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Everything posted by Justice

  1. We've all seen footage of peaceful protestors getting bullied at Trump rallies, right? Looks like the protestors wanted to become the bullies tonight.
  2. Idiocracy indeed. What is it? 500 years early?
  3. Don't forget OBL was found and killed and buried at sea out of respect for his faith. No pics, please.
  4. It's more like this: 1. We trained and armed the taliban and OBL. 2. Taliban visited the states the summer of 2001. 3. A plan was made to bring down the WTC with planes and WTC 7 with either explosives or thermite. 4. The White House was warned about a terrorist attack using planes. They did nothing about it. 5. Planes hit the towers and a part of the pentagon that was under construction and barely occupied. We're expected to believe a building 50 stories high collapsed in demolition fashion due to fire, even though that's the first time ever, all the while the other buildings closer to the north and south towers remained standing. 6. We respond by attacking Afghanistan and Iraq and not Saudi Arabia even though the terrorists were from there. 7. Weapons manufacturers made a great deal of money 8. Some rights of US citizens were stripped. 9. The entire Middle East is in chaos, strengthening Israel in the process. 10. Gas prices under $2 per gallon.
  5. That they should have been at the same temperature. The damage was already done to the towers when the jet fuel burned off. Yes and that "start" was hot enough to bend the beams.
  6. The reason why the twin towers collapsed was because of the jet fuel. That's the story. WTC 7 didn't have any jet fuel. Plus other surrounding buildings closer than WTC 7 to the north and south tower didn't collapse that day. Why didn't those collapse as well? They got hit by debris. They had fires. I don't agree.
  7. Oh, brother! Can we try to keep things in context, please? It burnt up in those towers, it didn't somehow magically transfer into building 7. It did its damage while burning away in the twin towers. With that being said, tell him.
  8. Hey, DC, care to step in here? He'll believe jet fuel burns much hotter than standard fire coming from you. I'd just be wasting my time.
  9. Jet fuel burns hotter than standard fire, boss.
  10. Just as outrageous as a 50 story building collapsing in 9 hours.
  11. You guys keep asking me these questions like I'm supposed to know the answers. I don't know, man, these guys like to hide in the open or something. You've heard what they say about the power of denial, right?
  12. TF am I supposed to know??? Idk, maybe the guys that sell the weapons to go to war? You know who pays for that, right? You guys actually believe fire and debris can bring down a 50 story building just because "it would take too many people to pull that off". Someone would tell, right? If ppl are that baddass I doubt they'd get snitched on.
  13. Lol. Bad joke.
  14. You guys don't believe me, but I would really accept any rational and logical explanation. You guys think you gave me tons, but really you didn't. At the end of the day you expect me to believe 3 unprecedented events took place in one day and I just can't. People argue the jet fuel burned hot enough for the beams to give. I'll buy that. Sounds reasonable. When it comes to WTC 7 that didn't happen. It wasn't jet fuel burning at a hotter temperature than normal fire this time. It was just fire. Fire doesn't burn got enough for that. These are facts. Really? Maybe you're wrong about him. Interesting you chose beer. Why didn't you say coffee? Lol
  15. Silverstein is quite the expert. He suggested it first. People like me? Specify please.
  16. You're way off. Go ahead and listen to it again. "I remember getting a call from the, er, fire department commander, telling me that they were not sure they were gonna be able to contain the fire, and I said, "We've had such terrible loss of life, maybe the smartest thing to do is pull it." And they made that decision to pull and we watched the building collapse." No, I haven't, but I'll take a look. Thanks. Money money money money.
  17. Didn't they say they built the twin towers to withstand a airplane strike into the building? So I guess those buildings were built to last. Maybe by the time they got to building seven I guess they just said screw if. Let's make this one do that it can't take a fire. Sounds reasonable to me. Smh. Pull it is a demolition term, is it not? So from where I stand it makes more sense to me it's for demolition purposes. To you it doesn't, because you actually think fire took it down.
  18. Oh yeah. He's not a firefighter and yet he's giving the call to pull them?
  19. Two can play that game. He refers to firefighters as "it". When not pull them? That make sense to you?
  20. Never mind. It's a fact many buildings have been on fire much longer than 9 hours and haven't collapsed. Somehow fire worked different in WTC 7 in your book. I see you never addressed the fact the owner of the building used a demolition term.
  21. Doesn't take 1000s.
  22. A few guys with thermite and access to the foundation is thousands? Answer my question. Why even go through that expensive and timely method of demolition if fire will do the trick in 9 hours?? So you're saying I can't tell if two building are going down with the same speed? Pros need to know more than just speed, I'd assume.
  23. I'm an expert at demolition. Just use fire and about 9 hours.
  24. I doubt that amount of people were involved. I think it takes a lot less than any of us know.
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