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Everything posted by Justice
Video analysis, bud. It ain't that hard. Excuse me, your highness, the all knowing. All praise Tom. TF would I know? I'm not capable of watching to buildings collapsing side by side on a video.
Once again. I'm not disputing the planes took down the towers. It's obvious it did, but a building behind it by a great distance? WTC 7 didn't have a jet fuel burning in it. And why bother going through all that trouble of demolishing a building with wiring and explosives when all it takes is a fire and 9 hours??? Thermite would be placed on the metal beams at the foundation I assume.
Who are they and why couldn't they? This if for the other guys: How about this? If fire can bring down buildings then why in the hell do you waste months and God knows how many dollars setting up demolition?? Fire is cheap. Now run tell that! Imagine that. After all these years we could've just light the B word on fire and wait a few hours. Stupid us.
I see your point but the explosive sounds were greatly reported that day. Plus this video footage isn't the same as WTC 7's in regards to proximity and other factors. Besides, there's more than one way to skin a cat. Many people speculate thermite was used. How much noise does that make?
Yeah. I think it's possible. More possible than fire and debris bringing down a 50 story building demolition style.
I'm not debating that. I assure you. There's no difference between controlled demolition and what happened to WTC 7. I compared videos of both. They're identical.
Don't you guys ever wonder why and how each building came down. Both towers burnt away quickly from top to bottom. WTC 7's collapse started from the bottom and the top collapsed on top of it. Crushed by its own weight. The Pentagon, well that never collapsed at all, but we didn't see much debris on the grounds surrounding it. Of course all 4 buildings are structurally different, but you can not ignore the differences in NY.
"You're filling in gaps in your knowledge based on a preconceived notion of the outcome and a misguided belief that unprecedented events are impossible because they're unprecedented." Ain't that grand? Three unprecedented events in one day huh? Defies all logic and physics. Never mind the fact the owner of the building used a demolition term and the building went down in unison. Newsflash, genius, steel structured buildings have been on fire much longer than WTC 7 and haven't collapsed. No airplane hit this building. Most of the fuel from those planes burnt away shortly after impact. How did building 7 even catch fire on the 6th floor? Why not the top? If you ask me, foolishness is believing a 50 story building can collapse solely from debris and fire damage over the course of 8 to 9 hours.
The fact that it collapsed perfectly at free fall speed is the concern. It didn't collapse from one side to the other. It collapse in the fire damages section only. It came down all at once as if it was demolished. Once again. Fire alone can not cause this to happen.
Let's just agree to disagree. You guys can't explain how a 50 story building collapses at free fall speed and I can't explain my side either. Your only explanation is to tell me fire caused it. Or debris. Both are physically impossible. OKC took a truck bomb and still stood. Debris takes down WTC 7??? But but but how did they get away with it?? Nobody saw them??? How am I supposed to know. All I know is a building collapsed that wasn't hit by a plane and it only took 9 hours to do it. Many other buildings burned much longer than that and stood.
Not totally separate. In concert. Dude gave orders to pull it. And did they collapse at free fall speed?
Both stories seem far fetched. Don't act as if the story you believe is actually believable too. Look again. It's 11 minutes long. Watch it for a minute or so. On the meantime Kiko is a Dolphin. Dang it.
I know. The second one I should just delete. The audio doesn't match the video. The first one does though.
Watch at the 3:25 mark. If you dare. Then explain that.
I think you're overly exaggerating how many people it takes to execute such a plan.
Exactly. How did it? The twin towers got hit pretty far up, correct? The fire in building 7 was on the 6th story. Those building are connected by a bridge on the 3rd floor. Explain.
I'm quite familiar with that story. Not buying it. How did the building even set fire to begin with? Even if it was fire that brought it down, that never happened before or since. It also went down in free fall speed. The building in Oklahoma didn't even go down like that. Interesting how that building burning for hours in Dubai didn't go down, ain't it?
I'll buy anything. I'm looking for any reasonable and logical reason why a 50 story building will just up and collapse. Got one?
Difference between you and I is I understand why the Palestinians have to use those methods. You don't. This isn't a leveled playing field. It isn't army vs army. Now if I were in charge I wouldn't use those terroristic actions. I'd try my best to gain the world's sympathy and resist the occupation with non-violent ways. You live in a world that's black and white. The world we live in is more complex than that.
My only issue I have with the events on 9/11 is with what happened to WTC 7. Everything else I buy. Terrorists did the dirty work with those planes. No doubt. Who else was behind it? That's my question and the only reason why I even question that is because of building 7.
I couldn't possibly condemn terrorism more. And yes, non-radicals Muslims fight against terrorism.
Question my God? For the actions of people? You're a joke. You won't question 9/11 but you feel just fine questioning God. Unbelievable. Maybe I can put this in a way you'd understand. Let's see. You buy a tv entertain system from Best Buy and decide to put it together yourself. The majority of people can look at the instruction manual and put it together successfully because all the answers you need are right there in front of you. Then you have those that still can't do it. Should I blame the guy that put the instruction manual together or the few that didn't understand it? Seeing that terrorists kill more Muslims than anyone else, by far, I think that proves they do fight terrorism.
Religion of peace Before engaging in battle, the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) instructed his soldiers: 1. Do not kill any child, any woman, or any elder or sick person. (Sunan Abu Dawud) 2. Do not practice treachery or mutilation.(Al-Muwatta) 3. Do not uproot or burn palms or cut down fruitful trees.(Al-Muwatta) 4. Do not slaughter a sheep or a cow or a camel, except for food. (Al-Muwatta) 5. If one fights his brother, [he must] avoid striking the face, for God created him in the image of Adam. (Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Muslim) 6. Do not kill the monks in monasteries, and do not kill those sitting in places of worship. (Musnad Ahmad Ibn Hanbal) 7. Do not destroy the villages and towns, do not spoil the cultivated fields and gardens, and do not slaughter the cattle. (Sahih Bukhari; Sunan Abu Dawud) 8. Do not wish for an encounter with the enemy; pray to God to grant you security; but when you [are forced to] encounter them, exercise patience. (Sahih Muslim) 9. No one may punish with fire except the Lord of Fire. (Sunan Abu Dawud). 10. Accustom yourselves to do good if people do good, and to not do wrong even if they commit evil. (Al-Tirmidhi But go ahead and continue with allowing the terrorists to represent Islam's teachings. It goes better with your narrative. Plus you give the terrorists exactly what they want. Still can't explain it, can you? So there is more to know, Stevie Wonder.
Where do I start with all this??? First off I didn't diminish anything. Nor did I justify anything. How you took that from what I said is beyond me. These are questions that need to be asked by everyone. Just because I'm Muslim doesn't mean I can't question why WTC 7 fell. I'm an American as well. Don't forget that. The audacity you have in telling me I can't question it just because I'm Muslim is astonishing. Did 19 Muslims use planes on 9/11 to terrorize people and murder? Sure. Did they have help from someone else? Most likely. Case in point WTC 7. No I don't know where you stand on the issue but I was right when I said you wouldn't explain what happened to WTC 7. No I will not question my faith. My faith is extremely strong. Question God? Smh How about question some of His followers? These barbaric acts are being committed by those that aren't true Muslims or that have the wrong understanding of Islam. The teachings of Islam had nothing to do with what happened that day. I can provide scriptures in the Quran that condemns those acts. Question is can you find the scriptures that permit it?