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Everything posted by Justice

  1. So crazy and insane people can't do that? Is it genetically impossible? How about you show me the proof in the Quran that shows she's doing God's work. How about that? What she did was evil and repulsive but it wasn't terrorism.
  2. I take issue with those of you that lump all Muslims commiting murder with terrorism. The Uber driver? He's crazy. The theatre shootings? Those guys are nuts. Muslim lady beheads a kid? Her God and religion made her do it.
  3. That is correct. Alhamdillah (thank God) and In Shaa Allah (with God's will) are the most commonly used phrases in Islamic culture.
  4. "Those people?" SMH. Do you say the same thing when a white guys shoots up a theatre? You're right. Fact is this doesn't even belong in this thread.
  5. In self defense. Those moves I agree with. Suicide bombing is a major sin. I don't defend it and never will. Propaganda? Wow. SMH
  6. https://www.google.com/search?q=map+of+israel+since+1946&biw=1408&bih=642&tbm=isch&imgil=xPcILVcSFaePbM%253A%253Bvp3W9nAyL5o2wM%253Bhttp%25253A%25252F%25252Fsilentcrownews.com%25252Fwordpress%25252F%25253Fp%2525253D3118&source=iu&pf=m&fir=xPcILVcSFaePbM%253A%252Cvp3W9nAyL5o2wM%252C_&usg=__OwUi_MOGraFfe3H08Pe1v2Py7PE%3D&ved=0ahUKEwienanoufDKAhXFdx4KHcDSBW4QyjcILA&ei=1uG8Vp7aOsXvecCll_AG#imgrc=xPcILVcSFaePbM%3A
  7. That's extremely inaccurate. You and I may disagree on a lot of things and that's fine, but I never took you as a liar. You're just making this up or you see and hear what you want to hear and see. I'm against violence---period. I'm quick to condemn Hamas. BTW. Yes, I am the first to condemn Israel for "defending" themselves, because they aren't on the defensive. Take a look at a map from 1946 until now and you should easily see there's nothing defensive about Israel's actions.
  8. Hyperbole? So you're saying we never screwed up any part of the ME because of our actions there?
  9. I'd appreciate it if you'd refrain from insinuating I support Hamas or their actions.
  10. Nah, no need. They'll just repeatedly blow you up from afar.
  11. In the meantime 100% of Israeli children will become soldiers when they're of age. Until then, many Israeli children are doing the same. https://electronicintifada.net/blogs/ali-abunimah/i-picture-dead-arab-disturbing-video-israeli-childrens-words-echo-indoctrination Arab Christians call God by that same name.
  12. Maybe you guys can fill me in on the specifics because I haven't followed the case closely. Where did he slip these women the pill? Was it at a bar? In a hotel room? Not that it matters, but if this pill was so strong that he can rape them afterwards then how did he even get them to his room? And if it did happen in a hotel room then what are they doing there in the first place?
  13. Watched a little bit of the special based on ISIS on CNN titled "Blinded: How ISIS Shook the World". Somebody needs to tell these "Muslims" they're supposed to all face the same direction and not just start their prayer with their heads on the ground. What a joke.
  14. By the way, I agree with you guys, she shouldn't have used the shahada for their calligraphy project.
  15. No, but words are just words when it comes to something like that. If you believe in those words then they mean something.
  16. They taught us about the 5 pillars of Islam in the 5th grade. It was 1987, I believe, nobody seemed to care back then or put up a fuss about it. By choice? Nobody forced me to say it. Muslims actually say the same thing just slightly different. Amen vs ameen. We have a lot of the same beliefs. The point of my story was its good to learn about other people. It's important we do so.
  17. My parents never objected to my school decorating during Christmas or Easter. My parents even sent me to church for a few Sundays so I can better understand those that are different than I. I learned we are more similar than most realize. It was an important lesson and I recommend it to young students today. Ignorance fuels intolerance and hate.
  18. I'm about to go Brewster's Millions on you guys-- none of the above. Rand Paul vs Sanders would be most ideal, IMO, but that'll never happen.
  19. Yup, somebody wants to drive somebody into the sea and is actually doing it. Guess who. "Survival in the face of adversity?" Give me a break. That line should be meant for the Palestinians, not the Israelis.
  20. How much of that credit should go to McCoy's return to health? I'm not taking anything away from Kromer, but that's a reality we have to recognize.
  21. Even if that were true, how in the world can that ever happen here? Muslims make up about 1% of the population, right? It doesn't seem plausible at all and you shouldn't waste your time worrying about it.
  22. This guy scares the crap out of me. They got wifi in concentration camps?
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