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Everything posted by Justice

  1. The Feds investigated Omar, but couldn't find anything. This guy must have been a lone-wolf with no real ties to any terrorist organization. Inspired by them? Sure. Hate drove this guy.
  2. Why thank you for that acknowledgement there, Sir. lol. Cheers to you as well. Btw. I'm against alcohol, but I would never try to stop anyone else from drinking. Is that okay, DC? These types of things make me angry. I hate violence. I hate terrorism. When I get angry I may spout out some ideas without totally thinking it through. Seemed like a good idea at the time but you guys made me think about it. Can't start stripping us of our rights. Then the terrorists truly win.
  3. If I'm wrong then I'm wrong. Glad I am. Just had to ask. I didn't want to assume incorrectly. Defense mechanism? I have nothing to defend. Absolutely nothing. Can you explain what happened with your link that said an imam said gays must die out of compassion?
  4. I suppose you're right. We can't just simply suspend rights of us US citizens for no reason. I can admit when I'm wrong.
  5. Must be out there looking for something to copy-n-paste. Come on! This is your chance! Speak your mind.
  6. Yes. IMAM SPEAKING IN ORLANDO SAID GAYS MUST BE KILLED OUT OF COMPASSION. Imam in Orlando said that? It's in that link? I can't seem to find that quote. I'm curious there copy and paste guy. What should be done about terrorism in your opinion? Tell me if I'm wrong but I believe you'd like to see Muslims either wiped off the face of the earth or just here in the US. Am I wrong? You keep sending the same message over and over and over again. I think we get it. Islamic terrorists are a problem. Now what?
  7. I don't know what I can say. I hate guns, but I don't want to stop others from purchasing them unless the FBI or the like have good reason to investigate you for possible ties to terrorism.
  8. Unless you're a felon. Then it's okay, right?
  9. It's not a contradiction. Why is everything so cut and dried with some of you people? I don't like guns but I support that right for those that do. Is that too hard to grasp?
  10. I'm fine with that. I don't like guns anyways. If they have reason to investigate there should be a freeze of your right to purchase firearms. I don't think other rights should be revoked. Just your right to bear arms.
  11. If the Feds have good enough reason to be investigating you for ties to terrorism then yes. What could it hurt to prevent some individuals from purchasing firearms?
  12. The Feds have been watching him and yet he's permitted to purchase two firearms in the last few weeks?
  13. I thought they said he pledged an allegiance to ISIS?
  14. Am I the only one that suspects more terrorist shooters were involved?
  15. My point is I don't believe he acted alone. And if he didn't they need to find his accomplices. An AR-15 is a rather large weapon. My guess is the door man got hit first. It's not like this terrorist scum can sneak this gun in.
  16. Muslim or not. This type of thing happens far too often in our nation.
  17. The guy has to change clips, right?
  18. Can't it be about both issues?? Is that possible? I mean he ain't killing 50 people with a knife, right? I support guns too, but you gotta admit it's a problem.
  19. No way this terrorist acted alone. How can one man kill that many?
  20. No chance it was a hate crime against gays? Not like that it makes it any better. 50 dead. So sad.
  21. On my. Wtf!!! I'm so pissed right now. RIP to all those affected.
  22. The prophet Muhammad prophesied times and actions like these would come. I found this in an article from the Huffington Post: A study of the traditions of the Prophet Muhammad also demonstrates that he warned us of the rise of religious extremism in this age in astonishing detail. 1,400 years ago, he prophesized that a time would come when nothing would remain of Islam but its name, nothing of the Quran but its word, and that many Mosques would be splendidly furnished but destitute of guidance (Mishkatul Masabih). In these latter days, the true spiritual essence of Islam would be lost, and religion, for the most part, would be reduced to a ritualistic compulsion. He foretold that the clergy would be corrupt and be a source of strife during these times. He also went on to describe terrorist groups such as ISIS that would try to hijack the Islamic faith. At this time of dissension, he said there would appear a group of young people who would be immature in thought and foolish. They would speak beautiful words but commit the most heinous of deeds. They would engage in so much prayer and fasting that the worship of the Muslims would appear insignificant in comparison. They would call people to the Quran but would have nothing to do with it in reality. The Quran would not go beyond their throats, meaning they wouldnt understand its essence at all, merely regurgitating it selectively. The Prophet then went on to describe these people as the worst of the creation. We may not be there yet, but we're getting there.
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