see your point, but if the authorities check them out and they're clean then wouldn't it be better for them since people might feel that way anyhow? Plus I'm strictly talking about out of the ordinary behavior. lol. Yeah, we conduct suicide missions every Sunday watching the Bills play. A little piece inside of us die every week during football season. Lol
  16. You guys are joking and I'm not sure how solid the source is, but I read they already have that technology. A chip with a lethal dose of poison has already been made. http://io9.com/5259933/germans-deny-patent-for-gpspoison-microchip
  17. People of middle eastern decent have been coming to my house since I was born. Lol. I wouldn't have an issue with the authorities checking out my house if one of my neighbors were concerned. It's better for them and me.
  18. How will anybody know? Keep it anonymous.
  19. I am in favor of the second amendment, but there are things we can do by using technology to lessen these types of attacks, such as: GPS chips should be installed in every gun that is made from here on out. Each firearm should be customized for the use of the registered owner only. I'm not sure if they have created that type of weapon yet, but I'm sure they can figure it out.
  20. It's our duty as citizens to report any activity that isn't ordinary. What will it hurt? Let the authorities check it out. If it's nothing then no harm done.
  21. It still doesn't make sense. I'm sure they felt like the Paris attacks was an extremely successful operation. Why change plans now? I can understand if they didn't "succeed" in Paris. Either way it's evil and tragic.
  22. Sounds like terrorism to me, but the target is pretty strange. Don't get me wrong, I'm definitely happy there wasn't more victims, but if this were ISIS wouldn't they want to hit a larger target?
  23. I've been watching CNN coverage for a while now and I have yet to hear they confirmed the identity of the terrorist. Where are you getting your info?
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