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Everything posted by Justice

  1. Political and cultural.
  2. Women had rights in Iraq while Saddam was in power. Women have no rights in Saudi Arabia. Remind me which one are we allies with again?
  3. I'm sorry. Was that supposed to be funny?
  4. I've been a part of that group. I don't need to make it official by joining. I already believe in all of those things.
  5. Now that the annual ball washing fest is over I'd like to point a few things out. 1. It's an embarrassment to see our future President bowing down to another nation like that. It's disgusting. Talk about the tail wagging the dog. Are we even the dog? Why do these lobbyists even need to have this done every four years? If we're truly allies then why do you need to be re-assured all the time? 2. Kudos to Bernie Sanders (a Jew) for not showing up. He offered a recorded statement for them to show, but they didn't permit it. They prefer their ass-kissing live and in person. Speaking of Bernie I pointed out in another thread how Sanders easily won Dearborn, MI. A place where it has America's largest Arab-American population. So much for that narrative that Muslims hate Jews. 3. So Trump called out the "Palestinian ISIS Hamas group"? Well they must've sent the JV team there because they're not nearly as effective in Israel as they are in Europe. Don't take that the wrong way. I do not want to see terrorist attacks in Israel or any other place in the world, but if ISIS was truly there wouldn't there be a few attacks there already? 4. The victim card. In my past dealings with many of you here on PPP it's been alleged that Palestinians play the victim card more than anybody. Just watch the candidates sucking up to AIPAC and you'll learn how to truly play the victim card. By the way they were speaking you'd think Gaza is actually Israel and Israel is actually Palestine. I heard stuff like, "imagine rockets being launched at you. How can anyone live like that?" Yeah, well, imagine that. These people pretend like Gaza wasn't even touched and Israel is the one that's in shambles.
  6. Washing your privates after getting mutted doesn't actually constitute cleansing yourself. Wathu takes place five different times a day and is very hard to do throughout an average work day. Ceaning your privates, hands, face, head, arms, and feet during five specified times of the day is very difficult. The charity (zakat) is given to the poor and hungry. It's 2.5% of your money saved throughout the year. If everyone gave zakat that would end world hunger. Randomly pulling a number out of your ass doesn't change the fact it's difficult to make that pilgrimage to Mecca. Over 10,000 American Muslims make that trip annually. Over 14 million people make Hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca) from around the world. Fasting is done by the majority of Muslims world-wide and from my personal experience over 90% of the Muslims I know observe fasting during the month of Ramadan. Very difficult to do. It's easy for you to make light of these things but if you actually did them you'd know better. Unfortunately there are people out there that take it upon themselves to punish those people you mentioned in your last statement. Obviously it's the vast minority. Most people leave the punishment to God.
  7. Does your son have a boyfriend?Does your daughter have a girlfriend? Did your son chop off his pecker? Does your daughter walk around with a condom in her pocket? Did your dad get drunk and whip on one of his wives? Is your family alcoholics? Anyone addicted to drugs? Did anyone in your family shoot up a school? Or maybe their job? You asked for that, !@#$. No discipline? I suppose doing wathu (washing yourself) 5 times a day, praying 5 times a day, giving zakat (charity) to the poor, making a pilgrimage to Mecca and Fasting in the month of Ramadan doesn't require any discipline at all. Yeah. You're right. Smh. I wasn't dodging your question. I mentioned twice that I live in Miami and our imams preach peace. Maybe not the answer you're looking for, but I did answer you.
  8. That wasn't my intention. But you know me better than I do.
  9. Believe it or not I might be in favor of Trump's plan to go after the family of terrorists. Hey, if it persuades these ppl to stop I'm all for it. It's worth a shot.
  10. Prison. Possibly death sentence depending on their level of participation.
  11. I don't blame people for hating Muslims. I understand. I can only speak to you fine folk and pray I change a mind or two (not f'in likely). Lol. This is the only forum I participate in.
  12. I don't have a clue. How could I? Like I said. I only go to one masjid. They speak about terrorism and how wrong it is. What more can they do?
  13. If it can be proven then they need to be dealt with. IDK. I live in Miami. My masjid condemns these attacks.
  14. Yes, it angers me beyond belief. And yes something has to be done to stop them. Execution is the punishment for murder.
  15. The Islamic scriptures will never be changed. Nor should it. I read the same thing those guys do but I interpret it differently than those terrorists do. These terrorists, by the way, weren't devout Muslims to begin with. The recruiters go after the weak. The ones that use drugs and alcohol and many of them still do.
  16. How do you put those two things together like that? Is it on purpose?? Of course they should do everything in their power to prevent terrorism and in many instances they do. Many terrorist attacks are thwarted by information provided by Muslims. That's a fact. Am I wrong? Do you expect me to go investigate terror cells in America because I'm an American Muslim? Where would I even begin?
  17. That's just like saying we Americans need to stop mass shooters, domestic abusers and drug dealing. The majority of Muslims are average everyday people. They're not police. They're not soldiers.
  18. Of course you do. The terrorists agree with you and him. The funny thing is the vast majority (99%) of Muslims in the world subscribe to Dr Naik's way of thinking because it's the truth. No. It wouldn't and it shouldn't either. All of those issues you mentioned are cultural or political. The religion has nothing to do with it.
  19. Read the whole thing. I'm sure you're happy with this guy's interpretation of the Quran. It fits your vision of Islam. But I can do the same thing with other people's interpretations as well. Who's right? Who's wrong? Surah 9 verse 5 This verse is quoted during a battle. ...We know that America was once at war with Vietnam. Suppose the President of America or the General of the American Army told the American soldiers during the war: Wherever you find the Vietnamese, kill them. Today if I say that the American President said, Wherever you find Vietnamese, kill them without giving the context, I will make him sound like a butcher. But if I quote him in context, that he said it during a war, it will sound very logical, as he was trying to boost the morale of the American soldiers during the war. ...Similarly in Surah Taubah chapter 9 verse 5 the Quran says, Kill the Mushriqs (pagans) where ever you find them, during a battle to boost the morale of the Muslim soldiers. What the Quran is telling Muslim soldiers is, dont be afraid during battle; wherever you find the enemies kill them. Surah Taubah chapter 9 verse 6 gives the answer to the allegation that Islam promotes violence, brutality and bloodshed. It says: If one amongst the Pagans ask thee for asylum, grant it to him, so that he may hear the word of Allah; and then escort him to where he can be secure that is because they are men without knowledge. [Al-Quran 9:6] -Dr Naik Surah 9 verse 29 This verse doesnt ask the Muslims to do mindless slaughter as the media portrays or deceives. It gives the Muslims the permission to fight only those non-Muslims who do not pay jizya the state tax. And we all know that jizya is applicable only in an Islamic state. Neither India, nor US or Britain are Islamic states. So to put this verse as an excuse for what happened there only shows how biased, unknowledgable and unfair the media is and it hurts us deeply.
  20. Smh. May the victims RIP. I'm disgusted.
  21. https://theintercept.com/2016/03/09/bernie-sanders-won-americas-largest-arab-community-by-being-open-to-them/
  22. Why does this remind me of, "there is no flag for pass interference". Lol Glad they finally caught the scum.
  23. I agree. I'm merely pointing out the obvious.
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