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Everything posted by Justice

  1. What does that tell me? Absolutely nothing. It's what you do behind closed doors that define you.
  2. Yeah. GTFOOH with this crap. Mathematically impossible and I'll tell you why. I know 100s of Muslims and none of them are radicals. Not a single one. If this guy was correct then odds are heavily in favor of me knowing one.
  3. Islam is a way of life. You have to practice it in order to be one.
  4. My point exactly. These people aren't Muslim. I'm sure anybody here that's religious or at least informed about religion know for a fact you can't laugh in God's face. We all know how it works when you repent. It has to be straight from the heart.
  5. Until I hear otherwise I'm sticking with my theory. Somewhere in his sick and twisted mind he didn't want to be known as gay, so he decided to shoot up his favorite gay club. He was definitely hiding the fact he was gay because he drove so far away to visit one on the regular. He didn't want to run into anybody that knew him.
  6. You couldn't be more wrong. If he was Islamic he wouldn't have killed anybody.
  7. Lol. Got me. No. Of course not. lol. That and he's been there dozens of times. Was he staking it out? Doubt it. You don't get drunk on a stakeout. You don't join gay apps.
  8. If he thinks he's going to heaven for these actions then he's one of the biggest idiots ever.
  9. The dude was definitely gay. I don't know any terrorists, but it's safe to say they don't frequent gay clubs and get drunk. If they do they're not very Islamic, are they?
  10. Shooting up a room full of people ain't enough proof for you that he is that dumb?
  11. I pledge allegiance to the Bills. That don't make me one. Like I said, he did it cover up his sexual identity.
  12. I agree with DR's take. I'm not so sure this is terrorism. Self hating homosexual. Maybe he wanted to take this route so people wouldn't suspect he's gay. If so, it backfired.
  13. I wouldn't have done that. I would've ran as fast and as far away as I could. He's probably gonna hear the pounding on that door the rest of his life.
  14. Orlando Shooting Survivor Holds Exit Door Shut ?! https://youtu.be/1Agt0A1Fcrg
  15. He was a witness and he spoke again today. He spoke during the night and during sunrise. That makes 3 times now that he's spoken. Here's his interview from today. http://abcnews.go.com/US/orlando-shooting-survivor-recounts-moments-gunfire-off-club/story?id=39813398
  16. Well then stop telling your account of 9/11. You were there, right? Your take is unreliable. Even the fat guys? Wow. Smh. Missed that point too. Why was he permitted to speak to the media if you're statement about in custody was 100% correct?
  17. I'm not buying that. You trying to say the fat guy was the exemption to the rule? And yes they might be in custody at first but eventually they do get released and yet we still hear nothing. Eye-witnesses can't be counted on? Tell that to the courts. You can say SOME are unreliable. You can't say ALL of them are.
  18. I'm not saying there is a conspiracy going on here, but I do find it unusual how there's always a lack of eye-witnesses being interviewed on television. The fat guy with the beard was the only one I saw and he was interviewed during the night and the day and aired on all the networks.
  19. Possibly, but he did say the sound was drawing closer.
  20. True, but some things can easily be explained and some can't. Maybe he heard the echo from the gunshots and thought there was a second shooter, but how can you explain the person at the door preventing people from exiting?
  21. It was only a matter of time before a witness says there was a second shooter and here he is. Claims he heard two guns going off simultaneously and said there was a person at the door telling people to remain indoors. Interesting. Thoughts? https://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=HZ35V0etHiM
  22. It's this type of crap that pisses me off too. If someone is behaving that way then you should do something about it.
  23. Wipe out every terrorist on the planet and we'd still have mass killings. What can we really do to prevent it?
  24. Fortunately someone was captured with an arsenal in his car somewhere in California. He was supposedly heading to a gay pride festival.
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