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Everything posted by Justice

  1. Can't it be about both issues?? Is that possible? I mean he ain't killing 50 people with a knife, right? I support guns too, but you gotta admit it's a problem.
  2. No way this terrorist acted alone. How can one man kill that many?
  3. No chance it was a hate crime against gays? Not like that it makes it any better. 50 dead. So sad.
  4. On my. Wtf!!! I'm so pissed right now. RIP to all those affected.
  5. The prophet Muhammad prophesied times and actions like these would come. I found this in an article from the Huffington Post: A study of the traditions of the Prophet Muhammad also demonstrates that he warned us of the rise of religious extremism in this age in astonishing detail. 1,400 years ago, he prophesized that a time would come when nothing would remain of Islam but its name, nothing of the Quran but its word, and that many Mosques would be splendidly furnished but destitute of guidance (Mishkatul Masabih). In these latter days, the true spiritual essence of Islam would be lost, and religion, for the most part, would be reduced to a ritualistic compulsion. He foretold that the clergy would be corrupt and be a source of strife during these times. He also went on to describe terrorist groups such as ISIS that would try to hijack the Islamic faith. At this time of dissension, he said there would appear a group of young people who would be immature in thought and foolish. They would speak beautiful words but commit the most heinous of deeds. They would engage in so much prayer and fasting that the worship of the Muslims would appear insignificant in comparison. They would call people to the Quran but would have nothing to do with it in reality. The Quran would not go beyond their throats, meaning they wouldnt understand its essence at all, merely regurgitating it selectively. The Prophet then went on to describe these people as the worst of the creation. We may not be there yet, but we're getting there.
  6. It's tough. Especially this time of year when days are long. My family breaks fast at 8:10
  7. He is. It was an interfaith service.
  8. Thank you. I can't fast this year because I have hypertension. Can't say I miss it. Lol.
  9. RIP to those Israelis that lost their lives.
  10. Rabbi Michael Lerner gave an excellent speech at Muhammad Ali's funeral that took a lot of courage. Much like Ali, he spoke his mind without fear or doubt. We need more people like him in this world. God bless. http://screengrabber.deadspin.com/rabbi-michael-lerner-brings-down-the-house-at-muhammad-1781776788
  11. RIP, Ali. Truly an all-time great.
  12. Yeah. We should. Then after that maybe we can rid ourselves of the bigots and racists. I'm tired of having to defend myself. I oppose terrorism just as much as the next man.
  13. May they all RIP. How horrific.
  14. How fascinating! This feels like National Geographic. Only we're not in the wild studying lions or tigers. We're in an !@#$'s natural habitat (the internet) and it appears as though said !@#$ doesn't know he's an !@#$.
  15. Another example of why you're an arrogant idiot. You actually think I don't know? You actually think that's why I called you an !@#$? I called you an !@#$ because you insult people as if you're somehow better. You're not. !@#$ing poser.
  16. What an !@#$. Smh. I know you don't behave this way live and in person. You'd get ass whipped for it by someone that does that kind of thing.
  17. No. I'm not saying that at all. I pointed out that it wasn't reported here.
  18. Well, anyways, RIP to those that lost their lives in the attack. Notice how nobody else said that? And when I say nobody I'm referring to those that participated in this thread since I mentioned it, but hey, at least we got a, "Radical Muslim group blows up random innocent Muslims....in other news today There is a 60% chance of rain", response.
  19. Dude, you post EVERYTHING. The fact you missed this one story is telling. You've posted far less atrocities in terms of body count. I did answer the question. I was waiting for someone like you to post it. Why would I post it first when I had the sneaky suspicion that no one would. And I am looking for balance. That's why I pointed it out.
  20. It's quite obvious. I wasn't referring to the media I was talking about the people here that post every single attack like the copy-n-paste guy aka B-Man, but don't bother to mention it when ISIS murders 60 plus Muslims.
  21. Great response!!! Amazing!!! Your brilliance puts me in awe. Here's a suggestion. Go buy a book on insults and comebacks. Read it. Memorize it. Utilize it. You're incapable of doing it on your own. You insult people in the same exact manner as a 4 year old.
  22. Yep. That's the one. Lol
  23. Lol. Very funny, but the apple line should clarify it for you. Lol
  24. The guy reminds me of the douche-bag from Good Will Hunting. How you like them apples??
  25. Really, bro? That wasn't my point. Guess YOU aren't smart enough to figure that out. Besides, did you even see much televised coverage of that attack??? NO, you DUMB-!@#$. It wasn't as nearly covered as those other attacks. Yeah... I highly doubt that. Like I said, I waited to see if anyone else here would post it in the same manner they report the other terrorist attacks. Sorry to break to you folks, but DCTom isn't nearly as intelligent as he claims to be. The man is book-smart, I'll give him that, but that's where it ends. He's incapable of having any type of critical thought.
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